An exciting opportunity for young people to get involved with interesting, innovative sustainable rural development initiatives around Europe has come up. Established by Forum Synergies, and made available in cooperation with the Latvian Rural Forum, this initiative allows both hosts and trainees to gain rich and valuable experiences.
The scheme runs from now November 2019, with a month the preferred duration of scholarship, for candidates who are ideally under 30 years of age. Potential hosts and trainees are invited to make use of the scholarship programme, and to add their names to the growing list of participants.
Hosts and trainees will also be supported in participation in the European Rural Parliament in November inn the village of Candás in Carreño municipality in the region of Cabo Peñas, Spain. There, they will share the scholarship experience – for hosts this will also be possibility to promote their actions to interested public.
More information below:
The Scholarship Programme – ENTER QUICKLY
The Scholarship Programme – GET MORE INFORMATION
Guidelines for the TRAINEE
Guidelines for the HOST
In order to take part in this programme both host and trainee have to register online:
Lots more information is available on the Forum Synergies website
Forum Synergies and ARC2020 Have Worked Together…