Latest from key partners

Genetic Engineering and Generative AI: An Explosive Mix

The field of plant biotechnology is undergoing a profound transformation. The rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools is fundamentally reshaping the way genetic engineering is conducted. AI-driven genetic engineering may be vulnerable to well-known limitations of AI, such as the black box effect, hallucinations and data errors, raising concerns that plants with undesirable traits could be engineered and released into the environment. How should the EU respond? Benny Haerlin and Franziska Achterberg of Save our Seeds summarise findings of the organisation’s report When Chatbots Breed New Plant Varieties.  […]

Latest from Brussels

EU’s Competitiveness Compass – North-Pointing or are Things Heading South for Agri Policy?

Competitiveness is the key word of this new Von der Leyen Commission 2.0 – and the EU’s new ‘Competitive Compass’ is supposed to steer it onto a path towards security and economic prosperity. But far from pointing North, many see it as a sign of things heading South for the green and agricultural transition over the next 5 years. Natasha Foote breaks down what you need to know.  […]

Latest from EU Member States

WHES | “We Must Continue” – Determined Farmers & Friends Will March On

As Germany’s election season plays out, agriculture and environmental issues are notably absent from campaign agendas. Nonetheless, at Berlin’s annual Wir haben es satt protest, farmers and activists marched – without the usual tractors – demanding a food system that protects the climate, nature, animal welfare and rural communities. Hours earlier, the alliance held a final meeting with outgoing Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir. Claudia Schievelbein reports. […]

Main stories

Putting an X through X – ARC2020’s Decision on Social Media Platforms

For years, ARC2020 has relied on X (formerly Twitter) to connect with partners, amplify voices in agroecology, and foster vital conversations about rural resilience and sustainable food systems. But  the platform no longer serves as a conducive space for the kind of constructive engagement we strive for. Like many others, we have decided to leave the platform for good – and here’s why.  […]


„Wer Profitiert hier eigentlich?“ – Wir haben es satt! am 18. Januar. Kommt alle dazu!

Im Großen bringt in Berlin die „Wir haben es satt“-Demo seit über 10 Jahren Bauern Bäuerinnen, Umwelt- und Tierschützer:innen, Eine-Welt-Aktivist:innen und Verbraucher:innen zusammen in einem Bündnis, dass gute Lebensmittelerzeugung für Alle zum Thema macht. Für eine andere Agrarpolitik treffen sich auch dies Jahr am 18. Januar Menschen in Berlin, die sich sonst nicht unbedingt begegnen würden. Sie stellen sich unter dem gemeinsamen Motto: „Wer Profitiert hier eigentlich?“ gegen die einseitigen Profit-Interessen großer Konzerne und ihrer Verbandsvertreter:innen. Autorin: Claudia Schievelbein Read this article in English Ende November liegt wenig Licht über den Weichsel-Auen in Masowien mitten in Polen. Das flache Land, die wenigen knorrigen Bäume, am breiten Fluss die sich biegenden Weiden, in denen fast immer Nebelfetzen hängen – fast mystisch mutet die dünn besiedelte Gegend rund um den einzeln liegenden Hof von Ewa und Peter Stratenwerth in Grzybów an. Es ist ein besonderer Ort, nicht nur wegen des bald hundert Jahren allen blauen Bauernhauses aus Holz oder weil kurz vor der frühen Dämmerung riesige Formationen aus Kranichen so flach über den Himmel ziehen, dass die […]

Main stories

Who Is Actually Profiting Here? – Uniting for Common Good at #WHES25 

On Saturday January 18th, demonstrators in Berlin will take to the streets to say: “We are fed up with agri-industry!”. Ahead of the 15th annual Wir haben es satt! demo, Claudia Schievelbein of the Bauernstimme and AbL, reflects on the Weaving Common Ground gathering held in Poland last November, transition fatigue in agriculture and the need for better understanding between rural and urban areas.  […]

Latest from EU Member States

From Local Roots to Global Vision: ARC2020 President Welcomes 2025

From rural resilience to democratic revival, ARC2025 charts a transformative path for Europe. At first glance it may sound just like a wishful dream. But in fact it is an invitation to take action. Europe will be challenged this year by those who do not want to see it united and strong. But old nationalism and new geopolitical confrontations from East and West will also stimulate our civic courage. We see so many pioneering local initiatives leading the way across Europe setting up new farming and food systems: Farmers, local businesses and leaders of change, including researchers and forward-thinking politicians. Have a dream! It helps against sleepwalking into a nightmare. Taking action with others will make the dream, however big, a reality! […]