(Brussels, 12/12/2013)
We at ARC2020.eu are delighted to bring you the updated version of our CAP implementation tookit. This document will be of use to policy makers and campaigners alike. It brings information on the CAP reform process right up to date at European and member state (MS) level.
Not only does our toolkit list all the basic background details and all the up-to-date processes at EU level, individual MS and their interpretation of CAP reform are also highlighted. This CAP reform process has given significantly more power to the MS to implement the CAP in their own way – our updated toolkit shows you what your MS is doing.
Dedicated sections on France, Germany, Poland, Spain, the UK, Ireland, Greece have been written for this document. Individual MS attitudes and actions on internal convergence, top ups, transfers between pillars and coupled payments have also been added.
CAP Implementation at national and regional level must be approved by the Commission before the end of 2013 for Rural Development Programmes (Pillar 2) and by August 2014 for direct payments schemes (Pillar 1). Therefore in many MS and regions, decision makers are already organising consultations not only with farmers’ organisations but also with other sectors of civil society.
This period presents a critical opportunity in the coming weeks and months for stakeholders to make targeted recommendations on the best ways to implement this approved EU deal at national and regional level.
Importantly, there is also scope for campaigners to work on how the Delegated Acts will be written by the Commission. This is the stage where the Basic Acts agreed in the trilogue process, and voted on by the Parliament on November 20th, must get written into law by the Commission. This is supposed to be a mere formality, and no major changes are supposed to be made in this phase. It is, however, a time to be vigilant, as changes can be made that are in fact significant. See our post here on pesticides and Ecological Focus Areas as an example.
Click here to access the toolkit, have a good read, and share this great resource with anyone interested in making the CAP reform process a real reform – one that’s better for farming and environmental policy, one that’s good for rural areas and agroecology.