State of play: Decisions taken by Member States for the implementation of the new direct support system
In December 2014, Member States had to notify how they will grant the greening payment and whether they will designate additional sensitive areas where permanent grassland should not be converted.
By 31 January 2015, Member States will need to notify their decisions regarding the definitions of permanent grassland and agricultural activity, the payment for young farmers, and the use of the national/regional reserves for granting entitlements.
Find the information note published by the European Commission here:
2000m² : a conversation about your share of global food and land
2000m² is an outreach tool called based on the idea that if we were to divide the global surface of arable land (1,4 billion hectares) by the number of people on the planet (7 billion), we would each get about 2000m². The aim is to encourage people to think about questions like: What can be grown on a field of that size? What is being grown right now? Through the decisions I make about the food I eat, how much ‘land’ am I importing from Asia, Latin America and Africa? Am I using up more than my share?
With an interactive website, including a forum and blog, as well as booklets and flyers, ARC2020 encourages an awareness of the global impact of the food-related decisions we make every day. See
ARC Newsticker : The Latest News in European Agriculture on Your Website
To keep your website up-to-date with the latest news in agriculture, we’ve developed this Newsticker in two different sizes (the larger size is shown below). Installing it on your page is just a matter of copy/pasting the javascript text into the source code of your page. You can see which one you like and copy the javascript from this page.
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