2022: Carbon Farming: Stakes, issues and alternatives
2022: CAP Strategic Plans: Reforming the CAP in Wartime
2022: Rural Europe Takes Action
2021: Farming Bounded By Our Biological Boundaries
2021: Bristol Bites Back
Bristol Bites Back | Fruits & Roots of Radical Resilience in South-West England
2021: Feeding Ourselves 2021 – Policy Report Ireland
Feeding Ourselves 2021 – Policy Report Ireland
2021: Post-2022 CAP in Trilogue Negotiations
2020: CAP Strategic Plans
2019: Rural Dialogues
2019: CAP in Poland
CAP in Poland Report, 2019
2019: Feeding Ourselves in Ireland
Feeding Ourselves Report, 2019
2018: #AgTechTakeBack
#AgTechTakeback Debate, 2018
2018: #SoilMatters
#SoilMatters Debate, 2018
2016: #LivestockDebate
#LivestockDebate, 2016
2015: Transitioning Towards Agroecology
Transitioning Towards Agroecology Brochure, 2015 (available in English, French, German, Romanian, Greek, Polish)
2013: Toolkit on CAP Implementation
Toolkit for Implementing Key Measures towards a Greener, Fairer, Local and a Smarter CAP at National/Regional Levels, 2013
2013: Briefing on the European Innovation Partnership
Implementing the EIP for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability in Rural Development programmes, 2013
2012: Agro-Ecology Innovation
Agro-ecology – Ten examples of success in agriculture, 2012
2010: ARC Communication
“A Communication from Civil Society to the European Union Institutions on the future Agricultural and Rural Policy”, 2010