Every October, farmers, consumers, activists and citizens come together to celebrate food and farming – and demand political change! For the sixth year in a row, the European Days of Action are happening. Wiebke Beushausen and Mia Mancini from Good Food Good Farming tell us about the actions and some of the activities upcoming – and how to register yours!
From disco soups and peaceful protests to farm visits and panel discussions, every action that brings people together for this cause is welcome. The events are diverse but share a joint-vision: A future where food systems work for people, planet and climate – not for profits!
All events are featured on an Action Map that showcases the collective initiative across Europe. At the moment, more than 50 events can be found via the action map – and many more will follow. YOU can add an event – info below on how to. Some highlights include:
FestEssen, October 7 – 8 (Werder, Germany)
During this weekend, the food policy council Havelland & partners have one aim: Making good food accessible for everyone! The marketplace in Werder will become a showcase for regional producers that features hands-on workshops as well as a diverse stage program with music and inputs on regional food, climate change and food culture.
Let’s Discuss Organic – Youth in Sustainable Food Systems, October 10 (online)
In their webinar, IFOAM Organics Europe will discuss the importance of organic youth groups in sustainable food systems and in the political decision-making process. Amidst the challenges of the climate crisis and the long process of changing European Union legislations, youth engagement is needed now more than ever!
Suelo Agrícola y Regeneración, October 20 (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain)
Slow Food Araba has organized this conference on the importance of soil in regenerative agriculture. During the full-day event, there will be a talk with farmers followed by a public presentation and a laboratory of taste.
How to register your event
Everyone can be part of the Action Days by organizing an event or joining an on- or offline event in your area. If you have a food or farming activity planned between October 1 and 31, you can register your own event at the GFGF website.
As an event organiser, you receive material to participate in this year’s postcard action. During your event, you can encourage participants to fill in the blanks for the following statements on the postcard: “I want a food system that …” and “I am fed up with…”.
The culminating part of the Action Days will be a protest march in Brussels on November 8th. Representatives of GFGF will start the action by handing over all postcards to MEPs. Under the slogan “Food Systems Back on the Table” the movement will then take the streets in a colorful march by the EU institutions and demand EU-policy action for socially just and future-fit agrifood systems.
The Action Days are happening precisely at the right time, as European agri-food policies are at a critical juncture. Before the European elections in June 2024, the current EU government only has six months left to deliver on the targets of the Farm to Farm strategy. At the same time, legislative progress is stalled by conservative politicians and the agroindustry lobby. Now there is a lot at stake: With a vote on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation (SUR) by the Parliament in November and a possible proposal for the Sustainable Food Systems law (SFS) by the EU Commission before the end of the year, the EU could make two pivotal decisions on the future of our food system.
Through the Action Days, the need for better food and farming policies are put on the agenda across Europe. It is time to let national and EU decision-makers know: Stop favoring industrial farming giants and support a transition to agroecology! We want change towards a future where:
+ Good food is a basic right – not a privilege
+ Farmers & farm workers are in charge – not exploited
+ The answer is agroecology – not agroindustry
+ There is place for nature – not pesticides
+ Rural areas are flourishing – not neglected
+ Our food system works for the people, planet and climate – not for profits
Read the full Call to Action
English: This year, we prepare to raise our voices again! There is much at stake: nature, farmer’s livelihoods and food as we know it. We are fed up with the profit-driven model which costs us a livable future on our planet! It’s time for action! If not us, who? If not now, when? Read more
German: Auch dieses Jahr steht viel auf dem Spiel: die Zukunft unserer Ernährung, der bäuerlichen Landwirtschaft und das Klima! Es ist Zeit zu handeln! Wer, wenn nicht wir? Wann, wenn nicht jetzt? Mehr lesen
Spanish: Este año, ¡nos preparamos para alzar de nuevo nuestras voces! Hay mucho en juego: la naturaleza, el sustento de lxs agricultorxs y la alimentación tal y como la conocemos. Estamos cansadxs del modelo lucrativo que nos cuesta un futuro habitable en nuestro planeta. ¡Es momento de actuar! Si no nosotrxs, ¿quién? Si no ahora, ¿cuándo? Leer más
Italian: Quest’anno, ci stiamo organizzando per alzare di nuovo la voce! La posta in gioco è alta: natura, sopravvivenza degli agricoltori e il cibo come li conosciamo. Siamo stufi del modello basato sul protto che compromette un futuro vivibile sul nostro pianeta! È il momento di attivarci! Se non noi, chi? Se non ora, quando? Leggi tutto
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