Latest from EU Member States

European Days of Action – Mobilizing for a Just Transition of our Food Systems

October has come to a close, and with it, another year of European Days of Action! With 64 events in 25 countries, we’ve raised our collective voice to highlight some critical EU negotiations next year: the EU budget, also known as the Multiannual Financial Framework and the upcoming Common Agricultural Policy. Mia Mancini and Pauline Naterstad tell us more. […]

Latest from Brussels

October is Here – That Means European Days of Action!

Every October, farmers, consumers, activists and citizens come together to celebrate food and farming – and demand political change! For the seventh year in a row, the European Days of Action are happening. Mia Mancini and Pauline Naterstad from Good Food Good Farming tell us about the actions and some of the upcoming activities – and how to register yours! […]


October = Good Food Good Farming Action Days!

Every October, farmers, consumers, activists and citizens come together to celebrate food and farming – and demand political change! For the sixth year in a row, the European Days of Action are happening. Wiebke Beushausen and Mia Mancini from Good Food Good Farming tell us about the actions and some of the activities upcoming – and how to register yours! […]

Main stories

European Action Days 2021 – Good Food Good Farming on the Ground

This October the pan-European Good Food Good Farming European Days of Action took place with decentralised events across Europe for the fourth time. 188 events were organised in 18 different countries fighting for better food and farming in Europe and across the world. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, more events than ever were organised during the action month. […]


Join Green Farming Now – All Day Web Event 17th February

With CAP activities hotting up – in trilogue and at member state level – our friends in Good Food Good Farming have, with Birdlife Europe, organised an agri-food policy event for 17th February. The need for transformation, the science and evidence behind why and how CAP isn’t working, along with some practical suggestions for how to communicate and mobilise around CAP issues form the core elements of this exciting all-day event.  […]

Latest from the ARC network

Good Food Good Farming Campaign is cooking up a storm

Across the continent, farmers, environmentalists, pastoralists, fishers are grabbing their pots and spoons to call for a more socially and environmentally just European food system. We want to see policy which supports small farmers and rural livelihoods, protects our soil, water, ecosystems and biodiversity and provides healthy food for all. On the 27th and 28th October, let’s make sure we are heard! […]

Recent updates

–Road Map for Good Food – Good Farming and a living countryside

In 2010 ARC2020 launched a “Communication from Civil Society to the European Union Institutions on the Future of Agricultural and Rural Policy” which was elaborated over six months and adopted  by a broad alliance of civil society organisations and networks. The Communication was submitted to the European Commission, to the Council and the Parliament on the same day when the Commission published its first outline for a reform of the CAP. During the following debate and negotiations of the future of agricultural and rural policies ARC2020 has strongly advocated for a paradigm change in agriculture and food systems and for an economic, social and environmental renaissance of rural areas. ARC2020 has become a European Platform for a debate on the future of farming and food. Our #ARC2020 conference – Good Food, Good Farming and a living Countryside –  is an opportunity for renewing our civil society’s agenda for the coming five years. We offer a framework for a  ROAD MAP of goals and activities which ARC2020 and its partners could follow in the coming years, based on […]

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Recent updates

–Go M.A.D (Meet A Deputy)

The Go M.A.D (Go Meet A Deputy) campaign was officially launched following the disappointing outcome of the CAP reform vote in the European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (COMAGRI) in January 2013.  Go M.A.D called upon Europe’s citizens to directly interact with their local Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to ask how they would vote during the plenary decision on the CAP reform in Strasbourg in March 2013. We wanted to know which of the 754 MEPs would vote for a green, fair and local CAP… Find out more about the action on our campaign website here. The action was supported by 37 additional organisations across Europe. Over a period of two months, 71 meetings were held in 11 countries.

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Recent updates

–The Good Food Good Farming campaign!

Launched in 2012, the Good Food Good Farming campaign is the action point of ARC2020. Through the campaign, ARC2020 has organised common actions and mobilised citizens across Europe at key moments in the CAP reform process. Highlights include Go M.A.D. (Go Meet A Deputy), and the CAP SNAP photo campaign; as well as actions in Strasbourg and Luxembourg. Campaign website: Twitter: @goodfoodmarch     […]

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Recent updates

–CAP SNAP Photo campaign

The CAP SNAP photo campaign was a fundamental part of the Good Food March to Brussels in 2012. It was launched to allow anyone to send a message to EU politicians about the future of food and farming they want to see in Europe. The idea is simple: Take a piece of A4 paper, write your message, add your name and country, find a great background…and click. During the Good Food March over 1000 photos were collected from countries across Europe (and beyond). On 19 September 2012, the GFM Grande Finale in Brussels, the photos were presented to EU representatives responsible for the CAP reform in a book of citizen testimonials. This included EU Agriculture Commissioner – Dacian Cioloş and COMAGRI Chair – Paolo De Castro. The photos provide a snapshot of all those who want Europe’s food and farming policy to change for better. They send a strong and unified message to the decision makers responsible for shaping and implementing Europe’s food and farming policy from 2014- 2020: The policy must protect nature, animals […]

Recent updates

–Rally for a new agricultural policy in Germany

The German campaign „Meine Landwirtschaft – unsere Wahl“ (My agriculture – our choice): has organised an large, nation-wide rally through Germany culminating in a protest in front of the German chancellery. Following the „Wir haben es satt“ rally on 22 January 2011 in Berlin, one of the largest public demonstration for a new agricultural policy in recent German history, farmers from all over Germany have now toured Germany on their tractors all the way to Berlin where they convened on June 9th, 2011 for a protest rally in front of the German chancellery. They are calling for a small-scale, fair, animal-friendly and ecological agriculture. The routing of the rally is available here: The closing event „Angela, we need to talk“ including a farmers‘ banquet took place on June 9th from 10am to 12am in front of the German chancellery. Take a look at the video appeal: The farmers from all over Germany presented a list of demands to chancellor Merkel calling for a cultural change in farming. From the dominant unsustainable, resource-intensive, […]