Latest from Brussels

News Roundup: Brussels plays musical chairs, responsibility reshuffle, and a big week ahead 

With the dust yet to settle after the European Parliament elections, political groups are scrambling to secure top jobs in parliamentary committees. Meanwhile over at the Commission, rumours abound about the carving up of competences for food. And there’s more nail-biting voting to come… Natasha Foote brings us the inside scoop from the heart of the action. […]

Latest from Brussels

CAP must Align with the European Green Deal – NGOs

A number of organisations have come together to argue that CAP must: have a clear direction and robust governance; not support or incentivise any harmful practices or practices incompatible with the Green Deal; empower farmers and rural actors to be drivers of positive change. And the Commission should step up at trilogue stage to align CAP with the European Green Deal. […]

Latest from Brussels

Bayer Beware | Pressure on Pesticides as Green Deal Date Looms

This week the European Commission will reveal how it plans to work towards the pesticide reduction targets as set in the Green Deal, via the  Farm to Fork strategy and also the Biodiversity strategy. However chemical giant Bayer CropScience has made clear it does not want any binding legislation as part of the new EU Biodiversity Strategy. With specific numbers for reduction in the use of pesticides and fertilizers in the biodiversity strategy in particular, will real targets be dampened down on the 20th May?   […]

Latest from Brussels

Europe Green Deal – background explainer

As the European Commission today announces what its green deal will be like, how will agriculture, food and rural Europe play its part? Will this green deal be white wash, or will it have substance? And will a just transition help Europe’s workers farmers and all citizens make the change? […]

Latest from Brussels

Part 2 EU-Mercosur Trade Deal | A Road to Nowhere for Farmers?

Behind closed doors the European Commission is negotiating about a massive trade deal with the South American block Mercosur. Talks continue despite increasing concerns for farmers and the environment. Are farming interests and consumer standards being sacrificed for the benefit of the motor industry? Part two of a two-part article with Hans Wetzels. […]

Latest from Brussels

Commission to Railroad CETA

In what has been an absolutely tumultuous week for the EU and its institutions, Jean Claude Junker has announced that the European Commission intends to approve the EU-Canada trade deal CETA without national parliament approval. […]