A new blog post from Benny Haerlin suggests the CAP reform debate is not as inclusive as it’s being portrayed…
Read his article Closed Shop then watch a recording of yesterday’s debate in Parliament to decide for yourself.
A new blog post from Benny Haerlin suggests the CAP reform debate is not as inclusive as it’s being portrayed…
Read his article Closed Shop then watch a recording of yesterday’s debate in Parliament to decide for yourself.
Rollercoaster first two weeks for the Irish presidency of the EU. […]
After more than 2 years of negotiations since June 2018, the three EU co-legislators found an agreement on the regulations for the future Common Agricultural Policy post-2022 (CAP). Much of the attention is now moving on the 27 Member States who will be in charge of implementing these regulations via the future National CAP Strategic Plans 2023-2027. […]
Agricultural and Rural Convention