Communication Changes – Announcing the Weekly ARC2020 Briefing!

ARC2020 is about to introduce a weekly briefing – here’s why.

It seems both grandiose and mundane to say that the communication landscape is ever changing. It is still, however, no less true a statement to make. And we in ARC2020 need to be nimble.  We have to make informed speculations about how people will want to receive their news, and interact with others, online. So let’s just say that we think – with good reason –  people are annoyed by some aspects of social media. The manipulation inherent in how ‘free-to-use’ social media works worries people.

The solution? More direct communications into your inbox. So that’s newsletters and briefings. We have a monthly option and a brand new weekly briefing.

This weekly briefing will be a simple, sleek email with short excerpts and links to the week’s most significant articles. And nothing else.  

Subscribe to our NEW Weekly Brief

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Our Monthly Newsletter

We want to move more into communicating directly with genuinely interested people, and our monthly newsletter is a great way to do this. We have had a newsletter from the earliest days of ARC2020. Our many subscribers really are a collection of agri-food and rural stakeholders. In our newsletter, we round up all the month’s news in a free monthly mail out, along with an freshly written editorial.


Our NEW weekly Briefing

We want to give people the option of a weekly briefing too, which will be more current. This will be a simple, sleek briefing with short excerpts and links to the week’s most significant articles. And nothing else.

Subscribe to our Weekly Brief

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Guess What? We Still Have an RSS Feed!

Its true! We still have an RSS feed. Its at that link back there and its also, really simply /feed/ after our address: .  In the fight against fake news and the dominion of the algorithm, RSS feeds may well return in popularity. All our articles get updated here every time one is uploaded. Simply add us to, for example, your bookmarks toolbar on Mozilla, and every article is there, easily accessible.

There is Facebook

Facebook’s change of algorithm has made it difficult for non-spenders to be displayed in the news feeds of people. We are a dedicated, specialist NGO, with a specific set of readers. We think there are better ways to spend our scare resources than by giving them to facebook for adverts. We’d rather spend the money on correspondents, researching and report writing.

That said, a communications rule often repeated is – bring your messages to where people are, not to where you think people should be. So if you do use facebook, here is our page  – go ahead and give it a like if you are inclined.

More importantly, if you are to see our content on facebook, do consider selecting us as a priority news feed. This means you’ll see our content when it’s published. Here’s how:

  1. Please go to that little triangle on the top right of your facebook page. Then…
  2. Click on “new feed preferences” (see image). Then…
  3. Click on “prioritise who to see first”… and then
  4. Click on “add ARC2020”.


Twitter works

Twitter is still performing strongly for us – it functions more as a peer to peer communication tool for agri-food and rural practitioners. We have a good solid reach to a range of stakeholders from various locations in the agri-food system – advisors, policy officers, extension workers, farmers, advocates, academics, politicians, journalists and more. So if you use twitter – do join in on the conversation – our twitter account is lively and very current.

There are so many ways to keep and stay in touch – let’s communicate.