Latest from the ARC network

Empowering Cities: The Missing Link in Europe’s Sustainable Food Future

Europe’s mounting crises present an opportunity to redesign our food systems. We need a comprehensive food policy framework that ensures resilience, sustainability and inclusivity – and promotes cooperation over competition. The new EU commission must harness the collective power of cities, rural communities and European policymakers. Op-ed by Anna Scavuzzo, Vice Mayor of Milan and David Dessers, Deputy Mayor of Leuven. […]

Latest from Brussels

Strategic Dialogue on Agriculture – what’s in it, what’s next?

The EU strategic dialogue on agriculture has finally spoken – and plenty has emerged. After 7 months of talks, this group of agrifood stakeholders presented a hefty 100+ page document including recommendations for the future shape of the agrifood sector to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, on Wednesday (4 September). The group hopes to steer her upcoming Vision for Agriculture and Food, and policies over the course of the next 5-year political cycle more widely. So what are the key takeaways? And what’s next? ARC’s Natasha Foote highlights the key headlines and ideas.  […]