The CAPSELLA project has just launched an interactive map and is also conducting a stakeholder survey. Oliver Moore has more.

CAPSELLA is funded under Horizon2020 to help farming and food production become more sustainable, through the use of ICT – internet and communications technologies – in particular open data.
In other words, the project aims to encourage better farming by better use of already available and now far more affordable technologies.
Everything from the internet of things – that’s the integration of web-based interactive data into the physical world – to open soil information and primary biodiversity data enable this.
ARC2020 attended and presented at the Summer workshop. Now CAPSELLA has developed an interactive Map and is conducting a survey.
“The survey results will help us to identify and understand the type of information that different stakeholders have and would like to have access to, as well as the challenges, which could be supported by the CAPSELLA ICT tailor-made solutions that will be developed” Giovanna Calabro of CAPSELLA told ARC2020.
She added: “The tool will also voice the farmers and stakeholders needs and expectations, in order to try to provide concrete technological answers/solutions to make their work and life better and easier!”
CAPSELLA focuses on two complementary domains: agro-biodiversity and the food supply chain. It is using participatory bottom up data collection and top down data integration to develop solutions for these domains. The project is building from scratch open data repositories concerning regional agro-biodiversity, and is building upon and enhancing existing data sets on the agro-biodiversity and food domains. Based on these, the project will develop a number of community-driven data powered ICT solutions, which will be tested by the communities engaged in the project and will result in a number of pilots. At the centre of the CAPSELLA are three multidisciplinary, community-driven use cases:
- “field scenario” addressing use of functional agro-biodiversity in cropping systems;
- “seeds scenario” addressing on-farm genetic diversity conservation and informal seed systems;
- “food scenario” addressing the transparency of the food chain in the processes related to the production, distribution and consumption of food.