I field good

Nicolas Hulot Foundation (FNH) have launched their new action on CAP reform: “I Field Good, for sustainable farming and food supply”. Through the testimony of French, German and Cameroonian farmers, and support from many networks, the Foundation invites European citizens to support four proposals for the future of the CAP 2014 – 2020.

For the Foundation, the action has two key purposes:

  • to demonstrate that another type of farming is possible
  • to give a voice to those who put it into practice

The four proposals are gathered in a petition which will be presented to the French government in June 2013. By signing the petition, citizens ask for four clear and non-separable guidance lines to be integrated into the CAP reform, then developed on and coordinated with national and regional policies:

  1.  For an agriculture of the FUTURE: Encourage support for employment in agriculture  and for young farmers’ settlement.
  2. For an agriculture that is more ECOLOGICAL: Redirect aid to environmentally friendly farming systems (organic farming, sustainable agriculture, agroecology …)
  3. For an agriculture that is FAIRER : Review the allocation of funds between types of agriculture and between European countries by linking them to agricultural employment.
  4. For an agriculture with greater SOLIDARITY: Do away with subsidies that undermine  farming in developing countries.

To understand the rationale of its approach, the Foundation’s ifieldgood.org website provides all the keys to understanding the desirable and positive farming they defend through videos, testimonials, documented content, education and relay tools …

You can sign the petition online here: https://formulaires.fondation-nicolas-hulot.org/fra/I_Field_Good

Watch the campaign video (in English) here:

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