Tenant farmers in the UK are disappointed with the lack of movement on milk prices for farmers, despite the media profile of contract supermarket milk producers. Tenant Farmers Association (TFA) chief executive George Dunn declared: “Although we have seen some movement from retailers which will help a relatively small number of producers who are fortunate enough to have liquid milk contracts aligned with those retailers, we have seen little movement from the processors who over many years have been able to maintain their margins despite the market conditions.”
The Tenant Farmers’ Association will be represented at the meetings taking place today at the Royal Welsh Showground as part of the negotiations to achieve a fair return for dairy farmers.
The TFA was also a joint sponsor of July 11’s landmark Dairy Summit, which has generated public support: “It has been heartening to hear consumers and consumer representative groups stating that they would be prepared to pay more for milk if they knew that farmers were receiving a fair return. But the truth is that there is sufficient margin within the current retail price for all involved in the milk supply chain to be properly recompensed for the role that they play in bringing fresh milk and dairy products to the kitchen tables of our nation,” Dunn added.