Rural Resilience

« La PAC est une aberration en regard de l’impact climatique et environnemental de l’agriculture »

Samedi le 25 février, le Salon de l’Agriculture démarre à Paris. Au-dessous un maquillage de paysannerie idéalisée, aucun signe de changement chez l’industrie agro-alimentaire. Tout comme pour la nouvelle PAC, qui maintient les pratiques agricoles non durables tout en affaiblissant la cohésion européenne. « L’agriculture du carbone », avancée comme voie vertueuse, ne changera rien sur le fond. C’est trop peu, trop tard, insiste Hannes Lorenzen, président de l’association ARC2020, lors d’une tribune pour Le Monde. […]

Latest from Brussels

“CAP is an Aberration in terms of Climate & Environmental Impact of Ag”

This weekend the Salon de l’Agriculture kicked off in Paris. Beyond the romanticised picture of farming presented at big agri-food fairs like this, the food and farming system shows no sign of change. So it is with the new CAP, which locks in unsustainable agricultural practices while eroding European cohesion. Carbon farming, offered as a solution, will change nothing in substance. Plus ça change, argues ARC2020 President Hannes Lorenzen in an Op-Ed for Le Monde. […]

Main stories

German CAP Strategic Plan: Bold Changes Required

The new funding period of the Common Agricultural Policy has begun. The EU member states, including Germany, have all developed National Strategic Plans to implement the new EU requirements. However, as the following article shows, this reform and its national implementation are not sufficient to achieve environmental, climate, animal wellfare and social objectives. […]

Main stories

Post-Brexit Farm Policy – Where Do England’s Smallholdings and Horticulture Sector Stand?

In the UK, farm policy is a devolved responsibility, so the governments of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are each working at their own pace and to their own vision of post-Brexit agricultural reform. In this article, the first of a two-part series, Ursula Billington presents the state of play in England, the nation so far taking the most novel approach. […]

Latest from Brussels

Seed Marketing Reform – Commission hints at Faustian Hybrid

In preparation of the Commission’s expected proposal for a new seed marketing legislation on June 7th, MEP Sarah Wiener and MEP Martin Häusling called a conference to discuss what is a just transition to agroecology. The conference, moderated by ARC2020 President Hannes Lorenzen, brought together farmers, MEPs, NGO members and Commission representatives. New information about the next form of seed legislation, some secondary space for agroecology, and key GMO concerns emerged. […]

Rural Resilience

Pollinisation croisée des idées du Portugal : Nos Campagnes en Résilience à Plessé

“Certaines des expériences partagées lors de cette rencontre sont tellement intéressantes et innovantes qu’elles méritent d’être reproduites au Portugal.” Ana Fonseca, de la communauté agroécologique Montado do Freixo do Meio au Portugal a rejoint le groupe et partage ses impressions sur la philosophie et la production alimentaire de l’événement sur la résilience rurale. […]

Latest from the ARC network

Cross-Pollinating Resilience From Portugal: Nos Campagnes en Resilience in Plessé

“Some of the experiences that were shared during this meeting are so interesting and innovative that they deserve to be replicated in Portugal.” Ana Fonseca, from the agro-ecological community Montado do Freixo do Meio in Portugal joined the cohort and shares her impressions on the philosophy and food production of the Rural Resilience event. […]

Main stories

Meet the Movement Linking Civil Society with Philanthropy for Food System Transformation

In Berlin, on the eve of the Wir haben es satt! demonstration at which thousands marched for a socio-ecological agricultural future, two of ARC’s founders, Benny Haerlin and Hannes Lorenzen, sat down with Marinke van Riet to discuss her work as “chief weaver” of Healthy Food Healthy Planet. Healthy Food Healthy Planet is an intersectoral coordination effort that connects civil society actors with funders in the transition to healthy, just and sustainable food environments. […]