On February 18th 2012, young and experienced professionals from across Europe gathered at an event organised by the Young Professionals in Local Development (YPLD) network. The event, held in in Siret City, Romania, was designed to “raise the stake” on stringent local development issues such as agricultural reform, community-led local development, LEADER based initiatives and others.
Guests included representatives of the European Commission such as Mihail Dumitru – Director in Directorate E (Rural Development Programmes) of DG Agri, Bart Soldaat – Secretary General of Groupe de Bruges, Krystyna Larkham -representing both Rural`Est and YPLD Europe, Marina Cherbonnier – Communications Officer of YPARD (Young Professionals’ Platform for Agricultural Research for Development) and John Ashton – CEO of Aston Eco Management. The two day conference kicked off with an inspiring speech by YPLD’s President (and ARC correspondent for Romania), Codrin Paveliuc-Olariu, who explained the role of YPLD and its importance in the current international and local development context.
In terms of discussion on the CAP post-2013, Mihail Dumitru (DG Agri) and Bart Soldaat (Groupe de Bruges) presented the past, present and future of the LEADER programme, and provided the perspective of both the European Commission, but also that of a LAG/LEADER coordinator through practical examples set in the Netherlands.
Find out more here:
Mihail Dumitru PPT presentation (in PDF format)