Transatlantic Dialogue between legislators on TTIP in European Parliament
US & EU politicians, civil society make closer links on TTIP. […]
US & EU politicians, civil society make closer links on TTIP. […]
Crucial web event happening on TTIP and antimicrobial resistance 24th July. […]
Civil society on both sides of the Atlantic are joining forces to show just what’s wrong with TTIP […]
Fancy some added chlorine, growth promoting hormones, animal byproducts and some extra GM feed? Welcome to the world of TTIP… […]
Join more than 14.000 citizens who have said no to special privileges for investors! It ́s less than a week to the July 7 deadline for submissions to European Commission consultation on the Investor-State dispute settlement as part of the EU-US trade deal. The consultation has been heavily criticised for being an empty process, not giving any real voice to civil society. Now is your chance to react. The Investor-State dispute settlement would allow companies to challenge democratically agreed decisions on food safety, environment, public health and consumer protection. FoEE, AK Europa and ÖGB Europa have launched an online tool that allows individuals to take part in the consultation in order to express their opposition to investor-state dispute settlement in its entirety in a few clicks. This is an opportunity to send a clear message to the European Commission that giving privileges to private investors at the expense of people and societies as a whole will not be tolerated. The tool is in English, French, German, Hungarian and Spanish and can be accessed at: […]
TTIP & local food double speak exposed by our UK correspondent Peter Crosskey […]
Dozens of campaigners filled a London lecture theatre to hear the environmental case against agreement. […]
The EMB urged an immediate halt, calling the agreement a severe threat to the EU – economically, ecologically and socially. […]
Animal confinement and antibiotics are just two areas where a race to the bottom might work against organic standards on both sides of the Atlantic. […]
Study debunks the ongoing argument of the biotech industry that GM and non-GM soybeans are substantially equivalent […]
Is the TTIP consultation anything more than a mealy-mouthed farce? […]
It is sometimes easier to find out what is being discussed in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) talks by following the US government coverage than waiting for European negotiators to testify in front of MEPs. The US House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means grilled trade ambassador Michael Froman on April 3. The hearing is available online, but the 441MB file runs for nearly three hours, so here are some highlights. Representative Mike Thompson complained about protected geographic indicators that (0:55): “…the EU is making it very difficult… …some of the things they have done have created harmful trade barriers…” Responding, ambassador Froman sympathised with Thompson (2:05): “…we think our system of trade marks and common names works well, and we resistant to efforts to create further geographic indications.” Summing up, Froman added (2:40): “…it’s important that we establish a regime that works for us as well.” Click on the button to load the content from Load content TTIPhearinggeographic 2 by anglophonie Texan Representative Lloyd Doggett asked if the dispute procedure (ISDS) for […]
Will the precautionary principle and other stalwarts of the European project be eroded by TTIP? […]
Arc2020 UK Correspondent Peter Crosskey gives his prognosis of TTIP stakeholder engagement […]
The threats the secretive EU-U.S. Free Trade negotiations pose to Romanian peasants and farmers. […]
Agricultural and Rural Convention