“This unique chance to start the transition of our agro-food system from industrial destruction to agro-ecological healing must not be lost! 2020 will be too late.”
Benedikt Haerlin, Foundation on Future Farming, Germany
“It is up to European citizens to give back the boldness that’s lacking in the Common Agricultural Policy – YES WE CAP!”
Samuel Ferét, Le groupe Pac 2013
“We cannot afford to lose this opportunity. We need a food and agriculture policy based on equity, health and sustainability – this means radically rethinking production and consumption.”
Robert Pederson, European Public Health and Agriculture Consortium
“Whether the CAP reform is green washing or greening, depends on whether the green part is mandatory GAEC (good agricultural and environmental condition) standards moving down or voluntary agri-environmental standards moving up.”
Henriette Christensen, Pesticide Action Network Europe