Hackathon to devise ways of promoting rural development under COVID19 conditions

"The European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in partnership with the Georgian Innovations and Technologies Agency (GITA), the Agriculture and Rural Development Agency (ARDA) and the non-governmental organization ForSet, are launching hackathon to devise ways of promoting rural development under COVID19 conditions. The first invites innovative thinkers to focus on eight rural municipalities. What we want to achieve" http://enpard.ge/en/innovating-solutions-rural-development-georgia/?fbclid=IwAR1QIsqBc-Vnoe2Ajh5NJsbgE6PqKTdW_pFe818tIi7AU1K5rWtQHBOKmG4

Your Land, My Land, Our Land: Grassroots Strategies to Preserve Farmland and Access to Land for Peasant Farming and Agroecology

On May 28th the Nyéléni Europe and Central Asia platform for Food Sovereignty published a handbook to provide the food sovereignty movement with ideas that support local struggles for land. This webinar will see the launch of this practical tool to support and strengthen land struggles for small and medium-scale food producers and local communities. The handbook will be presented by speakers from ECVC, Eco Ruralis, Terre de Liens and Terre-en-vue who will link it to their work in and beyond Europe. To read the document in advance of the webinar see here. You can register for the webinar here.

Can Small Farms and Food Businesses improve peoples access to more and better food in our globalised world?

SALSA - Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security - is a Horizon2020 funded research project which aims to provide a deeper understanding of the role of small farms and small food businesses in meeting the sustainable food and nutrition (FNS) challenge.  On June 25th the project’s final conference will take place in two main parts. Beginning at 10:00 (CET) Part A will summarise the main results of the SALSA project.  From 11:30 (CET), Part B will focus on enabling governance and policy recommendations for small farms and small food businesses.

Food Talks: How food can save the world

The #FoodTalks series presents a discussion with Carolyn Steel, an expert on food, cities and transformative change, and the author of ‘Sitopia: How Food Can Save the World’ and 'Hungry Cities'. Additionaly, the webinar will feature stories from people on the ground who are taking positive climate action. There will also be an opportunity for viewers to get involved and discuss 'how we can all be emergency respondents now' You can register for the webinar here

“Learning Landscape Online Symposium”

Over the course of four days, Burrenbeo Trust are bringing together leading national and international specialists around the theme of the importance of valuing your local place in a post-Covid world. Speakers include: journalist and author of 'Last Child in the Woods', Richard Louv who will discuss the New Nature Movement; the deputy chair of the Commission on Education and Communication (CEC) of the IUCN, Katalin Czippán who will give a talk on Why and How to Connect with Nature; and author and environmentalist, David Sobel who will be sharing his insights on place-based eduction in public schools. See here for further information.

“How to ensure a Just Transition towards net zero? State of play from Scotland, New Zealand, France and the UK”

This web-conference, organised by the Scottish Government's Paris Hub in partnership with IDDRI and with the support of Sciences Po's  "Make it work" initiative, will present Scotland's approach to climate change and the just transition. The experiences of France, New Zealand and the UK in these areas will also be explored. For further details and information on how to register, see here.  

EURACTIV Twitter Chat

On 9 July at 12:30 EURACTIV are holding a Twitter Chat on the topic: "EU agriculture and trade - Free trade agreements: help or hindrance for the EU agrifood sector?" @eaAgriFood will be tweeting out the following questions for twitter users to get involved: Q1: How can trade help support some of the agrifood sectors most affected by COVID-19? Q2: How can the EU balance the promotion of short supply chains in the F2F with the thrust towards increased agrifood export? Q3: Mercosur: the next big thing or too many expectations? Q4: What are the implications for the EU-UK trade relationship if the UK chooses to move away from EU standards?   See here for an example of a previous EURACTIV Twitter Chat.

“Dealing with Extreme Weather in Agriculture”

This web-conference organised by the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) will address the threats that extreme weather conditions pose to global food security and rural livelihoods. Bringing together a multidisciplinary group of speakers, the online event will present findings that contribute to a better quantification of climate and weather risks in agricultural production and provide insights into efficient risk management solutions.  See here for more information.

Good Food For All – Averting a COVID-19 hunger crisis [EN/FR]

** Français ci-dessous** Join the Ceres2030 and the SDG2 Advocacy Hub for a virtual event to be held on July 21, 2020, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. (CET). COVID-19 has caused massive disruptions to almost every aspect of our food systems, making the invisible visible. New hunger numbers released on July 13 in the 2020 State of Nutrition and Food Security in the World report and costing from Ceres2030 will drive the conversation on greater equity and the path to delivering good food for all. Date: 21 July, 1:30pm to 3:00pm (CEST) Interpretation:  Simultaneous interpretation into French will be available. Check out the event webpage here. Speakers Introductory remarks Maximo Torero, Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Development Department, FAO Carin Smaller, Director, Agriculture, Trade and Investment, International Institute for Sustainable development (IISD) – Ceres2030 Panelists Agnes Kalibata, UN Special Envoy for 2021 Food Systems Summit  Karina Gould, Minister of International Development, Canada  Thanawat Tiensin, Chairperson of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS)  Esther Penunia, Asian Farmers' Association  Elizabeth Mpofu, Via Campesina  Gerda Verburg, Coordinator of the Scaling Up Nutrition [...]

European Coordination Let’s Liberate Diversity 12th Forum

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

What’s happening?  A forum for people working with seeds, agrobiodiversity and food systems, in Dublin, Ireland, 26-28th October. After 15 years of cooperation among partners from various countries, the European Coordination Let’s Liberate Diversity! (ECLLD!) has recognised the importance of creating a platform to facilitate the exchange of experiences, perspectives, and insights among its members. This platform encourages local actions to promote diversity within our food systems. To achieve this, ECLLD! connects the experiences and efforts of different individuals and groups, including farmers, gardeners, researchers, and small seed companies. The annual European meetings of the Let's Liberate Diversity! Forum (LLD) are one way to do this.  Register for the forum Register for the field trips and workshops DUBLIN LLD Programme Organised by the European Coordination Let’s Liberate Diversity and hosted in different European countries on a rotating basis, these gatherings represent a vibrant convergence of knowledge and expertise. These three-day forums offer a unique opportunity for participants to come together, share ideas, and collectively explore the vital theme of cultivated diversity and dynamic seed management. [...]

European Action Gathering for Sustainable Food Systems

Technologie- & Tagungszentrum, Marburg, Germany Software-Center 3, Marburg, Germany

In Marburg, Germany, on November 6th - 8th 2023, ARC2020, Kollektiv von Morgen and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL) are hosting a European Action Gathering - A rural bridge between sustainable agri and food policies in the EU.

Seeds of Europe: Giving a voice to small producers

European Parliament 60 rue Wiertz, Brussels, Belgium

Seeds4All is pleased to contribute to the organisation of a public event in the European Parliament on the upcoming seed law reform. As well as a screening of the documentary "Seeds of Europe", a panel discussion will tackle the issues of producing and marketing seeds in the EU. Sharing voices from the field, Seeds4All is working with projects partners to win political attention and support for the transition to seed-growing practices that promote ecology, short supply chains and the pleasure of eating! The event will be livestreamed, but those lucky enough to be present in person will enjoy a tasting of traditional Geuze beer produced by the 3 Fonteinen Brewerij from ancient varieties of cereals grown in Belgium, as well as a tasting of artisanal bread from the bakers of the Belgian network Au Coeur du Pain. Programme 19:00: Opening words by MEPs Tilly Metz and Martin Haüsling. 19:05: Screening of the documentary "Seeds of Europe" directed by Lennard Kleinschmidt and Lotta Schwenkert, spotlighting the work and legal demands of artisan seeds producers from Ireland, [...]