NewsFlash October 2015


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Hello and welcome to our newsletter!

As autumn appears and winter beckons, the twin peaks of climate change and TTIP loom large on the horizon.
We’ll be bringing you more on climate change than we previously have, with the upcoming Paris COP21 in mind. Areas we focused on, such as agroecological practices to help build soil carbon, will be explored under a new climate change light.
So this month, we bring you an international focus on climate change. We examine Brazil and its coffee industry with Pavlos Georgiadis: Drought is the new frost for coffee in Brazil.
October promises to be a big month for TTIP, with a week of actions coming up this month from the 10th. We’ll keep you posted on these events, as we do with the machinations of the EU political system as it tries to cope with the massive citizen’s revolt against this dodgy trade deal. Catch up on TTIP with our briefing notes and news.

Here’s a selection of other highlights from the month:

Finally, don’t forget to register for the upcoming event our partners Nourish Scotland are holding October 22nd and 23rd: Towards  a Citizen’s Agricultural Policy

Enjoy the read!

Dr. Oliver Moore and Luise Körner (Communications, AR2020)
#Arc2020 on twitter
#Arc2020 on facebook


French farmer takes Monsanto to court – and wins

French cereal farmer Paul François is the first French farmer to challenge Monsanto in a French court. After months in hospital due to his exposure to the Monsanto product Lassoo and a series of administrative and legal battles, The French state now recognises Parkinson’s disease and earlier this year added non-Hodgkins lymphoma to the list of occupational illnesses in the agricultural sector.

His story made the news globally. We have captured the facts and background info here.


Commission proposes replacing ISDS with… more of the same
“If the EU still regards the TTIP as a serious objective, today’s proposal is deeply flawed”, US Chamber of Commerce. Critics have rounded on yet another fudge by the EU Commission  on the highly controversial ISDS  – Investor State Dispute Settlement – element of TTIP. So it’s not just civil society organisations that have serious reservations with this new court, as proposed by the European Commission. An interesting turn of events, for sure. Our correspondent Oliver Moore has more. Check for updates and more on the issue here.


Agroforestry – saving the world with meat and sport

There are a number of threats facing small to medium sized livestock farmers in Europe. Beef and sheepmeat, being as they are so dependent on CAP payments, are especially vulnerable to cost-benefit analysis involving the EU. Following Alan Matthews’ very strong case for a move of land use from livestock to forestry, based on Ireland’s EU climate change commitments, we suggest a third option: agroforestry.


Upcoming Events and Policy Dates
October 4-8
Perth III: Mountains of Our Future Earth
in Perth, Scotland

October 19-22
DANUBIO 2015 in Novi Sad, Serbia

October 22-25
Rural youth and young farmers workshop
in Dronten, Netherlands

October 22-23
Towards a Citizens’ Agricultural Policy in Edinburgh, Scotland

Find all events listed on ARC2020 here.


CAP Webinar with Samuel Féret
Each month experts give a 30 minute webinar on one of the current issues in the implementation of the CAP on the Can EU CAP it?’ platform. In case you missed it: ARC2020’s Samuel Féret just delivered a webinar on the topic ‘CAP: greening or green-washing?’ which you find here.

Dr. Oliver Moore – 
Communications Manager

Luise Körner –
Communications Team


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