We’ve had enough (Wir haben es Satt)

© Wir haben es sattThis Saturday sees the return of the demonstration ‘Wir haben es Satt‘ to Berlin. Last year 22,000 people attended and it is hoped more will this year. The event takes during the first weekend of International Green Week.

Event details:

Saturday 21st January 2012

11.30 – 15.00

See the route here

See the original (German) announcement here on the official website

Background information

Industrial agriculture has led to dioxin scandals, genetic engineering in food and animal suffering in mega stables. It exacerbates hunger crises, climate change and is causing farms to die out, leaving cleared land and monoculture.

We’ve had enough!

Each year the EU and the German government support this industry with billions of Euros in subsidies.  With the key decisions for agricultural policy in 2020 currently being made, the chance to change current practice has never been so great. So far however the federal government has blocked real reform.


We demand that Chancellor Merkel:

– Ties subsidies to social, environmental and animal welfare criteria

– Enforces fair rules rather than liberalizes agricultural markets

– Promotes home-grown food rather than GM soy

– Ends speculation over food

– Stops export subsidies

– Stops the money supply to the meat industry

We value the daily work of people on farms. You must be at the center of a reform!

Therefore on the 21st January 2012, consumers, animal rights activists, environmentalists, beekeepers, farmers will all take to the streets together.

Yes to rural-sustainable agriculture
Yes to the human right to food
Respect for farm animals