Welcome to our December newsletter, this month we have some exciting news to share:The
Agricultural and Rural Convention 2020 (ARC2020), Friends of the Earth Europe and IFOAM EU invite you to participate in a civil society gathering and conference on
February 10/11 2015 in Brussels, hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee
Why you should attend?
People of all ages across Europe are hungry for change and want to see better agri-food policies based on agro-ecological principles. This conference and gathering will help develop a civil society agenda for the agroecological changes needed in the food system, including in Europe’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Good food and farming practices already taking place across Europe will be highlighted.
This 2-day event brings together representatives from civil society, grassroots groups, researchers, national/regional authorities, policymakers and more to:
1. Assess the implementation of the reformed CAP 2014-2020, prospects of agricultural sustainability and of rural renaissance.
2. Identify milestones to support transition food and agriculture systems based on agroecological approaches.
This conference and gathering will include plenaries and workshop sessions to exchange:
· Information on experience of and strategies for implementing agroecological solutions in Member States and regions under the new CAP;
· Concepts for how to integrate agri-food policies with related health, trade and development policies;
· Vews on a common agenda for transforming food and agricultural systems by 2020.
Both high level speakers and participatory methodologies will be used to get the most from this important gathering. The results and outcomes will be used as basis for the development of a Roadmap for Change towards agricultural sustainability and rural renaissance.
Your participation is important, so SAVE THE DATE: February 10 and 11th 2015 in Brussels
A programme and registration details will be available at arc2020.eu in December 2014. For more information or if you have any queries: communication@arc2020.eu
Main working language will be English. Interpretation will be provided in at least German and French.
Good Food Good Farming partners:
The event is organised with the support of Slow Food, European Milk Board (EMB), Fundatia ADEPT Transylvania, Save Our Seeds, Foundation on Future Farming, European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), Groupe de Bruges.