Civil Society Reactions
ARC2020: EP votes for de-greening CAP – but could have done worse
- Friends of the Earth Europe: MEPs keep alive greener farming
- Slow Food: European Parliament Votes for De-greening CAP
- EPHAC: Out of touch – European Parliament backs tobacco subsidies & votes an agriculture policy unfriendly to public health
- Eurogroup for animals: European Parliament Misses Opportunity to use CAP Review to Improve Animal Welfare
- Concord: MEPs ignore development impact in CAP reform
- EEB: European Parliament Plenary vote on The CAP
- WWF: MEPs throw a lifeline to greening in an otherwise feeble CAP vote
- IFOAM EU Group: Missed chance: MEPs fail to use new powers for a real CAP reform
- PAC2013: Votes du Parlement Européen : des inflexions qui ne suffisent pas à légitimer la Politique Agricole Commune
- Pig Business: MEPs ignore European taxpayers’ demands over CAP reform
- European Coordination Via Campesina: EP vote on CAP reform: lack of social legitimacy
- European Parliament: New EU Farm Policy Greener Fairer and Better able to deliver food security
- EU Commissioner: Six key points for a consistent CAP reform
- EPP Group: Parliament vote on CAP reform: safe future for farming
- Greens: CAP to plough on unsustainably as MEPs utterly fail to overhaul EU agriculture policy
- Speech given today by Irish Farm Minister Simon Coveney TD on Reform of the Common Agriculture
Related news stories
EurActiv: After landmark CAP vote, the hard work begins
- European Voice: Parliament brings CAP reform closer to Commission proposal
- EU Observer: Parliament divided after MEPs water down CAP reform
- BBC: Euro MPs reject radical CAP farm subsidy reforms
- Le Monde: Bataille au Parlement européen sur le “verdissement” de la PAC
- Ora de Cluj: Parlamentul European a decis în favoarea țaranilor. Clujul a trăit la Strasbourg votarea PAC
- Think Outside the Box: PE a votat pentru plafonarea subventiilor pentru agricultori la 300000 de European
- NOS: Strijd in Europees Parlement over verdeling landbouwsubsidies
- France 3: Réforme de la PAC : une “Disco Soupe” devant le Parlement européen
Very interesting overview of the reactions to the EP vote on CAP reform. However, to be really complete, you should have included also reactions from farmers representatives or professional associations. Civil society is not limited to NGOs.