Join more than 14.000 citizens who have said no to special privileges for investors!

It ́s less than a week to the July 7 deadline for submissions to European Commission consultation on the Investor-State dispute settlement as part of the EU-US trade deal. The consultation has been heavily criticised for being an empty process, not giving any real voice to civil society. Now is your chance to react.

The Investor-State dispute settlement would allow companies to challenge democratically agreed decisions on food safety, environment, public health and consumer protection.

FoEE, AK Europa and ÖGB Europa have launched an online tool that allows individuals to take part in the consultation in order to express their opposition to investor-state dispute settlement in its entirety in a few clicks.

This is an opportunity to send a clear message to the European Commission that giving privileges to private investors at the expense of people and societies as a whole will not be tolerated.

The tool is in English, French, German, Hungarian and Spanish and can be accessed at: