Latest from the ARC network

Op-Ed: Time for a Rethink to Reverse the Rapid Decline of Farming in Europe

A new study from the Greenpeace European Unit – Go Big or go Bust shows just how rapidly farming in Europe is going in a particular trajectory. Simply put, small farm are disappearing, and large farms are both getting bigger and are getting more economically dominant. These socio-economic realities contribute to social unrest and farmer’ protests. So far, the European Institutions have reacted in a knee jerk manner to protests, and have not addressed these underlining causes. Instead, Marco Contiero (EU Policy Director on Agriculture at the Greenpeace European Unit) argues in this op-ed that a better resourced system must put in place to encourage a transition towards a truly sustainable farming system. […]

Latest from Brussels

Sustainable Food Systems Law – EU Food Policy Coalition’s Recommendations for a Meaningful Transition

 As the European Commission prepares for the launch of its proposal on the Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Legislative Framework in late September, the EU Food Policy Coalition has published a joint report laying out clear policy recommendations for the SFS Law to ensure a meaningful transition to sustainable food systems across the European Union. Summary and report to download here. […]

Latest from key partners

New IAASTD+10 Book – Transforming Our Food Systems

A critical new book released today (24th September) by United Nations’ World Agriculture Report (IAASTD) members calls for an accelerated transformation of our food systems. The authors, including ARC2020’s Benny Haerlin, point to the need for a paradigm shift in the perception of the global food system, incorporating agroecology. Here we feature an op-ed by Katharine Earley.   […]

Main stories

Covid19, Meat Processing Plants and the Limits of the Intensive Farming Model

While the exploitation of agri-food sector workers is a longstanding food system issue, the emergence of slaughterhouses across Europe and the US as coronavirus hotspots has brought renewed urgency and heightened awareness to issues relating to the conditions to which meat-plant workers are exposed. Alison Brogan rounds up the Covid19 news on this topic from the US, Ireland and Germany. […]

Main stories

European Food Forum: Industry’s Brand New ‘Lobby Platform’ in the European Parliament

If you can’t beat them, join them. Perhaps this was the thinking behind consultants and lobbyists working for the agrochemical and food industry, who have joined the newly created European Food Forum, a so-called MEP-industry forum. In this article written by Hans van Scharen, Nina Holland and Martin Pigeon of Corporate Europe Observatory, the role of the European Food Forum is examined in detail. […]