Soup&Talk and The Transatlantic – European workshop on TTIP
After the “We are fed up!” demo 17.01.2015 at Heinrich-Boell-Foundation
Everyone who has the time and inclination after the demo on the 17th of January can join us at the Heinrich Boell Foundation, less than 10 minutes from the Chancellor’s Office, to warm up and strengthen the body and spirit. There will be hot soup and drinks from Fläming Kitchen/Wam Kat and the “Schnippeldisko” (Disco Soup), and space for conversation and hugs.
Soup&Talk – Political Idea Stew (starts 3 pm)
Initiatives and activists from Germany, Europe and overseas reporting on their campaigns and discussing successes with their demonstrations and actions. All those with something to contribute are invited to do so! “Could have, should have, would have” attitudes are not invited; we are looking for “we do, we have, we dream, we will, and join in!”.
Preliminary List of Speakers
Barbara Unmüßig | Böll Stiftung | Opening |
Benny Haerlin | Save Our Seeds | Welcome Message |
Valentin Thurn | Filmemacher | 10 Milliarden |
Barbara Geiger | Fräulein Brehms Tierleben | Fräulein Brehms Tierleben hymenoptera – Die wilden Bienen |
Elizabeth Mpofu | Via Campesina Africa | Food Souvereignity: Small Scale Farmers in Zimbabwe |
Veronica Veneziano | Food Assembly DE | Die Food Assembly: Der neue Bauermarkt |
Anke Kähler | Die Bäcker | Die Bäcker. und das SAAT-GUT-BROT |
Martin Hollants | BI Uns stinkts schon lange | Museum der Massentierhaltung |
Zayaan Khan | Jungendbewegung Slow Food | Land Reform and Food Sovereignty in South Africa |
Guido Grüner | ALSO | Höhere Hartz-IV-Sätze für bäuerliche Landwirtschaft |
Rita Surita und Ingrid Giesel | CAPA Brasilien | Eine Uni Mensa mit Essen von regionalen Biobauern aus der Umgebung |
Kathrin Kuna | Markthalle Neun | Stadt Land Food |
Klára Havlová | Friends of the Earth Czech Republic | Local Food for Local People |
Anja und Janusz Hradetzky | Öko-Hof Stolze Kuh | Die Kuhaktie: Neue Solidarische Landwirtschaft |
Sandra Espeja | Amigos de la Tierra (FoE Spain) | Improve cooperation between farmers and consumers |
Julia Bartal & Asylsuchender aus Syrien mit bäuerlichem Hintergrund | 15 Gardens Syria | Junge Landwirt*innen in Syrien |
Paula Gioia | Nyéléni | – Bewegung zur Ernährungssouveränität. |
Petra Wähning und Marita Urfey | Taste of Heimat | Taste of Heimat – damit jede Region besonders isst |
Olcay Bingol | Çiftçi-Sen (La Via Campensina Turkey) | The struggle of small scale farmers in Turkey |
Jutta Sundermann | Aktion Agrar | Tierfabriken den Gülle-Hahn zudrehen |
Pavlos Pavlos Georgiadis | ARC2020 | Mapping Greece’s food system |
Dr. Jutta Weinmann, Dr. Preuß-Überschär | Ärzteinitiative gegen Massentierhaltung | Tierärztliches Forum für verantwortbare Landwirtschaft |
Oliver Moore | ARC2020 | Agroecology and CAP: What’s possible and what should there be more of? |
Willi Lehnert | Bündnis Junge Landwirtschaft | Landgrabbing in Ostdeutschland |
Tristram Stuart | Feedback | Food Waste |
Rainer Sagawe | Terra Preta | Der Pyrolyseofen zum Selbermachen |
Samuel Feret | ARC2020 | Europe’s Common Agricultural Policy: Challenges and Achievements |
Janna Aljets | Bundjugend | Weltbewussterleben |
Gerald Miles | GM Free Cymru | Genetic Engeneeing Network |
Severin Halder | Stadtgärten | Das Manifest |
Hannes Lorenzen | ARC2020 | Öko-Verein Pellworm |
Ute Scheub | Futur2 | Ackergifte? Nein Danke! |
Gerhard Roth | VEN | Freie Saatgutvielfalt |
Theresa Patzschke | Contemporary Food Lab | Contemporary Food Lab |
Monika Schierenberg | EcoMujer | Schulgartenprojekt in Cuba |
Florian Kliem | 2000 m² | Projekt Ein Feld. Ein Mensch. Ein Jahr |
Otto Schürweis | Ein Bio-Milchbauer läuft durch Deutschland | “Wir haben es satt!”: 450 km Barfuss zur Demo |
Matthias Stührwoldt | Farmer and Author | Bauernparty |
Transatlantic – European workshop on TTIP (starts 5 pm)
“TTIP – a threat on healthy food and sustainable agriculture?”
All over Europe and in the US more and more citizens are concerned about a new wave of deregulation by so-called “free trade agreements”. The most prominent is TTIP, the EU-USA FTA – but also the EU-Canada agreement CETA which is a kind of blueprint for TTIP. Food and agriculture are key elements why people oppose these agreements. This discussion is not about what’s in TTIP and why we should oppose it – it is about who is active against TTIP in the movement for good food and good farming, what happens in Germany and other countries, and what we can do after the demonstration. Come and join us – and get in touch with other activists!
Preliminary List of Inputs
Karen Hansen-Huhn (IATP) State of debate in the US
Robert Pedersen (ARC2020) Public Procurement and Health aspects
Hannes Lorenzen (EFA/Greens) State of debate in the European Parliament
Pia Eberhard (CEO)
Mute Schimpf (FOE) The EU NGO caucus and its plans
Berith Thomsen (AbL) Origin labelling and background
NN, France TTIP opposition in France
Walter Haefeker (EU/D beekeeper) TTIP and bees
Nelly Grotefendt (FUE) upcoming day of transatlantic action – April 18
Stephanie D. Roth (EBI) European Citizens Initiative
Moderator: Jürgen Maier (Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung / Unfairhandelbar)