Groupe de Bruges, in collaboration with SPERA (Interuniversity Centre for Studies on Economic, Rural and Environmental Policies) and Associazione Alessandro Bartola, has developed a comprehensive e-learning course on the CAP. The course is intended for first year students and everybody else that has a professional interest in the Common Agricultural Policy.
Already over 400 people from more than 50 countries have registered.
As the course is partially funded by the European Commission in the framework of the CAP information measures grants scheme, it makes sense for it to be presented to staff of DG AGRI and other DG’s. This will take place on November 28 at 12.45, during a so called lunch seminar.
- Bart Soldaat, Secretary of the Groupe de Bruges
- Franco Sotte, University of Ancona, scientific coordinator of ELCAP
- Andrea Bonfiglio, Agricultural economist, Associazione “A.Bartola”
- Allan Buckwell, Policy Director Country Land and Business Association
- Tassos Haniotis, Director AGRI.L