Latest from EU Member States

Behind the Danish Green Tripartite – Democracy, Smallholders and the Rights of Rural People

Ole Kjaerulff Davidsen of Frie bonder – Levende Land argues that The Green Tripartite Agreement in Denmark represents a worrying step backwards for democracy and human rights, excluding small farmers and rural organisations from decisions that deeply impact their lives. In so doing, it violates the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants. Immediate action is needed to demand genuine democratic involvement and prioritise sustainable farming practices and rural rights that benefit people, nature, and the planet. […]

Latest from EU Member States

The Green Tripartite Agreement Locks in Industrial Ag and Biotech Solutionism

 The Danish Green Tripartite could lock in the existing industrial farming system, based on the promises of questionable (bio)technologies. Denmark’s farming system needs a structural transformation and the use of GMOs should be tightly regulated to prevent further ecological damage. As it stands, this Agreement will do nothing to transform the farming sector in Denmark to a truly sustainable model. By June Rebekka Bresson (Noah, Denmark) and Franziska Achterberg (SOS, Germany). […]

Latest from EU Member States

Political Deal reached on Denmark’s Green Tripartite – What’s in it and what’s not?

After a long silence saturated with rumours and speculations, a broad majority Monday presented a political deal on implementing the informal green tripartite agreement (IGTA) from June. The deal sees stronger reduction targets for Nitrogen pollution than were initially proposed, while maintaining the climate tax and land use changes proposed by earlier agreements. These latter taxes and changes have been criticised as far too little compared the the scale of the challenge by opponents, who also rail against the voluntary nature of the targets and reliance of future technologies and future political will. A significant if still controversial day for Denmark.  Asger Mindegaard unpacks the preliminary details for ARC. […]

Latest from Brussels

European Parliament backs Weakened EU Deforestation Law amid Voting Chaos

The European Parliament has voted in favour of the proposed one-year delay in the implementation of the EU’s new deforestation law and thrown its weight behind a new ‘no-risk’ category for countries. But amid voting system failures and more negotiations to come, the vote is far from the end of the story. Feeling bamboo-zled? Here Natasha Foote breaks down all you need to know.  […]

Latest from EU Member States

Deep Dive into The Green Tripartite  – what’s in, what’s not and the Tricky Issue of Implementation.

This longer piece by Rasmus Blædel Larsen is a deep dive into the substance of the initial Green Tripartite Agreement text, as well as into some of the earlier critics of aspects of the agreement. In particular the contentious role of trees, the ambition of the targets, impact on biodiversity and finally actual implementation. Municipalities signed up to this as partners, and have a big role in delivery – perhaps one of the most important roles. But do they have the capacity to follow through? […]

Latest from EU Member States

Denmark’s Green Tripartite – Politics Plays its Role

In this piece, Asger Mindegaard (former Green Advisor in the European Parliament) brings us up to speed with the state of play for implementation of the Green Tripartite Agreement. After much fanfare back in June, pressure is mounting from many sides. The tricky issue of Nitrogen plays a role – alongside political parties and stakeholders of many hues. […]

Latest from EU Member States

Stakeholder Collaboration as the Cornerstone of the Green Transition The Danish Model

Here, Niels Peter Nørring Director of Climate and EU Policy at the Danish Agriculture and Food Council (DAFC) explains what’s in the Green Tripartite Agreement (GTA), which DAFC  signed up to on June 25th, with a range of other stakeholders from Danish society. He introduces the Danish tradition of Tripartite agreements, the GTA’s main elements, including its livestock tax and funding, and assesses its applicability to the EU more widely.  […]

Latest from EU Member States

Paving the Way for Agriculture Emission Reductions – the Danish case

Kicking off our series on the Danish agriculture in general, and the Green Tripartite Agreement in particular, here Emil Fraas of CONCITO introduces the broad contours of the Green Tripartite Agreement (GTA). As well as an introductory outline to the agreement, his focus is on the background that led to it, funding to support it, the role Nitrogen plays in the agreement, how integrated or otherwise the GTA is to the Common agricultural policy (CAP) and other enabling circumstances. Frass sees positives in the GTA, while also seeing merit in more ambition on climate, biodiversity and diet.  […]

Latest from Brussels

The Civil Society Guide to Avoiding Electile Disfunction

With the European elections just around the corner, civil society is revving up for the next mandate. Ahead of the vote, ARC2020 has compiled a one-stop shop of resources from farming, environmental, and food civil society organisations. Interestingly, there is a lot of overlap between these sectors in what is a fascinating set of tools for action. Let’s have a look at some of them.  […]

Latest from EU Member States

Missing Targets and Making Partnerships – Denmark and Climate Change

When it comes to greenhouse gas emissions reductions, there is a dynamic tension between the ambitious aims of the EU and its member states on the one hand, and the realities of embedded, entrenched elements of the economy such as agri-food on the other. The European Union set target in 2021: a 50% reduction in Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG) by 2030. Progress remains however, slow. Progress is especially slow in agriculture. Rasmus Larsen unpacks the situation in one of Europe’s intensive agriculture strongholds, Denmark, where, after faltering misfires, a new three way partnership has been proposed. What is this, and will it work? […]