

Dear friends and supporters As politicians pack up for summer, our attention is now turning to the international summer camp taking place from 29 August – 1 September in Wietze, Germany. With just four weeks to go, preparations are gaining momentum. Either side of the main action day on Saturday 31 August, a series of side events have now been organised. On Friday 30 August a full day of workshops will take place, hosted by representatives from movements across Europe. Workshop highlights include ‘Chicken – €1.99 a kilo: the true cost’ run by Jonty Whittleton from Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) and ‘Crisis Food from Greece’ run by Pavlos Georgiadis. Every evening people can watch films and dance to live music and DJs under the stars. The Friday night will also see a disco soup – the increasingly popular action against food waste. The aim of the event is to highlight the problems and failings of Europe’s food and farming policy; and discuss alternatives. Wietze in Lower Saxony – home to the largest poultry slaugherhouse […]



Dear friends and supporters of ARC2020 April was another busy month for ARC2020 and the Good Food Good Farming campaign.On 17 April, with EU trilogue negotiations underway, ARC2020 sent a letter to the European Institutions working on the CAP reform. Specifically, the European Parliament rapporteurs, Chairman of the Agricultural Committee – Paolo De Castro, President of the Council of Agricultural Ministers – Simon Coveney, and EU Commissioner for Agriculture – Dacian Cioloş. The letter outlines a number of points that ARC2020 urges negotiators to support in this final stage of CAP talks. On April 21 the ARC2020 Speakers Tour on Land grabbing kicked off in Paris, before heading to other European capitals including Vienna, Berlin, Amsterdam and Brussels. The two speakers taking part in the tour (the third in the series) were Attila Szocs – ARC2020 correspondent for Romania who monitors large-scale agricultural land purchases in Romania, and Dan Cismas – biodynamic farmer and co-president of the EcoRuralis peasant association. Along with their trusty translator, our campaign coordinator Stephanie Roth, they spent 10 days meeting with […]



Dear friends and supporters Here at ARC2020 we are busy finalising preparations for a farm to arrive in central Paris. The two day event – Ferme à Paris – will involve markets, documentaries, debates, music and animals. It will also provide a chance to meet farmers and organisations that are campaigning for a green, fair and local CAP! It is being organised by ARC2020, La Confédération paysanne and PAC2013. It kicks off today on 31 May and continues until 1 June. Find out more on the official website (in French), or on ARC2020. This weekend, ARC2020 will also be involved in a third ‘guerrilla gardening’ event in Berlin. Taking place on International Children’s Day, people are once again being invited to join us in the rolling of seeds balls: small plantable balls made out of seeds, soil and clay. Once made, they can be dropped across cities as the seeds within them remain protected until they reach a spot suitable for them to sprout. Find the event on facebook, or learn more about the initiative […]



Dear friends and supporters of ARC2020 This month was significant for two of ARC2020’s projects: Agro-ecological Innovation and the Good Food Good Farming campaign.  On November 15th, approximately 80 people gathered in Brussels for the final event of the Agro-ecological Innovation project: a collaboration of ARC2020, IFOAM EU Group and TP Organics. The event provided an opportunity for the partners to showcase the project to a diverse audience, and present recommendations derived from the project regarding how best to integrate agro-ecological innovation in the new policy frameworks for agriculture, and research and innovation. Launched back in March 2012, the main outputs of the project are a website and a promotional brochure of successful case studies and examples. Following the close of one project came the launch of another: The GOOD FOOD FOOD FARMING campaign. Inspired by the success of the Good Food March this summer, and with an EU-wide network of citizens who share our vision for good food, good farming and a vibrant countryside now in place; the campaign will serve as ARC2020’s campaigning tool. Keep an eye on […]


ARC Newsflash October 2012

Dear friends and supporters of ARC2020 Welcome to October’s edition of the ARC NEWSFLASH. This month saw Slow Food’s bi-annual event Terra Madre take place in Italy. Food communities from across the world came together for the four day event to share ideas and foster innovation on food culture, production and consumption. Taking place just weeks after the final event of the Good Food March in Brussels, it provided a great opportunity for groups to meet again and get ideas about how to move forward in our movement for good food and good farming.  Photos taken as part of the Good Food March photo campaign – The CAP We Want – were also on display.  For the first time, the event was combined with Salone del Gusto. Organisers deemed the event a huge success and a sign that, despite the financial crisis, the public understands the central role of food and agriculture, as well as the need for a paradigm shift within the food system. ARC2020 was at the event, speaking about the ARC2020 story […]



ARC NEWSFLASH AUGUST 2012 Dear friends and supporters of ARC2020This edition of the ARC Newsflash is dedicated to the Good Food March! After months of planning and preparation, the show is now well and truely on the road. Bike tours from the Netherlands, Austria and Germany have already set off on their journeys to Brussels, with routes from France and Belgium due to start soon, and national events are taking place in different locations across Europe. There are still many ways for you to get involved! Everyday, more and more people are taking part: joining the bike tours, attending events, or making plans to join us in Brussels on September 19th – the final day of the March. There is also still time to send a photo message with your demands for the future of food and farming policy in the EU to So read on to find out what has happened so far, and what is still to come… Let’s march! Kate Mann National highlights France: The first event for the Good Food March took place […]



ARC NEWSFLASH JUNE 2012 Dear friends and supporters of ARC2020 June 2012. An important month for the political debate on the reform of the CAP, and a very exciting month for the ARC2020 network as our 2012 campaign gets bigger and bigger! Following the release of our Call for Action for the Good Food March back in May, we have had a huge response, with over 50 organisations across Europe now involved! A full list can be seen on the new official GOOD FOOD MARCH website which was launched on June 19th. The site provides a map with initial routes and events, a live twitter feed, a March Newsticker, logos, banners, and much much more. If you have an event you’d like to organise as part of the March, please let us know at and we will add it to the map. The site also features our new photo campaign known as THE CAP WE WANT! The initiative gives ANYONE the opportunity to express their demands for farming and food policy in the EU. We […]



ARC NEWSFLASH JULY 2012 Dear friends and supporters of ARC2020July has been another busy month for the ARC2020 network. A highlight for us were the two days we spent in Brussels. On July 12th we held a very productive planning meeting for the Good Food March. From across Europe, national coordinators for the march came together to present their plans and share ideas for the next few months. With national level events now planned in cities such as Bucharest, Lisbon, Naples, and Vienna, alongside the main bike tour to Brussels, the march is really beginning to take shape. If you want to organise an event, don’t hesitate to get in contact with your national representative, and let us know so we can add it to the Good Food March map! The second event we attended on July 13th was held in the EU Commission. We were at the ‘CAP Towards 2020 – Taking Stock with Civil Society‘ conference, which included speakers from the ARC network: Goran Soster – Coordinator of the PREPARE Network, Jan Plagge, […]


ARC Newsflash May 2012

Dear friends and supporters of ARC As summer fast approaches, things are really hotting up in the ARC2020 Office. On May 30th we released the GOOD FOOD MARCH – CALL FOR ACTION in 10 languages!! The Good Food March will kick off this August, seeing people from across Europe travel to Brussels – by bike, tractor or any other means – to demand a real reform of the CAP. Participants will arrive in Brussels in time for a conference being organised by Slow Food and ARC2020 on Septemeber 19th.  If that wasn’t enough, our first Speakers Tour is also about to set off. From June 19th to June 30th, 3 farmes from 3 continents – USA, Africa and Europe – will travel to different locations to discuss the global implications of the CAP. A key part of the tour will be a public debate on June 20th in Brussels – details to follow. Elsewhere in the network, May saw the launch of the new website. Coinciding with the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), […]


ARC NEWSFLASH – April 2012

Dear friends and supporters of ARC Today ARC has released a CALL FOR ACTION… In the next two weeks, MEPs will be finalising their intial reactions to the legislative proposals for reform released by the EU Commission in October. There is still opportunity to influence these reports, but we must be quick. There are 2 ways to do this. Firstly by signing a petition, issued by our friends at Slow Food Youth Network, and secondly, by writing to your MEP stating your demands. ARC today released its own reaction to the Commission’s proposals – you are welcome to use this to help create your own messsage for parliamentarians. Building on the demands highlighted in our new paper, and reflecting current developments in a number of Member States, ARC issued a press release yesterday expressing concern about steps being taken to weaken the greening elements of the CAP. On April 17th – the International Day of Peasant Struggle – ARC, along with APRODEV, Corporate Europe Obsevatory, CONCORD, the European Environmental Bureau, European Coordination Via Campensina, Food and […]



Dear friends and supporters of ARC Welcome to the latest issue of the ARC NEWSFLASH!  March has seen a number of fantastic guest blogs be submitted to us from across the globe. Sophie Herbert, EU nature Policy officer at BirdLife Europe provided an article about EU environment ministers failing to stand up for nature in the face of farm lobby interests. This was followed by an article from the RSPB about a group of farmers that travelled to Brussels to call for greater support for environmental measures in the CAP. Véronique Rioufol from Terre de Liens raised the issue of land access, whilst our partners at the Institute of Agriculture and Trade Policy  in the US provided us with an insight into controlling crop price volatility. If you want to write a piece for our site, simply send your article to the email address below. This month ARC2020 also issued a press release with BirdLife Europe, The European Environmental Bureau, WWF, IFOAM EU Group, Friends of the Earth Europe and Pesticide Action Network following the decision of the EU Commission’s health and consumers department to remove the obligation on countries and farmers to […]


ARC NEWSFLASH February 2012

ARC NEWSFLASH FEBRUARY 2012 Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Dear friends and supporters of ARC2020 Welcome to the latest issue of the ARC NEWSFLASH!  This month has seen a number of new features for our website. Firstly, your organisation can now become a Friend of the ARC. Friends of the ARC are organisations who may not have signed our Communication, but are interested or engaged in a profound reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, support the work of ARC and want to help us build a strong voice. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you want to add your organisation to the list and embark on the ARC! Secondly, we have started developing a series of pages known as Voices for Change…you can read more on this below. Finally, we also have a new video on our homepage: check it out! ARC has welcomed a number of guests bloggers on our site this month, such as this piece from BirdLife Europe. We have also provided articles for others, see for example an article about our correspondents posted on the European Social Journalism website. If you want […]


ARC Newsflash December 2011

Dear friends of the ARC! Welcome to the December issue of the ARC NEWSFLASH! Thank you for your feedback on the new website – keep it coming and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook! We also now have a banner with the ARC logo which you can display on your site to let others know about our network – find it here and add it today! Discover who our web correspondents have been talking to in Latest from EU Member States, read our “main stories” and keep up to date with recent developments in the ARC blog – and don’t hesitate to get in touch and add to our lively debate on how best to make our farming and food systems more sustainable and accessible for all. This month ARC gained exciting new signatories. One of them is Slow Food International! Work has also continued with international organisations such as the Institute for Agriculture and Trade (IATP) in the USA, as well as those working on the local level, with local action groups from England and Sweden visiting our secretariat in Brussels. We would like to […]



Dear friends of a sustainable CAP reform and a rural renaissance in EuropeWelcome to the new ARC Newsflash! As decision making and debate on the CAP reform is now shifting to the national level, it is vital that we keep up to date with what ministers and Members of the European Parliament are saying – in Brussels and at home. From now on, our newsletter will be delivered once a month, and contain an overview of developments in Brussels, mini-reports on key meetings, details of forthcoming events, both public and policy-related, and a special feature from the ARC network. Your feedback is welcome to make it as useful as possible for all of you. We are also keen to hear your comments on the new website launched today!!! You can enter them directly in the open forum (a new space where we will initiate discussions around the CAP reform – your suggestions welcome!) or send them directly to the new ARC Communications team. In my new role as website editor, I now have the […]


ARC Newsflash 10 June 2011

European Parliament’s Dess Report adopted, but falls behind expectations On 25 May, the European Parliament’s Committee on Agricultural and Rural Development (COMAGRI), as expected, has adopted a report setting out its views on the CAP towards 2020. The committee found a compromise position on the huge differences between the political groups about the future of European farmers and rural regions and so avoided a false start into it newly-endowed co-decision powers. That is the good news. The bad news is that the message is not sufficiently concrete or ambitious, and does not respond to the expectations of civil society as laid down in our ARC communication which was published in parallel with Commissioner Ciolos’s reform proposals last year. We are missing a clear statement by the Parliament on how the future Common Agricultural Policy will organise the urgently needed transition towards sustainable farming and food systems, with synergies between plant and animal production, good management of biodiversity, soils and water through crop rotation and a serious reduction of non-renewable inputs like fertilisers, pesticides and oil-based […]