Denmark – Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Mette Gjerskov: The green promises of the Commission must be fulfilled
Germany – Bundeslandwirtschaftsministerin Aigner: Die Zielestimmen, aber entscheidende Fragen sind noch offen
Ireland – Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney comments on CAP Reform proposals
Latvia – Minister of Agriculture Janis Duklavs: the European Commission continues discrimination of Latvian farmers
Spain – Rosa Aguilar califica de “decepcionante” y merecedora de “casi una enmienda a la totalidad” la propuesta de reforma de la PAC de la CE
United Kingdom – Department for Environment Food and Agriculture: EU CAP reform proposals should go further
From Brussels
The Greens:
CAP reform gutted by agro-industry lobby and its proxies
Nouvelle PAC : capitulation en rase campagne !
Michel Dantin MEP – CAP Reform: Commission advocates organisation of producers, but forgets that of markets