11.07.2014 – TTIP bad for agriculture, health and the environment says U.S. and EU civil society (pdf)
04.04.2014 – ‘CAP-itulation’ – EU Commission gives up further Ecological Focus Area criteria (pdf)
12.12.2013- Updated Toolkit on CAP implementation launched
22.11.2013 – European Parliament vote: a poor deal for nature, for best farming practices and for rural Europe
02.10.2013 – ARC2020: Disappointing Parliament CAP reform vote means the focus now turns to Member States
25.09.2013 – ARC2020: New Toolkit on CAP Reform and Rural Development
26.06.2013 – ARC2020: CAP deal weak – but options worth fighting for
24.06.2013 – ‘Politicians don’t cheat your citizens!’ Action in Luxembourg ahead of decisive meeting on future of European food and farming policy (German and French)
12.03.2013 – Civil society gather in Strasbourg ahead of EU Parliament’s final CAP vote ( German
24.01.2013 – Let’s GO MAD! Go Meet A Deputy!
23.01.2013 – Agro-industry gets its way in European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee vote on CAP reform
19.06.2013 – European policy makers must wake up for CAP change now!
02.05.2012 – Reform without greening has no meaning!
23.01.2012 – 50 years of the European Agricultural Policy: Time for change say civil society groups (with Friends of the Earth Europe and IFOAM EU Group)
20.01.2012 – CAP Reform: Civil society must be heard! (German)
12.10.2011 – Citizens speak out! The status quo is not an option (French German Romanian Polish)
14.07.2011 – 2nd ARC Conference: ARC calls upon European decision-makers to show courage for long sighted farm, food & rural policy change (French German Polish)
23.06.2011 – Open letter from ARC to President José Manuel Barroso on the future of rural development policy
18.02.2011 – EU Agriculture Ministers must seriously face the challenges ahead
18.11.2010 – ARC calls for courage by the Commission for the future of the CAP
05.02.2011 – ARC agrees on a new European Food, Agriculture and Rural Policy
17.09.2010 – ARC asks Agriculture Council to keep an open mind
21.07.2010 – Civil society calls for a paradigm shift in CAP
Good Food March press releases:
- 06.08.2012
Count down to the Good Food March begins
- 05.09.2012
Good Food March heads for Brussels as global food crisis deepens
- 19.09.2012
Hundreds join Good Food March in Brussels for radical Farming Reform