–CAP SNAP Photo campaign
The CAP SNAP photo campaign was a fundamental part of the Good Food March to Brussels in 2012. It was launched to allow anyone to send a message to EU politicians about the future of food and farming they want to see in Europe. The idea is simple: Take a piece of A4 paper, write your message, add your name and country, find a great background…and click. During the Good Food March over 1000 photos were collected from countries across Europe (and beyond). On 19 September 2012, the GFM Grande Finale in Brussels, the photos were presented to EU representatives responsible for the CAP reform in a book of citizen testimonials. This included EU Agriculture Commissioner – Dacian Cioloş and COMAGRI Chair – Paolo De Castro. The photos provide a snapshot of all those who want Europe’s food and farming policy to change for better. They send a strong and unified message to the decision makers responsible for shaping and implementing Europe’s food and farming policy from 2014- 2020: The policy must protect nature, animals […]