Our Partner Organisation Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy in the USA share their thoughts
Dear Friends,
Here at IATP we join the millions and millions of people world wide committed to social justice, human rights, and environmental and cultural integrity.
Without question, we will redouble our efforts in light of America’s shameful election and outcome, and we will do so with honesty, courage, and in solidarity with all those who share our belief in humanity. We are proud to be part of a thriving community of analysts, organizers, advocates, and activists who fight tirelessly every day to make public policy more fair and just.
In the coming days and weeks, we will convene and take part in strategic conversations to devise a way forward, though our path be daunting. We encourage you and your organizations to reach out with ideas, partnerships, and frankly, mutual support and love. We are going to have to work harder than ever, and we must work together.
“We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes.” – Ella Baker
In Unity,
The Staff & Board of IATP