Is the way we farm animals and turn them into food part of the problem or the solution to the myriad of social and environmental issues we face today? This is the core question we address in a livestock debate series. You can also find all contributions in our brochure.
#livestockdebate on ARC2020
There is a perception that, when it comes to the farming end of the agri-food system, CAP is primarily about supporting land owners and family farms. Is this the case? And even if so, does [...]
Here you’ll find the Observation Letter to Wallonia’s CAP Strategic Plan which ARC2020 has obtained. In no less than 210 points, the Commission exposes a lack of strategy towards healthy, sustainable and economically viable food [...]
CAP Strategic Plans and Food Security: Fallow Lands, Feeds, and Transitioning the Livestock Industry
The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has sparked a debate on food security in Europe. Here, we set things straight on the derogation to allow production on fallow land, analyse the state of grain production [...] -
In this series, our authors and readers have approached the livestock debate from many perspectives – climate, animal ethics, economic and more. So what have we learned? […]
Shefali Sharma from IATP exposes how big meat corporations work to keep the game rigged towards business-as-usual – an as-usual that is running us into a climate change catastrophe #LivestockDebate final contribution before round up. [...]
Sheldon Frith comes back on criticisms of holistic management in his second and final contribution to the #LivestockDebate […]
How far do – and should – our sympathies extend? Frank Armstrong gives us his second contribution on the ethics of livestock. […]
Olivier De Schutter, Hans Herren and Emile Frison (on behalf of IPES-food) critically consider holistic management within the rubric of sustainable diets in our livestock debate. […]
Is a kilo of meat really as bad as flying to New York? Or does the soil store enough carbon to cope? Guest post by Miles King. […]
IATP’s Ben Lilliston exposes the vulnerability of big meat – from mass gassings and manure lagoons to climate change and human rights. Part of our #LivestockDebate Series. […]
Livestock management is quietly undergoing a massive transformation. It began in the 1970s when Allan Savory developed Holistic Management, and from there many farmers have continued to refine the art of grazing. […]
In the second in our livestock debate contributions, Frank Armstrong considers the Anthropocene, the inherent violence in meat and the knock on effects of this. […]
Olivier De Schutter, Hans Herren and Emile Frison (on behalf of the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) give ARC2020 the first contribution to the livestock debate – encompassing climate, sustainable diets [...]
We’re hosting a written debate on livestock and how it contributes – or otherwise – to a sustainable diet in the fullest sense. Join us! […]
More on Livestock
Marie Halicki, a newly established farmer in the French Alps shares with ARC2020 her fight against the BTV in 2024. […]
Here, Niels Peter Nørring Director of Climate and EU Policy at the Danish Agriculture and Food Council (DAFC) explains what’s in the Green Tripartite Agreement (GTA), which DAFC signed up to on June 25th, with a [...]
As protests by French farmers continue, we look deeper into the reasons for their frustration. Marie Halicki, a soon-to-be freshly installed farmer in the French Alps, shares her experience wading through the quagmire just to [...]
In this op-ed, Dr. Jeroen Candel of Wageningen University assesses the varying, sometimes contradictory pressures which have led to the current wave of farmers’ protests. In a context of short-term concessions and political expediency, of [...]
When it comes to greenhouse gas emissions reductions, there is a dynamic tension between the ambitious aims of the EU and its member states on the one hand, and the realities of embedded, entrenched elements [...]
The European Commission will not ban the export of live animals to non-EU countries in its forthcoming proposal on the protection of animals during transport, according to a leaked draft, instead opting to double down [...]
After years working towards clinching a free trade deal between Australia and the EU, talks went ‘down under’ on Sunday (29 October) in Osaka after the two sides beefed over market access for agricultural products. [...]
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