The Environment Committee (ENVI) voted on the 14th February on CAP proposals (Strategic Plans). With the Agriculture Committee voting in the coming weeks, before a full Parliament plenary, what were the key areas ENVI emphasised?
Ring-fencing of money for climate and the environment
- In the Commission proposal: 30% for environmental purposes under rural development, 0% for eco-schemes (up to Member States to decide what to allocate);
- ENVI at least 40% for environmental purposes under rural development, at least 30% for eco-schemes, and special ring-fencing for biodiversity;
- No more tax payers money being used for the promotion of wine and meat.
Enhanced objectives for Member States to achieve via CAP strategic plans
- Production of renewable energy (biofuels) is no longer an objective;
- Additional focus on soil quality;
- Reducing pesticides;
- Halting biodiversity loss;
- Stimulating High Nature Value farming.
Improved and additional indicators to measure whether objectives are being achieved
- Additional categories including building topsoil, producing more locally, reducing pesticide, livestock density
- Better ways of measuring: soil biota abundance, creation of a pollinator index, volume of pesticides sold etc
Stricter and enhanced conditionality that will apply to all farmers
- A maximum on stocking density;
- All relevant animal welfare legislation;
- Safeguard to maintain permanent grassland;
- No ploughing permanent grassland;
- 7% of agricultural area devoted to non-productive features;
- 4 years crop rotation including leguminous crops;
- No pesticides in buffer strips + 3m minimum width.
Environmental Committee Gives Valentine’s Day Gift to Nature