On the 24th and 25th September, the Agriculture and Fisheries Council met in Brussels, under the presidency of Sofoclis ALETRARIS – Minister for Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus.
For the first day of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting, concerning agriculture, two public debates took place in the Council on the proposals for regulations on rural development and the common organisation of the markets in agricultural products within the framework of the CAP reform.
Finally, the Council was briefed on the consequences for agriculture of recent drought in the world, in particular the increase of feed prices, the situation of the dairy market, a conference on agriculture, food security and climate change, the Codex decision on ractopamine, the Asian longhorned beetle outbreaks, the fraud on alcohol in Czech Republic and a multi-resistant bacteria in poultry.
Find the full press release here: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_Data/docs/pressdata/en/agricult/132547.pdf