Latest from Brussels

EU’s Competitiveness Compass – North-Pointing or are Things Heading South for Agri Policy?

Competitiveness is the key word of this new Von der Leyen Commission 2.0 – and the EU’s new ‘Competitive Compass’ is supposed to steer it onto a path towards security and economic prosperity. But far from pointing North, many see it as a sign of things heading South for the green and agricultural transition over the next 5 years. Natasha Foote breaks down what you need to know.  […]

Latest from Brussels

European Parliament backs Weakened EU Deforestation Law amid Voting Chaos

The European Parliament has voted in favour of the proposed one-year delay in the implementation of the EU’s new deforestation law and thrown its weight behind a new ‘no-risk’ category for countries. But amid voting system failures and more negotiations to come, the vote is far from the end of the story. Feeling bamboo-zled? Here Natasha Foote breaks down all you need to know.  […]

Latest from Brussels

What will the EU’s new ‘boots on the ground’ Agriculture Commissioner bring to the table?

The EU officially has a new agrifood chief after Christophe Hansen sailed through his hearing on Monday (4 November), winning the final seal of approval from the European Parliament. But what exactly does the self-styled “boots on the ground” Commissioner intend to bring to the table? Natasha Foote breaks down the key things to know from Commissioner Hansen’s hearing. […]

Latest from Brussels

Commissioner-Hopefuls Hint at Road Ahead

Last week the new crop of wannabe Commissioners faced the first round of questioning from the European Parliament. Meanwhile, the Agriculture and Fisheries Council signs off (sort of) on a “farmer-focused” CAP post-2027. Plus we bring you the latest on the case building against “poison PR”. Natasha Foote reports. […]

Latest from Brussels

The EU is Mulling a Seismic Budgetary Shift – What Would This Mean for Agri and Rural Areas? 

The European Commission has been quietly weighing up options to radically overhaul its budget. This could see all of its 500+ biggest money pots merged into one mega money pot, divided out based on plans put together by EU countries. If approved, the move could prove seismic for European regions, farmers and rural areas – here ARC2020 maps out why.  […]

Latest from Brussels

Brussels News Roundup – Ombudsman Launches Inquiry into CAP Fast-Track

While all eyes this week have been on the nomination of the new crop of Commissioners, there have been plenty of other developments worth watching in Brussels this week. From the EU’s watchdog questioning the Commission over the hasty dismantling of the EU’s green farming measures, to NGOs being ignored for a key direction-setting report on the future of EU policy, ARC2020 brings you up to speed with all you need to know.  […]

Latest from Brussels

An Agrifood Stakeholder’s Guide to the EU’s New Power Structure 

There’s a lot of new faces in new places this week in Brussels as Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has finally revealed her picks and priorities for her new team of Commissioners over this next 5 year political cycle. So who will be the ones shaping the future of the agrifood sector in the years to come? Natasha Foote outlines all the main players likely to feature in the agrifood policy game to come over the next few years.  […]

Latest from Brussels

Strategic Dialogue on Agriculture – what’s in it, what’s next?

The EU strategic dialogue on agriculture has finally spoken – and plenty has emerged. After 7 months of talks, this group of agrifood stakeholders presented a hefty 100+ page document including recommendations for the future shape of the agrifood sector to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, on Wednesday (4 September). The group hopes to steer her upcoming Vision for Agriculture and Food, and policies over the course of the next 5-year political cycle more widely. So what are the key takeaways? And what’s next? ARC’s Natasha Foote highlights the key headlines and ideas.  […]

Main stories

Re-CAP: Breaking down the breakdown of the EU’s green farming measures

The last few months have been a rollercoaster ride for the EU’s farming subsidy programme, which has seen its green ambitions sacrificed on the altar of food security and politics. As this mandate comes to a close, ARC has put together a re-CAP for you with all the twists and turns in the Common Agricultural Policy over the past few years – and what’s next for the policy.  […]

Latest from Brussels

News Roundup: Brussels plays musical chairs, responsibility reshuffle, and a big week ahead 

With the dust yet to settle after the European Parliament elections, political groups are scrambling to secure top jobs in parliamentary committees. Meanwhile over at the Commission, rumours abound about the carving up of competences for food. And there’s more nail-biting voting to come… Natasha Foote brings us the inside scoop from the heart of the action. […]