Raise the Alarm! European Days of Action for Good Food & Good Farming

In the run-up to the next CAP reform in 2020, we have a real chance to shake up European food and farming. We want a system which supports small farmers and rural livelihoods, protects our soil, water, ecosystems and biodiversity and provides healthy food for all. We want an agroecological transition at the European level. ARC2020 has teamed up with Meine Landwirtschaft, Friends of the Earth Europe, Heinrich Boell Foundation, European Coordination Via Campesina, Bread for the World  Slow Food and Pour une autre PAC, to host a day of action across the continent. It’s time to get organising – join us this October to raise the alarm! 

Every single day millions of small farmers, land workers, pastoralists and fishers work hard to produce
wonderful, healthy, refreshing food for our plates. We need to save this. All across Europe citizens are
standing up for Good Food & Good Farming!

Join us this autumn to contribute to a powerful movement. Be part of the European Days of Action for
Good Food & Good Farming on the last weekend (27/28) of October 2018.

Industrial food and farming causes climate change, loss of nature, illegal logging, water scarcity, and
pollution, both within the EU and third countries. Corporations are thriving while family farms are
disappearing. This is because farmers, fishers, pastoralists and food artisans who produce and distribute  sustainably are marginalised at the expense of big business. 800 million hungry people and 1.5 billion obese people show that the globalised food system is broken.

We are part of the solution: More and more citizens are concerned about where food comes from and
how it is produced. They buy seasonal, organic and local products. This shows us: good food and good
farming for all is possible – now and in the future.

2018 is a vital moment for the future of our food in Europe: every year €60 billion of taxpayers’ money is
distributed to farmers via the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Right now, the biggest factory
farmers get the most money. But a reform of the policy is underway, and many other laws are being
discussed at the same time, affecting the way we farm and what we eat. Now is the time to stand up!
We need policies that defend the interests of people, animals and the environment. We need farms instead of factories. That’s why this October, we – the powerful, colourful and loud Good Food & Good Farming movement – will turn our cooking pots into a symbol for Europe´s good food and farming. It’s time for our actions to become impossible to ignore. We believe in Europe and that such challenges can better be solved together.

We want: +++ access to tasty, nutritious and culturally appropriate food for all +++ fair income and decen work conditions for farmers, land workers, pastoralists and fishers +++ no GMOs +++ a better future in rural communities and in the city +++ animal welfare and fewer, better-quality animal products +++ bee-friendly agriculture that protects the climate and the environment +++ a CAP reform that is socially just, sustainable, supports living rural areas and does not harm other countries +++ many more people in farming and opportunities for youth +++ more participatory political processes +++ food sovereignty and fair world trade +++ re-localisation of food production, processing and consumption +++

This autumn, join thousands of others across Europe and unleash your imagination – organise a demonstration, a protest picnic or any other creative way of showing the food and farming future we want and need.

Join us to be part of the Days of Action 2018 – October 27/28!
To sign up to this call, please contact:
Verena Günther
+49 30 28 48 24 37

Let us know by 31.05.2018!


Meine Landwirtschaft [Germany]

Friends of the Earth Europe


Heinrich Boell Foundation  [Germany/ Poland]

European Coordination Via Campesina,

Bread for the World [Germany]

Slow Food

and Pour une autre PAC [France]


To distribute the Calls for Action

  • In French: Chaque jour, des millions de paysan·ne·s, travailleur·euse·s agricoles et pêcheur·se·s travaillent dur pour mettre de merveilleux aliments, sains et frais, dans nos assiettes. Nous devons préserver cette production. À travers toute l’Europe, des citoyen·ne·s s’engagent pour une Bonne Nourriture et une Bonne Agriculture ! More
  • In Italian: Ogni singolo giorno milioni di piccoli agricoltori, lavoratori agricoli, pastori e pescatori lavorano sodo per produrre cibo buono, sano e nutriente per i nostri piatti. Tutto questo va preservato. In tutta Europa tantissimi cittadini sostengono il buon cibo e la buona agricoltura! More
  • In Spanish: Cada día, millones de agricultor@s, campesin@s, pastor@s y pescador@s, trabajan muy duro para producir alimentos increíbles, sanos y frescos que llenen nuestros platos. Necesitamos que esto no desaparezca. ¡En toda Europa, la ciudadanía está alzando la voz para pedir una buena alimentación y una buena agricultura! More
  • In German: Millionen Bäuerinnen, Bauern, Lebensmittelhandwerker*innen, Viehalter*innen und Fischer*innen auf der ganzen Welt produzieren täglich gesunde Lebensmittel. Das müssen wir schützen. Europaweit lehnen sich Bürgerinnen und Bürger auf, um für gutes Essen und eine gute Landwirtschaft einzutreten! More
  • In English: Every single day millions of small farmers, land workers, pastoralists and fishers work hard to produce wonderful, healthy, refreshing food for our plates. We need to save this. All across Europe citizens are standing up for Good Food & Good Farming! More
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About Helene Schulze 31 Articles

Helene is a contributor and coordinator at ARC2020, co-director of the London Freedom Seed Bank and contributor for various other publications concerned with the intersections between food, agriculture and social justice. She recently completed a Masters degree in Environmental Governance at the University of Oxford. There she wrote her thesis on seed sovereignty and biodiversity conservation in the United Kingdom. Her work focuses on agroecology, (urban) food justice, experimental and participatory policymaking and art-science collaborations for expanding the reach and potential of the food movement.