Latest from EU Member States

France – Pesticides, Mega-Basins and Who Gets to do What

The French retirement age isn’t the only debate making waves in the land of fraternity and croissants right now. One-third of French drinking water turns out to be contaminated thanks to a banned pesticide, which is unsettling news. So shouldn’t it be about time to retire some pesticides? This and the emergence of water-grabbing make up this this week’s round-up, French edition. Dive in with Ashley Parsons […]

Latest from EU Member States

Rural Dialogues | Landcare Germany – Bringing Farmers, Conservationists & Policymakers Together

How can farming organisations and environmental organisations have real conversations with each other – where everyone listens, and difficult issues grappled with respectfully? Where everyone comes away with a better understanding of other people’s positions? There are in-situ meetings, and then there is the Landcare process. Oliver Moore has more.