European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
Information below courtesy of the European Commission’s website:
>> Read the Commission Communication
>> Read the background memo
>> Watch the slide show[858 KB] |
- European Commission, DG for Agriculture and Rural Development : “An analysis of the EU organic sector”
- “Your ideas matter” – reform consultation by the European Commission
European Parliament : Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
- Draft report (+amendments) – The CAP towards 2020: Meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future (the so-called Deß report)
- European Parliament resolution of 8 July 2010 on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy after 2013 (2009/2236(INI))
- European Parliament : motion for resolution on agriculture in areas with natural handicaps
- Report commissioned by the European Parliament on the SPS scheme after 2013
Committee of the Regions
- DRAFT OPINION The CAP towards 2020: Meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future
- Committee of the Regions- own initiative opinion “The Future of the CAP after 2013″
Economic and Social Committee
- OPINION of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – The CAP towards 2020: Meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future
- OPINION of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Reform of the common agricultural policy in 2013