The release of the legislative proposals for CAP reform from the EU Commission on October 12th 2011 sparked reactions from a wide range of organisations. Read some below:
- ARC: Citizens speak out! The status quo is not an option
- ARC official reaction (published April 2012)
- APRODEV: Commentary on the Legislative Proposal on CAP Reform – December 2011
- BirdLife International: CAP disappoints on green hopes
- CEJA The European Council of Young Farmers: CEJA weclcomes measures for young farmers in the proposed CAP but calls for improvement and endorsement
- CONCORD: The CAP proposals fail on development obligations
- Copa-Cogeca in English, French, German and Spanish
- EEB: EU risks failing to keep promise of green CAP reform
- European Coordination Via Campesina in English, French and Spanish
- European Coordination Via Campesina – Position regarding the legislative proposals of the Commission
- European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism: EFNCP comments on EC’s proposed CAP regulations
- European Landowners Organisation: ELO evaluation of the legislative proposals for CAP reform – Direct Payments, January 2012
- European Public Health and Agriculture Consortium (EPHAC): CAP towards 2020 – legislative package does not go far enough
- Eurogroup for Animals: Revised Common Agriculture Policy proposals fail to consider Animal Welfare
- Friends of the Earth Europe: CAP reform: too little to protect environment and greener farming
- FoodSovCAP: European Commission proposals fail to tackle food speculation and environmental crisis
- FoodSovCAP: Commentary on the CAP post 2013 legislative proposals (new)
- Greenpeace: Commission fails on promise to green the Common Agricultural Policy
- Groupe de Bruges: A CAP for the Future?! January 2012
- Health and Environment Alliance: CAP reform: a pale and unhealthy shade of green
- IFOAM EU Group: Reaction to the CAP Legislative Proposals 2014-202 January 2012
- IFOAM EU Group: CAP reform – proposals lack ambition to mainstream sustainability
- Notre Europe: Do the proposals for the CAP after 2013 herald a ‘major’ reform? March 2012
- Slow Food: CAP: A more just reform is needed
- Slow Food Europe: CAP Proposals Don’t Go Far Enough
- UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food: CAP reform must put an end to dumping in English, Spanish and French
- WWF: Environment threatened by CAP proposal
In France:
- Agir Pour l’Environnement: La Politique agricole commune a besoin d’une vraie réforme et non d’un simple ajustement !
In Germany:
- BUND und EuroNatur: EU-Agrarreform halbherzig
- Deutscher Tierschutzverbund: Reform der EU-Agrarpolitik: Tierschutz Mangelware
- Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft (BÖLW): Guter Ansatz, schlechte Umsetzung – BÖLW kritisiert Reformpläne zur EU-Agrarpolitik
- EED: Agrarreform: EU ignoriert Entwicklungsländer
- Bündnis 90 Die Grünen: Bundesregierung blockiert Neuausrichtung der Agrarpolitik
In Spain:
- Ecologistas en Acción: La nueva Política Agraria Común: ni más verde ni más justa
- Ecologistas en Acción: ¿Dónde está la postura “verde” del Gobierno con la PAC
- Amigos de la Tierra: La propuesta para la nueva PAC presentada hoy por la Comisión Europea no afronta la crisis de la agricultura y la alimentación
- SEO/BirdLife y WWF España: Por Una Pac Más Verde, Para Un Medio Rural Más Vivo, April 2012