The Advancing Digital Agriculture and Conservation

"The Advancing Digital Agriculture and Conservation" virtual, multi-day workshop is organised by the Farm Foundation, the Cornell University Initiative for Digital Agriculture, the Center for the Economics of Sustainability at the University of Illinois and the University of Illinois Center for Digital Agriculture. The workshop seeks to advance policy discussions with the view to realising the promise of data applied to conservation in agriculture.

Hackathon to devise ways of promoting rural development under COVID19 conditions

"The European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in partnership with the Georgian Innovations and Technologies Agency (GITA), the Agriculture and Rural Development Agency (ARDA) and the non-governmental organization ForSet, are launching hackathon to devise ways of promoting rural development under COVID19 conditions. The first invites innovative thinkers to focus on eight rural municipalities. What we want to achieve"

Your Land, My Land, Our Land: Grassroots Strategies to Preserve Farmland and Access to Land for Peasant Farming and Agroecology

On May 28th the Nyéléni Europe and Central Asia platform for Food Sovereignty published a handbook to provide the food sovereignty movement with ideas that support local struggles for land. This webinar will see the launch of this practical tool to support and strengthen land struggles for small and medium-scale food producers and local communities. The handbook will be presented by speakers from ECVC, Eco Ruralis, Terre de Liens and Terre-en-vue who will link it to their work in and beyond Europe. To read the document in advance of the webinar see here. You can register for the webinar here.

Can Small Farms and Food Businesses improve peoples access to more and better food in our globalised world?

SALSA - Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security - is a Horizon2020 funded research project which aims to provide a deeper understanding of the role of small farms and small food businesses in meeting the sustainable food and nutrition (FNS) challenge.  On June 25th the project’s final conference will take place in two main parts. Beginning at 10:00 (CET) Part A will summarise the main results of the SALSA project.  From 11:30 (CET), Part B will focus on enabling governance and policy recommendations for small farms and small food businesses.