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  2. The insurrance companies are very keen on attracking new possibilities like mentionned above. Given the situation that large bank and insurrance companies are clossely linked to the farm organisations (COPA) there will be no opposition to this from COPA, (and this will make a new burden fot the farmer( i.e. there was always a govt action in Belgium when there was far too much rain, so farmers got money from the govt; but once this new scheme is in practice, the Belgian govt won’t give anything anymore) But I foresee a great opposition to the limit of 60.000 euros

  3. Hello there….My name is Mr.Raghu and I’m from India… I’m an small entrepreneur here in India.. it’s very great to see and know about the facts of Czech Republic farming and about oganic farming…I’m looking forward to start a vegetable farm in Czech Republic and sell and serve inside the Czech Republic and I would like to know how it can be possible to cultivate Vegetables and start farming…I need some help..Thank you

  4. Certainly a worthy analysis Kevin, however unfortunately the ‘enabling’ environment in Ireland is a considerable contributory factor, weighted towards the business models of the large intensive supply chains you refer to as opposed to small scale producers, whom are considered a ‘risk’. Although similar in the rest of the EU, it is significantly less controlled given the economic reality of the importance of the Agri-food sector (export) in Ireland. DAFM and Bord Bia investment / financial Supports are predominately geared towards these supply chain interests and the export market – this particularly so, post 2008. The challenge therefore is to focus the development authorities on fulfilling their statutory obligations to producers and consumers alike – in support of a sustainable agri-food industry, consistent with EU internal market regulations and the pillars referred to and not just the selected intensive supply chains as is the current strategy. I recommend you refer to the Bord Bia commissioned and Harvard authored Pathways for Growth plan – this is the strategy being pursued from 2008 in Ireland. The strategy calls for what the authors refer to as Co-opetition and Branding (Collectivisation) – the document also states Competition Authorities and Consumer Bodies would take issue and goes on to say that they would be short sighted. The Co-opetition is the cartels you will be familiar with in each sector in Ireland and the collectivisation is An Bord Bias QAS i.e. management systems whose input requirements are those of large supply chain interests – these QAS are a defacto pre-requiste and a restrictive practice. Hence your difficulty getting to market. As an ICT professional you will immediately understand the difficulty with the design of a system, whose requirements (those of the processors and large retailers) are not in the interests of those they are intended to benefit – the producer. The issue is compounded when they serve as a restrictive practice. By signing up, you take on board the management systems requirements of the dominant supply chains i.e. these schemes further cede management control from the producer to the processor – vertical integration. When development authorities facilitate this as QAS scheme owners, the future is indeed bleak for small farmers – as per design of the Pathways for Growth Plan. My work involves the internal market regulations and ISO standards which are in breach concerning the implementation of this plan. I am happy to discuss or to publish a report on Arc2020 if you are the wider community wish to understand the specifics.

  5. I have been appreciatively following this website and reading Robert”s books for many years, and this is the single most unfortunate thing I have ever seen him involved with. Please note that everything in Paul Driessen”s article is about glyphosate and cancer. Now note that 99% of the massive case against glyphosate”s health dangers to humans has nothing to do with cancer. I suggest readers try googling glyphosate health and similar combinations and follow some of the leads carefully. Though the final verdict may not be in yet, an objective reader will soon begin to learn about some of the really huge issues at stake. A massive experiment on humans” health is currently being conducted due to glyphosate and the preliminary results are looking very ugly indeed. Forget the cancer red herring.

  6. In regards to the critique posted by Frank Armstrong, for a system that “doesn’t scale” there are now over 50 mill hectares of range land on 5 continents using holistic management. Here’s a more recent article by Barry Estabrook, who listened to both sides of the debate, and then witnessed for himself Holistic Management in practice on a ranch. Low and beholds, HM works. Here’s Estabrook’s article: http://www.eatingwell.com/article/290723/this-man-wants-you-to-eat-more-meat/ For those people who claim there is no science backing up Savory’s claims, read Teague, Wong, Rowntree, Stanley and other people’s research supporting HM. A growing body of research exists. Though articles like this one by Slate seem to always miss it.

  7. Hi, what is the role of manure for the soil quality, humus and biological Life? At the moment 10% of Swedens manure is seen as waste or fuel since it comes from horse stables. This is for me a tremendous loss. We need to close the loop with agriculture, instead large scale burning for “renewable” energy is starting to solve the problem of the stables.

  8. What ails the Irish farmers. They operate for production not food. They feed their families from the supermarkets. Such people are not worth their name on a farm deed as they have no mas on their peoples history especially the Famine.

  9. Hi Laurent, I think the issue is that miscanthus is not that much of a tool in the specific EFA context. EFAs are supposed to be the gold standard for biodiversity.
    So sth that’s good for biodiversity isn’t enough actually.
    Moreover, the weighting should reflect this.

  10. Having farmed organically here NE Scotland we have been telling people for years that there has been a large scale reduction of insects and birds especially in the lest 15-20 years,the problem is that people have not noticed the change and are becoming used to the “new normal”and think you are scare mongering for us it is a tragedy and sometimes makes us dispair.Good to see this report from Germany I would think that it is the same over much of Europe

  11. Sad to read once again the false argument that miscanthus is no tool for biodiversity. Miscanthus and SRC provide shelter to birds and mammals. Combined with appropriate strips (flower, food), it can contribute to a sustainable biodiversity gain in the countryside by fragmenting large surfaces of monocultures.

  12. Dear Sir, Madam,

    Warm Greetings from Nepal. I am Bel Bahadur Gurung working as program Officer at SADP=Nepal Sustainable Agriculture Development Program Nepal. I have been associated with this organization since 2005 till date.

    I completed permaculture Design Course PDC from Nepal Permaculture in 2004. Similarly, I completed Eco-Village Training from Findhorn Foundations Scotland UK in 2005. I have been always striving and working for the promotion of organic farming and the evolution of ecological movement. my seal interest of learning more about organic farming.

    My organization works for the promotion of organic farming. It provides trainings and volunteer services to the local farmers and the people who are interested to learn about organic farming and sustainable living way. Also we provide seeds to the local farmings.

    As I went through the website of your organization, I found it quite suitable for me to attend the trainings/ seminar in the upcoming events. I therefore would like to request you to provide me some more information so I could participate in your prestigious organization.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    With Regards

    Bel Bahadur Gurung

    Program Officer
    P.O. Box 220
    Pokhara, Nepal

  13. Thank you for this succinct, if depressing, analysis of why Ag policies are the way they are. There are many parallels with the water sector, which is also stuck in 20th Century big-business policies (big dams, a message of water scarcity, and cooption of the sustainability and poverty frames to justify everything). The approach some of us are taking to counter this is to employ the frame of Ethics as a way of revealing the tacit values that are being advanced by the conventional actors. Calling out the values and exposing those values to the light of democratic forces (social and environmental NGOs), and finding common cause with Indigenous Peoples’ water sovereignty struggles (e.g., DAPL), as well as organized religions (e.g., the Vatican’s recent hosting of a “water values” conference) is part of this strategy. But the core feature, which I think might be relevant to the Ag sector, is the development of a global Water Ethics Charter currently in progress (http://waterethics.org/the-water-ethics-charter/), and even more broadly, framing the topic of “water ethics” as a necessary sub-field of water governance, just as bioethics has become a recognized dimension of health governance. Perhaps it’s time for a Charter of Agricultural Ethics, and developing a corresponding sub-field of Ag Ethics, that would go beyond the right-to-food (just as water ethics is much bigger than the human right to water) to provide a framework of the ethical interactions of agriculture with environmental, social, cultural, and governance values, in addition to the economic dimensions. There is a robust literature of agricultural multifunctionality to draw upon, as well as a myriad of local initiatives.

  14. I think that Michael Gove should be judged by his actions. He has already spoken against live exports, which is excellent from an animal welfare point of view. And has taken first steps to withdrawing the UK waters from the common fisheries policy, which has been disastrous for fish stocks. It is UK government action, beyond EU rules, that has brought the cod back in the North Sea — as proved by the failure of stocks to recover in the Irish Sea and elsewhere, where UK initiatives were not implemented (see Charles Clover, the Times 6 July).
    Carbon Dioxide does encourage plants to grow, and increased rate of forest growth will help mitigate CO2 emission increases.
    Although New Zealand is not a good model in itself (market forces only, not enough environmental policy), neither is the CAP.
    I fear Miles King’s article is a knee-jerk reaction against a policy maker, who may well make the right policies (the most effective in practice), but who does not stick to the green lobby script. If so, good on him: there are many who stick to the green NGO script, supporting politically correct policies that are actually counter-productive: most wind turbines will never repay their CO2 cost, and the environmental damage caused in their construction; hydro-electric has caused massive irreversible environmental damage. The country which has reduced carbon emissions most in the world is the USA through the shale gas revolution, but no ‘respectable’ green can say that. If truth is the victim of political correctness, then the green NGOs ability to influence policy will be (and is) undermined. I say this as a green NGO staffer and conservationist myself, not part of any conventional agriculture lobby group.

  15. Hello,

    Interesting article. I am also interested in WWOOFing as a way to provide organic farming knowledge, as I study the provision and transmission of farming knowledge through social interactions, collective work or peer-to-peer. If you are WWOOFer or host, please fill my survey (open until the 25th of July) https://glos.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/wwoofingknowledge

    More info: http://www.ccri.ac.uk/wwoofing/

    Countryside and Community Research Institute (CCRI) Gloucester, UK

  16. 1. IARC has declared almost everything they look at to be a potential carcinogen. If you avoided everything they (or “the State of California”) claim is carcinogenic, you probably would have to live inside a solid glass cube.
    2. The IARC declaration has been refuted by many, many scientific review boards. Glyphosate is inert in the human body, and quickly excreted. There is no biological mechanism whereby glyphosate can cause cancer at low doses.
    3. The few published studies that conclude that there is a correlation between non-Hodgkins lymphoma and glyphosate exposure are statistically underpowered and have design flaws. The U.S. Agricultural Health Study, covering over 50,000 agricultural workers and their families, does not show a unambiguous correlation between NHL and glyphosate exposure.
    4. To summarize, the scientifically verifiable evidence and biological knowledge supports the claim that glyphosate is harmless to humans (and all mammals) at the exposures experienced by farm workers, home gardeners, or food consumers.

  17. I have read this extensive article on excess food produce as opposed to food waste as it is only waste when it must go for disposal as was the case prior to food banks coming to the fore.
    Food Cloud Ireland’s huge success story in taking ownership of excess food produce from supermarkets, did so by becoming an ‘Online Excess Food Broker’. Now although themselves are a charity they are paid by the Supermarkets to take ownership of this excess food online through their App, only then is the food donated by Food Cloud and not the supermarkets. In fact the charities collect much of this food themselves once they accept the offer made online by Food Clouds App. In the beginning of Food Cloud I attended one of Iseult Ward’s Trinity College speaches on their system. I put it to her that if the food was being donated then where was there a profit for Food Cloud, Iseult then told me they were paid to take ownership of it by the supermarkets.
    Now I applaud what Food Cloud has done along with Bia but I get quite annoyed with supermarkets getting free PR on making statements of donating excess food.Now its possible that there may be some donations offered by supermarkets in addition to what they pay to have removed. Remember before ‘Online Food Waste or Excess Food Brokers’ came online, commercial waste companies were paid to dispose of that perceived waste stream.

  18. I agree with this entirely. We run a food redistribution service in Exeter, and despite taking a lot of supermarket waste and making the supermarkets look good, they have refused to contribute to our running costs!

  19. Thank you for your inspiring IAASTD report.

    May I ask your permission to translate the 2016 report into Thai and post it in my blog (http://wari-wari2011.blogspot.com/).

    Here in Thailand, we are working on a voluntary basis to support an ongoing voluntary process, called “P.R.Model”. In some way, it can be seen as a solution to the immense problems addressed in the IAASTD report. P.R.Model is a modification of the sufficiency economy philosophy of our late beloved King. We’ll be happy to exchange our experiences and learn from yours.

    For your interest, you may google search for “P.R.Model”. There are some videos on YouTube.

  20. A beautiful vision for the transition of the CAP. A new paradigm is definitely needed. I have worked more than 20 years in NMS and in accession countries and the CAP instrumentarium has not been appropriate, and even in several countries contra productive to development of rural economies, where maybe 98% of the income support is harvested with the help of imported combined harvesters by 2% of the farmers on the expense of the vast majority. The paradigm still needs to be developed and made operational. Short value chains do not evolve by them selves. Paying willingness of the consumers is important. The sales of organics continue to increase in Denmark despite higher prices on organic products than on conventional (in average). But prices should reflect the real costs of production including all the externalities. Then the consumers will be even more attracted filling their cart in the shop or their basket in the local green market with local, traditional, organic or bio dynamic products. The more we can make this paradigm operational and make it a feasible and viable life for family farms and smallholders, the better. If I can help somewhere, let me know.

  21. Current direct payments, that account for most of CAP budget, are clearly a case of environmentally perverse subsidies, and need to be scrapped as soon as possible. Public money should be paid only for the provision of very clearly defined public goods.

  22. The French speaking part of the country (Belgium) rejected Ceta, so the Belgian government can’t accept Ceta (it’s in our constitution).

  23. Hi Katalin
    we agree of course that there is great value in these initiatives you mention. (we highlight and promote them all the time!). the phrase used was more in reference to how the Commission views Pillar 2 activities. Organic farmers for eg get paid for having a lower stocking rate because this is “income forgone”. Similarly with the other issue of the fig leaf – once a MS has plenty of farmers signed up to RD, it can ignore the negatives of Pillar 1 as its ‘doing something’. So I think we agree, its just the phrase we used above was for/from a particular perspective.

  24. Hi there, when you say that ‘today rural development schemes are still the figleaf for bad farming policies and operate primarily as compensation for economic losses’, I think you underestimate the role of major schemes like LEADER, High Nature Value or Agro-Environmental & Climate. In many rural places, should these EU second pillar measures not exist, there would be more desertification and abandoned landscapes.

  25. Legislate a floor set price for milk to go directly to farmers and make sure it is generous. The manufacturers and retailers can then take their profit.

  26. Pillar I direct payments are actually a case of environmentally damaging subsidy, so dropping these would not harm the environment, rather to the contrary. Some of the other ideas of the the new UK DEFRA minister are indeed scary, especially separating “sheep farming” and “butterfly farming”…

  27. thank you Hannes,
    certainly the most lucid text I’ve read since uk referendum ;-)
    we need a ‘daring’ Europe.

  28. there is still of course the fact that the 27 will, in essence, form their own team (without the UK) to negotiate with the UK…ie that the UK will inevitably be left out of this part of the process.

  29. I am grateful to Alan for the clarification and welcome his reassuring words of wisdom.

  30. Peter is absolutely right to highlight the importance of Article 50 to the process of a UK exit from the EU. However, I think it is overstating the case to say that “there is no role for the UK government to play in discussing the terms of the settlement that will be negotiated by the 27 remaining members of the European Union.”

    Professor Renwick explains the situation in the blog post that Peter quotes as follows:

    “Writing in Prospect magazine last month, Bronwen Maddox said, ‘Clause 4 says that after a country has decided to leave, the other EU members will decide the terms—and the country leaving cannot be in the room in those discussions. Repeat: we’d have no say at all on the terms on which we’d deal with the EU from then on, and no opportunity to reconsider.’ That isn’t right: Clause 4 says only that we wouldn’t be in the room when the EU decides its position in the negotiations; but of course we would be in the room when the EU is negotiating with us. Furthermore, the UK is a country with clout, and it could use that to extract some advantage.”

    It may be cold comfort for those of us who view the referendum outcome as the wrong decision for both the UK and the EU but, should Brexit go ahead, it does open the possibility for a settlement that would try to minimise the damage for both sides, holding out the hope that under a new generation of political leaders the UK would seek re-admission at some point in the future.

  31. This is terrible! TTIP should be rejected, corporate US interests are contrary to the wellbeing of individuals, the environment and governments in Europe.

  32. Agroecology /agricology should harmoniously bring together all those involved such as agriculturists, chef, scientists, human rights etc.

  33. Very good paper! Indeed, as the author puts it “reducing or eliminating the sanctions would expose the lack of consistency of the EU’s foreign policy.” Europe must move beyond farming model being dependent on product exports (and import of raw materials) towards true food sovereignty – that is the only way to solve problems of the farmers in the long term.

  34. Although I have always been pro European perhaps BREXIT is the best in the end just to get away from CETA and TTIP toxic trade deals! However, if Tories remain in power, they will do whatever they can to fast-track bilateral deals with Canada and the US. We’re damned if we stay and damned if we go. It’s the WHOLE system that has to change. We are being ruled by Big multinational Corporations who are causing untold damage by by-passing our laws that are there to protect our workers, our welfare system, the NHS and our environment, flora and fauna. All this will eventually affect every single citizen and their well being.
    By the way, CETA & TTIP will be irreversible once signed. Corporate Europe or UK, here we come! I hope not!

  35. Thanks for your comment Paul Price.

    Sorry, that previous article was not a good Zimov article to refenence. I have found a much better one specifically about megafauna biomass:

    I do not know why you concluded that Zimov’s estimates are based on “modern horse numbers”, as this article indicates they are based on surveys of mammoth bone densities in the permafrost of many sites across northern Siberia.

    I consider Zimov’s data to be more reliable than the studies you cite because it is based on physical evidence from the pleistocene, not theoretical extrapolations of ecological principles which were derived from observations of post-Quaternary ecosystems which are well acknowledged to be dramatically different than pleistocene ecosystems.

    You should read the new article I just linked, I find it far more convincing than any of the articles you have cited.

    ” We calculate, based on animal skeleton density in frozen soils of northern Siberia, that mammoth-steppe animal biomass and plant productivity, even in these coldest and driest of the planet’s grasslands were close to those of an African savanna. ”

    And for those of you reading these comments, I encourage you to browse through all of the articles being referenced with a critical eye. Reading them FOR YOURSELF is the only reliable way to know which of us is more likely to be right. Unfortunately estimating Pleistocene biomass levels is HARD. The question is not which estimate of biomass is correct, the question is which is MORE LIKELY to be correct. For me, I choose the Zimov article cited in the comment. I trust the methodology much more.

    What about that article cited by Barnosky? (http://www.vaclavsmil.com/wp-content/uploads/PDR37-4.Smil_.pgs613-636.pdf) Did you even read it? There is not even a single attempt at estimating pre-Quaternary animal biomass levels or compare them to modern day biomass levels in that study. So it is entirely irrelevant to the current topic of conversation.

  36. I completely disagree with the Sheldon Frith’s comments regarding Barnosky’s 2008 PNAS paper, “Megafauna biomass tradeoff as a driver of Quaternary and future extinctions”. It is absurd to suggest that estimates of modern animal populations are “totally useless for estimating Pleistocene population levels”(in his opinion “for many obvious reasons”). In fact, his own Zimov reference does exactly the same by justifying their animal density on the basis of a self-reference assessment on modern horse numbers. By your own logic, the basis of Zimov too then is ‘totally useless’.

    Also, the Silva and Downing paper that Sheldon Frith disparages gives a highly detailed analysis of the scaling of density and body mass for terrestrial animals that is clearly relevant evidence for biomass of any era. In contrast it is notable that the Zimov & Zimov paper lacks such references and seems more self-referential than one would like to make the assertion that Pleistocene biomass was equivalent to today’s.

    I contacted Anthony Barnosky by email who replied saying, what must surely be obvious to most readers:

    “Megafauna biomass is many times higher today than it was before humans grew their population to billions and concurrently multiplied the biomass of domestic large animals. See also work by Vaclav Smil paper attached”

    The Smil paper is here: Harvesting the Biosphere: The Human Impact
    VaclaV Smil http://www.vaclavsmil.com/wp-content/uploads/PDR37-4.Smil_.pgs613-636.pdf

    Smil details the extreme effect of human agricultural productivity in increasing biomass.

    I think that Sheldon Frith would do well to look again at the evidence regarding terrestrial biomass. As per Barnosky Fig 3, the current biomass of humans, megafauna and livestock (increasingly fed over recent decades by fossil fueled grass and grain agriculture) is many times greater than in the Pleistocene.

  37. Also, A commenter from twitter posted a link to this article: http://ib.berkeley.edu/labs/barnosky/Barnosky%20PNAS%202008.pdf
    which seems to indicate that megafauna biomass levels were actually much lower than they are today. A little digging (aka. actually reading the article) reveals that the biomass estimates are not reliable.

    From the article:
    “Number of individual animals per species was estimated in the following way. in the following way. First, there is a correlation between body mass and population density,thatis, individuals per km2 (24–26). To estimate density, I used regressions from ref. 25: for large
    herbivores, density $ %0.44 & log(kg body mass) ‘ 1.01; and for large
    carnivores, density $ %1.31 & log(kg body mass) ‘ 1.22.”

    So the biomass estimates were really based on this article: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~downing/tier%202/jadpdfs/1995%20Allometric%20scaling…%20704-727.pdf

    And the density estimates in this second article are derived from estimates taken of MODERN ANIMAL POPULATIONS, which is totally useless for estimating Pleistocene population levels, for many obvious reasons. It is no wonder that the first article magically arrives at prehistoric biomass levels almost identical to modern wild animal biomass levels, since that is where the population estimates came from in the first place!

  38. Hi Fintan,

    Here is the reference for that:

    Zimov S, Zimov N. Role of Megafauna and Frozen Soil in the Atmospheric CH4 Dynamics. PLoS ONE. 2014;9(4):e93331. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093331.

    “If our calculations of animal densities in the Pleistocene are correct (or at least close), it appears that wild nature solely on recycled resources managed to sustainably maintain biomass higher than the entire biomass of modern civilization (humans and all domestic animals) …”

  39. I think your points are all over the map. There is places on this planet where crops can not be grown and animal agriculture is essential. I find you very unrealistic in your approach to not ever eating meat and making peace with what exactly? You probably would not hesitate to swat a mosquito but you do not want to eat a pig or a cow? In my mind this is flawed logic.

  40. Hello Mr Firth, I enjoyed your article but Im uncomfortable with some of the facts. Could you direct me to the studies comparing total megafauna biomass to current livestock.

  41. Why are so few people talking about soil as a climate change solution? Its actually very simple the answer………they cannot see, feel or otherwise be made uncomfortable by the present patterns or information. Douglas Adams would call it s ‘SEP’ Somebody Else’s Problem. Not enough first world homes or lifestyles are impacted……just look at how many farmers are still making a good living by chemical inputs killing the soil etc and us!

  42. I noticed they had an Oppenlander youtube clip. Losing the credibility fast on that side of the debate aren’t we. This is the same dude who was the ‘statistic advisor’ for ‘Cowspiracy’ and is someone (in his abolitionist vegan lectures on youtube) who also mocks local food systems and the word sustainable while advocating for highly processed vegan protein energy bars. Bars that have palm oil in them, which is also responsible for a lot of environmental damage. And ‘sustainable palm oil’, really isn’t when you look into it. There is a lot of good evidence on Regenerative Grazing. But let’s look at the health benefits. Paleo/Low Carb ways of eating are great for people with Typ 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome. With 280 Ausies a day getting Typ 2 diabetes, I think that may not be too good for our World. And the funny thing is you get less hungry eating that way, so you can eat less than a vegetarian and a lot less than a vegan. Another misconception is that people who eat this way eat a lot of meat. This is not true either. They eat adequate amount of meat or eggs etc and fat, and heaps of veg. Sounds pritty good to me. It is quite easy to eat this way and source local sustainable food. Please watch this Catalyst episode. http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/lowcarb/

  43. A thourough insight into rustic organic life style ! Just started a wwoof meeting yesterday to discuss possible setbacks and the way forward for Cameroonian and african farmers in general. Once more , thanks.

  44. Quite salient points which equally go true for african countries.
    Lets together build on our efforts and make the world a better place for all citizens.
    Wonderful job done.Its beneficial to us farmers of the world.

  45. What I found particularly inietestrng is the general wish to become more self-sufficient, i.e. less dependent on imports. What is the main driver behind that? Is that an economic one, preventing rural areas from desertion and keep economic activity in rural areas, or is it a food one’; is it considered more sustainable when a country within the EU is able to feed itself?I see this dilemma in some of the Eastern member states as well, where governments struggle to make a clear vision/decision on how to move forward.And if it is mainly an economic motive: do farmers have to produce mainly where Greece is best/competitive in? Or, if the driver is food oriented, does a country have to produce a wider variety of food stuffs and increase self-sufficiency for a large number of products (which can be more expensive than importing)?

  46. Hi Dee!We don’t currently breed cenkchis but are getting set up to possibly do so in the future. I agree about the unknown quality of chicks from hatcheries, especially when I want eggs from pastured organic soy and corn free hens. We have some hens and roosters of a few different breeds that we are growing and would love to have 2nd and 3rd generations of properly fed chicks. This is of course unheard of in this day and age. We have recently slowed things down on our farm and have sold off a large bunch of our cenkchis and cows and kept what we need for ourselves. It got too busy/stressful trying to save the world at this time! LOL But I still have every intention of making these products possible in our area, I just need some time so my family, kids especially, don’t take a back seat and pay the price of mommy being too busy to give them what they need. Thanks so much for your support! It is nice to hear from others involved in the same thing we are!!

  47. De Schutter relies on alogecoorgy, which claims to be the application of ecological science to sustainable agriculture. However, alogecoorgy is unable to contribute to two apparent paradoxes of global food production: 1) most of our food, from small plots of rice to vast fields of soyabean, comes from monocultures supposedly biologically unstable; 2) most food, certainly Latin America and Africa, comes from introduced, and not native, crops. But alogecoorgy would suggest that local crops are locally adapted, and therefore somehow better than introduced crops.Until alogecoorgy can explain these two paradoxes it should remain a harmless academic study, rather than an untried and dangerous approach to feeding people.

  48. 9. Laughing out loud. Really, numerous rpeorts? Were they also published in 2006 and prior? Yields have increased significantly over the years with correlation to booming technology and PESTICIDES. Do you know how many more crop eating insects are out there today compared to five, ten or fifteen years ago? How about the Asian aphids that almost wiped out the majority of the soybean crop? Without pesticides many family farmers (including my family) would be living on welfare. Then we can listen to all the city folk bitch about farmers robbing the government through welfare. Commodity markets are tough enough to make a decent living and now you’re saying we can’t use pesticides to prevent little bugs from eating our paychecks? It’s great when people don’t take a macro perspective before jumping to conclusions. Let me ask you, what would you do if you had an insect infestation in your restaurant? Would you let them harvest on your expensive organic inventories, drive away business and lose your reputation? I assume you would fumigate to kill the insects. You people that bash agriculture practices disgust me. The funny thing is when you shop at your organic food store to boycott, you lose! Most of those foods are actually manufactured by the large industrial farms, a polar opposite to the small family farm displayed on the package! It’s great that you and many others point out a huge problem for the health of society, yet I am puzzled no one can provide a feasible solution . . .

  49. Dear Bertus,
    Thanks for your thoughts and link to the lecture. Indeed, Romania seems to follow the same paths of agroindustry, land concentration with far reaching impact on its peasant and agroecological farming society.
    Here at Eco Ruralis (www.ecoruralis.ro) we are developing campaigns and programs which address the roots of this problem and hopefully with these kind of collaborations with EU civil society, we could shed light on destructive practices and also propose an alternative agricultural and development model.
    To keep yourself updated, I welcome you to read also other articles which myself and my colleagues wrote here on ARC2020.
    Keep in touch,
    Ramona Duminicioiu,
    Agrobiodiversity Campaign Coordinator,
    Eco Ruralis

  50. Thank you, Ramona Duminicioiu, for your great article entitled “In Romania 3 family farms disappear every hour”.

    It looks as if Romania makes the same mistakes as Europe made by clearing away small farmers.

    If you want, you may read about European agricultural policy, small farmers, soil and climate in my lecture entitled ‘Organic farming has the best credentials for an adequate sustainable food supply’.
    See: http://www.sustainablefoodsupply.org/en/organic-farming-has-the-best-credentials-for-an-adequate-sustainable-food-supply/

  51. It’s interesting that on the one hand Xavier Beulin as the head of the FNSEA complains about cheap imports, but is head of the group Avril(Sofiproteol) which had a company importing cheap meat from abroad. http://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2015/07/28/que-reprochent-ses-detracteurs-au-patron-de-la-fnsea_4702196_4355770.html

    In addition, the FNSEA promotes industrial agriculture which is why many small farmers are in difficulty as they can’t compete.

  52. Will this event be available on live streaming or afterwards through podcast?

  53. I have read a little about the contribution of Groupe de Bruges and really I highly appreciate the way how they are they trying to approach issues of Rural development and griculture in Europe and beyond. It is a very good example of Mr.Arie Van den Brandt to be followed by others who share their know-how with others and devote themselves to a cause.

  54. The TTIP treaty is a violation of democracy.
    Why are the meetings so secret?
    The corporation will have theright to sue a government!!! This is UNACCEPTABLE. I believe in organic food but also believe in SHARING. This treaty will transform normal life into an enduring blackmail.
    Crap american food will be (chlorine chicken, hormones beef, GMO and in general food with high pesticides content) easily available in Europe. They have no real food culture, in the US eating is like filling your petrol tank. We have geographical and qualitiy denominations and labelling is very important. In the US they have nothing like that.
    And don’t forget about the TISA, privatizing all services including WATER (Mediacl system, public school, transport, energy….etc. etc.)!!!!!!
    TTIP, TTP and TISA are a crime against freedom, democracy and free expression. Our presidents didn’t even ask us about it, they didn’t even say anything about it. The EU people HAS the right to say NO to this and our presidents MUST listen to us. If they don’t what’s left of democracy will be dead.

  55. Because the FDA standards are lax in the organic food brands area,
    there are some companies and even farmers who are a part of associations that set stricter guidelines for the requirement of actual organic foods.
    It is best to avoid direct sunlight for most all plants.

    Sewage sludge. It argues that though no synthetic substances are contained in GMOs, the fact that
    their genetic makeup has been tampered with no longer makes
    then eligible of being natural. The most widespread use of biopesticides is in the US.

  56. With all the efforts to ensure that organic
    produce and livestock are in their most natural state there is one more benefit.
    Tomatoes. Stress-induced peripheral NPY may play a mechanistic role.
    , Utah State University, Dept. For this reason, the cost
    of farm produce such as fruits, vegetables, and poultry has decreased significantly in many nations, meaning that poorer people can afford healthier and more
    nutritious food.

  57. I hope phill brings balance to an already environmental mad eu agri policy. Eu agri industry is over influenced by people who are ignorant about the industry.

  58. The above information is very useful. I have noted “farmers under threat” above.
    I am trying to do some very quick learning about the Directive and issues relating to the environment, consumers, private individuals/gardeners, small farmers and larger farms. Some groups representing smaller concerns are seeking exemptions, but how can the Directive be improved for all? Exemptions for small organic farmers will not solve the problem if there is cross contamination from commercially grown GM crops for example? Personally I would like to see a ban on GM crops. What are the implications for the EU/US Trade Deal? I am from the UK, DEFRA have an EU Competencies Agriculture Review. The UK Government is basically pro GM, so there are many issues to consider (not to mention the OECD/Horizon2020 and their bioeconomy ideas). https://consult.defra.gov.uk/eu/boc-agriculture. There are in fact 32 separate reviews.

    Can ARC tell me anything about the Directive and the mention of GM here:


    Thank you.

    Plant reproductive material: production and making available on the market

    Repealing Directives 66/401/EEC, 66/402/EEC, 68/193/EEC
    Repealing Directive 2002/56/EC 1995/0302(CNS)
    Repealing Directive 2002/57/EC 1995/0304(CNS)
    Repealing Directive 2002/53/EC 1995/0322(CNS)
    Repealing Directive 98/56/EC 1997/0367(CNS)
    Repealing Directive 1999/105/EC 1999/0092(CNS)
    Repealing Directive 2002/55/EC 2001/0108(CNS)
    Repealing Directive 2002/54/EC 2001/0147(CNS)
    Repealing Directive 2008/90/EC 2007/0014(CNS)
    Repealing Directive 2008/72/EC 2007/0296(CNS)
    See also 2013/0136(COD)
    See also 2013/0140(COD)
    See also 2013/0141(COD)

    3.10.03 Marketing and trade of agricultural products, in general
    3.10.06 Crop products in general, floriculture Plant health legislation Agro-genetics, GMOs
    3.10.11 Forestry policy
    3.70.01 Protection of natural resources: fauna, flora, nature, wildlife, countryside; biodiversity

  59. Merci à Greenpeace de leur combat sur tout les terrains de l’injustice. Arrêtons ce massacres. L’homme a besoin des abeilles

  60. Sehr geehrte Frau Merkel, 15.11.2013
    in Berlin vor Ihrer Türe machen wir es Ihnen vor.
    SpeiseGut ein kleines Landwirtschaftliches Unternehmen steht für transparente, ökologische, regional und faire Landwirtschaft. Wir versorgen Berliner Bürger mit gentechnikfreien Lebensmitteln. Wir arbeiten vor allem an einem Konzept was sich staatlich subventionslos trägt sowie aber eine stadtnahe Versorgung mit hochwertigen Lebensmitteln ermöglicht.
    Seit ein paar Jahren gehen die Menschen gemeinsam wieder auf die Straße, und zwar im Januar wo es kalt ist. „Wir haben es satt“ ertönt es laut vorm Kanzleramt. Jedes Jahr werden es mehr, es geht hier nicht nur darum, dass wir keine Agrarfabriken wollen, keine Gentechnik veränderte Pflanzen auf unseren Feldern sondern es geht vielmehr darum das wir gemeinsam Verantwortung zeigen wollen. Wenn so viele Menschen auf die Straße gehen kann man nicht von sogenannten „Pseudo – Gutmenschen“ sprechen, wie es Ihre Kollegin Frau Aigner getan hat.
    Des weiteren macht mich stutzig, dass es politische Veranstaltungen und Programme gibt. „Wertewochen Lebensmittel“ sie fanden dieses Jahr vom 25. September bis 06. Oktober 2013 statt. Hier durften wir ein Partner von vielen sein, die sich vor allem mit der Thematik Gentechnik kritisch auseinandersetzen. Eine weitere Kollegin von Ihnen Frau Staatssekretärin Sabine Toepfer – Kataw (die ich sehr schätzen) sitzt soweit ich weiß, in Ihren eigenen Reihen und hat diese Initiative ins Leben gerufen. Frau Toepfer- Kataw hat sich persönlich das Modell der solidarischen Landwirtschaft erklären lassen und wir glauben, dass sie es Verstanden hat das kleinbäuerliche Betriebe gefördert werden müssen, genau diese Betriebe die kein Gen- Mais Anbau brauchen.
    Am 10.10.2013 berichtete der Tagesspiegel, dass Gatower Bauern und Landwirte Spandau zur gentechnikfreien Zone machen wollen. Carsten Röding sagte: „Entweder, man kauft billig beim Discounter oder direkt beim Erzeuger“, lautet der Trend, den Carsten-Michael Röding (CDU), Spandaus Umweltstadtrat, ausgemacht hat. Das Projekt zeige, dass es in Berlin eine Landwirtschaft gibt, die regional, biologisch und frei von Gentechnik produziert, sagt der Kommunalpolitiker.“
    Am 09.11.2013 gründete sich das Aktionsbündnis Agrarwende Berlin Brandenburg. Ein Zusammenschluss aus 34 Verbänden aus Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und Natur. Vor allem die großen Bioverbände Naturland, Bioland und Demeter haben sich dem Bündnis mit angeschlossen um zu zeigen, dass wir gemeinsam für eine gute regionale, sauber und faire Landwirtschaft kämpfen wollen.
    Sehr geehrte Frau Merkel, wenn Sie es zulassen das Gentechnik veränderte Pflanzen auf deutschen Feldern stehen dürfen, dann fördern Sie genau die Landwirtschaft die wir in Deutschland und in der EU nicht brauchen. Vor allem große Betriebe werden mit dieser Entscheidung gefördert. Kleine bäuerliche Betriebe werden sich kein genmanipuliertes Saatgut kaufen, da sie die Gefahr meistens schon erkannt haben und das Saatgut zu teuer ist.
    Denken Sie bitte bei Ihrer Entscheidung an diejenigen die im Januar vor dem Kanzleramt stehen werden, denken Sie an die Kinder, die lernen sollen was noch gute und gesunde Lebensmittel sind und denken Sie bitte an die kleinbäuerlichen Betriebe in Deutschland aber auch die in Rumänien.
    Wenn Sie Beratungsbedarf benötigen, dann wenden Sie sich bitte an die Ökoverbände oder an das Aktionsbündnis Agrarwende Berlin – Brandenburg. Die sind bereit mit Ihnen Gespräche zu führen.
    Sein Sie dabei, zeigen Sie das eine gemeinsame Agrarwende möglich ist!
    Ich hoffe mein Brief wird Sie persönlich erreichen! Ich wünsche Ihnen alles Gute für diese wichtige Entscheidung.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Christian Heymann

  61. Organic has to be the way forward, please support organic growing and selling X

  62. I think food education for kids and youth should be a major priority for us. They are the future food producers, suppliers and consumers so they have to know were food comes from, who is producing it, and how, protecting the environment and animals.

  63. Ich bin immer noch enttäuscht von der “Debatte” EU-Parlament und unglücklich darüber, in welche Richtung die CAP nun steuert.

    Die Diskussion in der Bevölkerung über gute Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, stimmt mich aber positiv. Wir sind hier weiter als vor fünf Jahren.

    Daraus ergeben sich Möglichkeiten zum Handeln und umsetzten für alle, die es wollen, auch ohne eine stärkere Unterstützung durch die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik der EU. Groove on!

  64. The Humboldt study is nowt but humbug.. (that is where this figure of 17 billion euro over 5 years was conjured up from – an industry-funded, non-peer reviewed, economic desk study – it is not a scientific paper, just the usual psuedo-science smoke-and-mirrors tricks from the agro-chemical lobby. They are doing what the tobacco industry and the petrochemical industry tried to do before them in decades past… ).

    Pollination “services” by bees and other pollinators are worth more than 5 times more than that , being estimated at 15-22 billion euro per YEAR !

    So the choice is clear. In these next 2 critical months, will YOUR government be towing the agro-chemical industry line, or will it act in the best interest of the bees and ALL of us?! Tell your ministers – “Give bees a chance!”

  65. Very interesting overview of the reactions to the EP vote on CAP reform. However, to be really complete, you should have included also reactions from farmers representatives or professional associations. Civil society is not limited to NGOs.

  66. may be Crop rotation is a key point, but other concerns are on the table.

    Last 23-24 january Comagri has voted many amendments resulting of significant reduction on green layer already there in CAP since 2003. Comagri has killed significantly “Cross-compliance”, some standard for promoting green cover or standard for protecting wetland have been deleted. It is very bad signal.

    See message from Zoltan Massay-Kosubek

  67. Nothing more to say but ban, ban, ban. We can’t continue for the cause of ccd until this stuff is gone.

  68. Hi,
    my nm+ame is Francisco. I’m part of a youth organization in italy. We work with Slow Food and also with De-growth movement. We are trying to change the actual agriculture paradigms also. Is it possible that we can participate to the action that you are doing right now? If yoes, how?

  69. This is a huge political shift that opens the door to discussing accountability and governance in agricultural policy. Great story, Marek!

  70. Doesn’t it make you ashamed to admit you are British when Hague and Co make such harsh and indefensible statements. Who’s views does the Foreign office think it represents?

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  221. #FutureofCAP [Update] – Research4Committees
  222. Research for AGRI : News – March 2018 [2] – Research4Committees
  223. Research for AGRI : News – March 2018 [2] – Research4Committees
  224. A Breakthrough to Save Humanity – Cassandra Voices
  225. Texting Cows, AGTech & the Future of Farming in Germany | P2P Foundation
  226. Research for AGRI : News – April 2018 – Research4Committees
  227. Research for AGRI : News – April 2018 – Research4Committees
  228. We Are Fed Up – Food, Climate & Rights on Berlin’s Streets – geopavlos.com
  229. Ώρα να δουλέψουμε το Plan C για την Ελλάδα – geopavlos.com
  230. Drones & CAP Compliance – savvy surveying or surveillance state? | P2P Foundation
  231. Digital Revolution in Agriculture: Fitting for Agroecology? | P2P Foundation
  232. MFF post 2020 proposals: first reactions and analysis – Research4Committees
  233. Research for AGRI : News – May 2018 – Research4Committees
  234. Research for AGRI : News – May 2018 – Research4Committees
  235. Avanza la agenda internacional por la Agroecología. ¿Hacia donde vamos en Colombia? – Agricultura Familiar Colombia
  236. Democratising AgTech? Agriculture and the Digital Commons | Part 1 | P2P Foundation
  237. Research for AGRI : News – June 2018 – Research4Committees
  238. Research for AGRI : News – July 2018 – Research4Committees
  239. Improving soil quality could slow climate change, says study | Climate Change
  240. AgTechTakeback | Neither neoLuddism nor Corporate Ag – Towards a Holistic Agroecology | Apis Insights
  241. Research for AGRI : News – August/September 2018 – Research4Committees
  242. Research for AGRI : News – August/September 2018 – Research4Committees
  243. #AgTechTakeback - Neither Neoluddism nor Corporate Ag - Resilience
  244. Research for AGRI : News – October 2018 – Research4Committees
  245. Cultivating an Open-Data Mindset: the CAPSELLA Project | P2P Foundation
  246. #AgTechTakeback – Debate by ARC2020 and IATP | P2P Foundation
  247. #AgTechTakeback – Debate by ARC2020 and IATP – Healthy Happy Glucose
  248. AgTechTakeback | Neither neoLuddism nor Corporate Ag – Towards a Holistic Agroecology | P2P Foundation
  249. Research for AGRI : News – November 2018 – Research4Committees
  250. Research for AGRI : News – November 2018 – Research4Committees
  251. Research for AGRI : News – November 2018 – Research4Committees
  253. Research for AGRI : News- December 2018 – Research4Committees
  254. Research for AGRI : News- December 2018 – Research4Committees
  255. TACD.org
  256. Research for AGRI : News – December 2018 [2] – Research4Committees
  257. Research for AGRI : News – December 2018 [2] – Research4Committees
  258. Research for AGRI : News – December 2018 [2] – Research4Committees
  259. AgtechTakeback | Farm Technology Can Work For All | Apis Insights
  260. Symbiosis in Russia’s and Ukraine’s agricutural sectors by Natalia Mamonova - The ISS Blog on Global Development and Social Justice
  261. Olympic Seed Freedom Festival – Navdanya international
  262. Research for AGRI : News – February 2019 – Research4Committees
  263. Why national co-financing of CAP Pillar 1 payments is needed in the MFF – CAP Reform sandbox
  264. AgtechTakeback – Technical Sovereignty and L’Atelier Paysan’s Tooled up French Farmers | P2P Foundation
  265. AgtechTakeback – Technical Sovereignty and L’Atelier Paysan’s Tooled up French Farmers - Techno UK
  266. Agtech hackathons, Land Workers Alliance, and Via Campasina | Rapid Shift
  267. Research for AGRI : News – March 2019 – Research4Committees
  268. Research for AGRI : News – March 2019 – Research4Committees
  269. Forget smart cities (for a minute), we need to talk about smart farms – TNR
  270. Forget smart cities (for a minute), we need to talk about smart farms – TNR
  271. Forget smart cities (for a minute), we need to talk about smart farms - Uzalendo
  272. Forget smart cities (for a minute), we need to talk about smart farms - Uzalendo
  273. Rotz and Horgan: Milking data on the farm – Robotic Agriculture
  274. Rotz and Horgan: Milking data on the farm – Robotic Agriculture
  275. The future of agriculture lies in smart farming – Earth Ledger
  276. The future of agriculture lies in smart farming – Earth Ledger
  277. The digital farming revolution will cost workers their power, dignity, and possibly their jobs – readly.info
  278. The digital farming revolution will cost workers their power, dignity, and possibly their jobs – readly.info
  279. The digital farming revolution will cost workers their power, dignity, and possibly their jobs - Digfordollar
  280. The digital farming revolution will cost workers their power, dignity, and possibly their jobs - Digfordollar
  281. The digital farming revolution will cost workers their power, dignity, and possibly their jobs - 195News
  282. The digital farming revolution will cost workers their power, dignity, and possibly their jobs - 195News
  283. The digital farming revolution will label workers their energy, dignity, and likely their jobs - TMSS Magazine
  284. The digital farming revolution will label workers their energy, dignity, and likely their jobs - TMSS Magazine
  285. Forget Smart Cities (For a Minute), We Need to Talk About Smart Farms - The Future Is Pretty Rad
  286. Rooted Everyday Blog - Transhumance in Spain: A New Agreement
  287. Right-Wing Populism and Counter-Movements in Rural Europe by Natalia Mamonova - The ISS Blog on Global Development and Social Justice
  288. Research for AGRI: News June/July 2019 [1] – Research4Committees
  289. Photoshop Tutorial | Photoshop Composition | Realistic house in a glass tutorial | Nikkies Tutorials
  290. Три грешки, които да избягват страните в политиката за Smart Villages - Национална селска мрежа
  291. Research for AGRI: News July/August 2019 – Research4Committees
  292. Research for AGRI: News July/August 2019 – Research4Committees
  293. Agroforestry in the Amazon – Enjeux énergies et environnement
  294. Agroforestry in the Amazon | Eco Bio III Millennio
  295. Countering right-wing populism through food sovereignty and “solidarity from below”: an example from the Basque Country – Undisciplined Environments
  296. Agrossilvicultura na Amazônia | Blog Ambiental
  297. The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions – USA All Americans NEWS™
  298. The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions – Winestle News
  299. The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions | Small Business Minder
  300. The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions - NEWSPOT
  301. The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions - Diplomacy24.com
  302. The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions - Ideal Nepal
  303. The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions – The New York Times – Bee Bee Bu
  304. The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions | News for ThoughtPeople
  305. A New York Times MAGYARUL írt cikke – ÚJNÉPSZABADSÁG
  306. The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions | World News
  307. The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions - The New York Times | Multi News Media | Digital, Smart & Intelligent | | Multi News Media | Digital, Smart & Intelligent |
  308. The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions - The New York Times | Multi News Media Worldwide Inc. | Multi News Media Worldwide Inc.
  309. Corruption in the EU Agriculture Subsidizing System – Human Rights and Liberty Blog
  310. The Money Farmers: How Eastern Europe Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions - The State Online
  311. The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions - UpShed
  312. Oligarchák gazdagodása uniós jóváhagyással » FüHü
  314. Revenge Strategy, wasting the power of your hate on the guiltless (XXXVIII): European Union preventing GMOs injuries. – Eleonora Escalante Strategy Strategic Corporate Advisory
  315. Information package on the post 2020 CAP reform – Research4Committees
  316. Information package on the post 2020 CAP reform – Research4Committees
  317. People Doing Stuff: Case Study Collections
  318. People Doing Stuff: Case Study Collections
  319. Rural Dialogues | The Three Conditions of Rural Digitalisation Sustainability – TheCircularEconomy.com
  320. The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions | Pitchstone Waters
  321. Ruralization: Finding Frontiers for Rural Regeneration – Ruralization EU
  322. People Doing Stuff: Case Study Collections - John Thackara
  323. ELARD pone encima de la mesa el futuro de las áreas rurales en la agenda europea – ARA | Asociación para el desarrollo rural de Andalucía
  324. La agricultura ecológica al rescate de un sector en pie de guerra - Desinformémonos
  325. Syntropic Agroforestry Resources (in English) – Living Ground
  326. “Another World is Possible” – Mobilization Tour in Germany – Navdanya international
  327. Information package on the post 2020 CAP reform – Research4Committees
  328. Eurasia Review: The Subsidy Paradox: How EU Cash Props Up Populists – Analysis | FBI Reform
  329. Understanding, Resisting and Building Alternatives to Right-Wing Politics in the Countryside - Resilience
  330. Understanding, Resisting and Building Alternatives to Right-Wing Politics in the Countryside – Enjeux énergies et environnement
  331. Ecological Reflections on the corona virus – Jivad – The Vandana Shiva Blog
  332. One Planet, One Health – Connected through Biodiversity – Navdanya international
  333. Innovación social: una herramienta imprescindible para las zonas rurales marginadas – ARA | Asociación para el desarrollo rural de Andalucía
  334. European Green Deal in Zeiten von Corona (II)
  335. Ecological reflections on the coronavirus
  336. Click A Tree Project Introduction: Planting Trees In Ghana - Click A Tree
  337. Un solo pianeta, una sola salute – Connessi attraverso la biodiversità: – Navdanya international
  338. Lobby-News Spezial: Corona und Klima | LobbyControl
  339. ЕК отлага за след лятото стратегията "От фермата до трапезата“. Евродепутати призовават ЕК за по-целенасочени мерки и активиране на кри
  340. جامعه پس از کرونا: رویکردی جامعه شناختی - علی طایفی - اخبار روز - سايت سياسی خبری چپ
  341. Sven Giegold: Lobbyists are trying to water down a sustainable way out of the Corona crisis – Source
  342. Sven Giegold - Lobbyists are Trying to Water Down a Sustainable Way out of the Corona Crisis | Brave New Europe
  343. Une planète, une santé – Liés par la Biodiversité – Navdanya international
  344. Coronavirus crisis support for EU farmers | Vatcompany.net
  345. Стратегията на ЕК „От фермата до трапезата“ отново на дневен ред. Очаква се през месец май. - Национална селска мрежа
  347. Corporate Europe Observatory - Corona Lobby Watch | Brave New Europe
  348. La UE tiene como objetivo cerrar los 'bosques antiguos' en un nuevo plan de biodiversidad: - Es de Latino
  349. Ein Planet, Eine Gesundheit – Verbunden durch Biodiversität – Navdanya international
  350. Die „Farm to Fork“-Strategie | #loveyouEU
  351. Treasuring Ireland: Ireland’s Food Future | Climate Change
  352. Biodiversität diese Woche mehrfach Thema
  353. Fridays for Future Europe Calls for Transforming Agricultural Policy to Tackle the Climate Crisis - Times Famous
  354. The State of Irish Agriculture | Cassandra Voices
  355. Nibbles: Mexico CC, Europe CC, Andean CC, CSA, Seeds, GIAHS, China genebank, Maize domestication, Coffee history, Conservation book – AllIn.Africa
  356. EU Green Deal: Carbon Farming Not Compatible With Agroecology – CIDSE
  357. ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy: Striving for healthy and sustainable food | Vatcompany.net
  358. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments in favour of meat-eating debunked | Environment - cramzine
  359. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments in favour of meat-eating debunked | Johansen.se
  360. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked | Environment – Vegan simplicity
  361. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked | Environment - RIGHTLIVING HEALTH BLOG
  362. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked | Environment - My blog
  363. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked - Coronavirus Wire
  364. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked – Eco Investment Plans
  365. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked – Market Maker News
  366. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked – Money 'n Merica
  367. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked - OUTBREAK WIRE
  368. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked – The Pattern Investor
  369. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked – LaterCovid
  370. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked – KovaiFinance
  371. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked - The Weekly Investor
  372. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked – WealthyInvestorReport
  373. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked – Teach Investment
  374. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked - Trading With Politics
  375. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked – The Secret Market Report
  376. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked - The Political Playbooks
  377. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked – Daily DC Press
  378. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked – West Wing Wire
  379. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked - Investors Guide Club
  380. Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked - The Patriotic Info Wars
  381. Traducción automática del artículo publicado en The Guardian el 19-6-20 con el título: “Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked” – Crónica de un colapso anunciado
  382. Why You Should Go Animal-Free: 18 Arguments for Eating Meat Debunked | CNCL
  383. Home – Martin Häusling – finappa.xyz
  384. Feeding the world without destroying it: Part 2 -
  385. Public Money to Plunder the Planet: Development Banks Fund Big Meat and Dairy | Farming Bd .Com
  386. Public Money to Plunder the Planet: Development Banks Fund Big Meat and Dairy – Radio Free
  387. Public Money to Plunder the Planet: Development Banks Fund Big Meat and Dairy – Radio Free
  388. Public Money to Plunder the Planet: Development Banks Fund Big Meat and Dairy - Global Research - GEORIVISTA
  389. Public Money to Plunder the Planet: Development Banks Fund Big Meat and Dairy - Global Research - GEORIVISTA
  390. Public Money to Plunder the Planet: Development Banks Fund Big Meat and Dairy - Global Research - Media Matters America
  391. Public Money to Plunder the Planet: Development Banks Fund Big Meat and Dairy - Global Research - Media Matters America
  392. Public Money to Plunder the Planet: Development Banks Fund Big Meat and Dairy – Counter Information
  393. Public Money to Plunder the Planet: Development Banks Fund Big Meat and Dairy – Counter Information
  394. The Mercosur Trade Agreement: A lose-lose deal - Greens/EFA
  395. Dutch innovator designs unique toilet for cows | Darigold
  396. Europe’s Farm to Fork strategy must be nuanced to protect EU farmers
  397. Bayer uses climate as front to lock in control of data & sell more Roundup - Friends of the Earth
  398. Following $10 billion Roundup settlement, Bayer uses climate program as front to lock in control of farmer data and sell more Roundup - We The People
  399. Why we need to radically change the EU’s Common Agriculture Policy | Climate Change
  400. Why we need to radically change the EU’s Common Agriculture Policy | Climate Change
  401. Barrow – VermEcology
  402. Nibbles: Seeds4all, Seed keepers, African cattle book, Slavery & food podcast, Fonio cooking, Rabbit domestication – AllIn.Africa
  403. A final-ditch effort to avert greenwashing and capitulation to agribusiness  – EURACTIV.com | EUR-USD
  404. Nina Holland, Martin Pigeon, Hans van Scharen - Billions for CAP as an “extinction machine” – Farm to Fork Derailed | Brave New Europe
  405. CAP: A last-ditch effort to avert greenwashing and capitulation to agribusiness  – EURACTIV.com
  406. A last-ditch effort to avert greenwashing and capitulation to agribusiness  – EURACTIV.com — Nation-States Relations
  407. The EU Must Fight the Collapse of Biodiversity | taktik(z) GDI
  408. The EU Must Fight the Collapse of Biodiversity – Carnegie Europe | The DailyChín: 9 things every day to live smarter and trade better.
  409. Corrosive power relations, not farmers, are killing the planet - Irish Wildlife Trust
  410. Information Package for the Committee of Inquiry on the protection of animals during transport (ANIT) – Research4Committees
  411. Sin cambios drásticos, la PAC seguirá fomentando la pérdida de biodiversidad
  412. Weeds or green manure? – Roisin Markham
  413. ¿Una PAC con enfoque rural después de 2020? — ARA | Asociación para el desarrollo rural de Andalucía
  414. The Common Agricultural Policy: An Overview – EuropeNow
  415. New Report Shows Inconsistency Between CAP and Green Deal! - Greens/EFA
  416. Miért elhibázott az Európai Unió támogatási rendszere, és hogyan lehetne jobb? « Mérce
  417. A grassroots push to save vanishing birds and bees forces change on Germany’s farms - Food & Environment Reporting Network | Philanthropy Media Network
  418. Effects of Coronavirus on Agricultural Production - a First Approximation - Neev Media News
  419. Agricultural and Rural Convention - The Common Agriculture Policy and Sustainable Farming: A statement by scientists | Brave New Europe
  420. Fridays for Future Europe Calls for Transforming Agricultural Policy to Tackle the Climate Crisis – Collabor8 News
  421. EU-Naturschutzpolitik: Ein Jahresrück- und Ausblick
  422. Cartolina Postale – PAC 2027 – Angeli del suolo
  423. Sin cambios drásticos, la PAC seguirá fomentando la pérdida de biodiversidad. - FCQ
  424. Guest post: The Comprehensive Economic & Trade Agreement (CETA) and the Battle for the Future | Business & Human Rights in Ireland
  425. UK | Sustainable Wine’s Reign of Terroir - Resilience
  426. UK | Sustainable Wine’s Reign of Terroir - Resilience
  427. France | Lessons from Agricultural Archeology - Resilience
  428. Street Goat: A Blueprint for Urban Agroecology - Resilience
  429. Postcard – CAP 2027 – Angeli del suolo
  430. Una RBU para la sustentabilidad (1)
  431. Research for AGRI: News – January 2021 Issue 2 – Documents for information on the CAP & the agriculture – Research4Committees
  432. Research for AGRI: News – January 2021 Issue 2 – Documents for information on the CAP & the agriculture – Research4Committees
  433. The Nottingham Economic Recovery Consultation (Part One ) - Resilience
  434. What Is The Difference Between Organic, Regenerative And Natural Farming? – Sira
  435. Urban Food Revolution Gaining Ground In Bristol - Resilience
  436. Urban Food Revolution gewinnt in Bristol an Boden – Fiki2s.net
  437. UK | Urban Food Revolution Gaining Ground In Bristol  – Olduvai.ca
  438. Planning for Food Commons in a Post-COVID World - Resilience
  439. Planning for Food Commons in a Post-COVID World - Resilience
  440. Organic as a necessary term in the right hands. - Ro the Label
  441. Já ouviu falar em Agricultura Regenerativa? - Agroop Blog
  442. Comparing Organic, Agroecological and Regenerative Farming part 1 – Organic - Resilience
  443. Comparing Organic, Agroecological and Regenerative Farming part 1 – Organic – Olduvai.ca
  444. Comparing Organic, Agroecological and Regenerative Farming part 3 – Regenerative - Resilience
  445. Comparing Organic, Agroecological and Regenerative Farming part 3 – Regenerative - Resilience
  446. Regenerative Food and Farming: The Road Forward | TV Meio Ambiente
  447. ARTICLE | The new CAP and the digital transformation of agriculture – Desira
  448. Green Mission News – March, 2021 – Green Mission News
  449. Regenerative Agriculture part 2 | A Soils-First Farming & Food Policy - Resilience
  450. Regenerative Agriculture part 3 | Working With Nature, Not Suppressing It - Resilience
  451. CAP, European Green Deal and the Digital Transformation of Agriculture | Gianluca Brunori - Pisa Agricultural Economics
  452. CAP, European Green Deal and the Digital Transformation of Agriculture | Gianluca Brunori - Pisa Agricultural Economics
  453. Letter From The Farm | Three Years In: Realism And Planning For Utopia – Olduvai.ca
  454. Research for AGRI: News – March 2021 Issue 1 – Research4Committees
  455. Research for AGRI: News – March 2021 Issue 1 – Research4Committees
  456. Less Meat Less Heat-Animal Agriculture and Shifting Diets in the EU- a regulatory insight - Shot Caller
  457. Roots of Resilience: How CAP, Farm to Fork, and Land Policies can Support an Agroecological Transition in Europe - Resilience
  458. Sustainable agriculture and the “new CAP” – Legal & Policy pieces
  459. Sustainable agriculture and the “new CAP” – Legal & Policy pieces
  460. Letter From The Farm | Welcome To The Herdade - Resilience
  461. Brief von der Farm | Willkommen in der Herde – Fiki2s.net
  462. Letter From The Farm | Welcome To The Herdade - Atlanta Business Journal
  463. Victory! French Farmer Prevails in Highest Court Against Monsanto After Nearly 15 Years of Legal Battles | AltHealthWorks.com
  464. Arc: EU Not Doing its Sustainability Homework on Mercosur | Brave New Europe
  465. Beyond zero-waste restaurants: celebrate local yields – Waste is a failure of design
  466. A Soil Scientist’s Perspective – Carbon Farming, CO2 Certification & Carbon Sequestration in Soil - Resilience
  467. A Soil Scientist’s Perspective – Carbon Farming, CO2 Certification & Carbon Sequestration in Soil - Resilience
  468. Research for AGRI: News – April 2021 Issue 1 – Research4Committees
  469. Research for AGRI: News – April 2021 Issue 1 – Research4Committees
  470. Research for AGRI: News – April 2021 Issue 1 – Research4Committees
  471. Research for AGRI: News – April 2021 Issue 1 – Research4Committees
  472. Letter From The Farm | Rasputin The Ram & The Ethics Of Lamb For Easter Dinner - Resilience
  473. Letter From The Farm | Rasputin The Ram & The Ethics Of Lamb For Easter Dinner - Resilience
  474. Letter From The Farm | Rasputin The Ram & The Ethics Of Lamb For Easter Dinner | Slick Life
  475. Letter From The Farm | Rasputin The Ram & The Ethics Of Lamb For Easter Dinner | Slick Life
  476. “It’s More A Call To ‘Armies’ Than Arms” - Resilience
  477. Dutch innovator designs unique toilet for cows | Darigold Ingredients
  478. Kiüresítik a tájat az európai mezőgazdasági támogatások – Mit lehet tenni? – HírZilla
  479. Comparing Organic, Agroecological and Regenerative Farming part 1 – Organic - Atlanta Business Journal
  480. France | Building Rural Resilience From The Ground Up - Resilience
  481. Who Grew Your Clothes? Soil to Soil Textiles – Part 1 - Resilience
  482. Who Grew Your Clothes? Soil to Soil Textiles – Part 1 - Resilience
  483. Who Grew Your Clothes? Soil to Soil Textiles – Part 2 - Resilience
  484. Research for AGRI: News – May 2021 Issue 1 – Research4Committees
  485. Research for AGRI: News – May 2021 Issue 1 – Research4Committees
  486. Climate resilient dairy - an alternative for Irish farmers - Irish Wildlife Trust
  487. Climate resilient dairy - an alternative for Irish farmers - Irish Wildlife Trust
  488. Climate resilient dairy - an alternative for Irish farmers - Irish Wildlife Trust
  489. Climate resilient dairy - an alternative for Irish farmers - Irish Wildlife Trust
  490. Climate resilient dairy - an alternative for Irish farmers - Irish Wildlife Trust
  491. Why is EU farm policy so hard to change? - Greenpeace European Unit
  492. Why is EU farm policy so hard to change? - Greenpeace European Unit
  493. Pond Life Revives Hope for On-Farm Wildlife - Resilience
  494. 【特別寄稿】ウイルスはどこから?〜まず考えてみよう。 | 土屋訪問介護事業所
  495. Tasting Independence in Beaufortain - Resilience
  496. Research for AGRI: News – June 2021 Issue 1 – Research4Committees
  497. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? | Climate Change
  498. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? | Climate Change
  499. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? – Solar News
  500. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? - CLEAN ENERGY
  501. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? - CLEAN ENERGY
  502. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? – Solar News
  503. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? – Hanson Reviews
  504. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? – Hanson Reviews
  505. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? – My Blog
  506. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? | Business, Energy, Science and Technology News
  507. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? – Digital Books
  508. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? – Digital Books
  509. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? – Hanson Reviews
  510. Patrick's Rants - Agroforestry? It's the Bees Knees. - chapekh
  511. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? – CleanEnergy
  512. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? – My Blog
  513. Q&A: Will EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms help tackle climate change? – CleanEnergy
  514. Letter From The Farm | Welcome To The Burren - Resilience
  515. Bristol Bites Back | Fruits & Roots of Radical Resilience in South-West England - Resilience
  516. Por un mundo rural sustentable: aproximación histórica a la propuesta de una renta básica universal
  517. Rural Connections of Populism in Central and Eastern Europe – Undisciplined Environments
  518. Bristol Bites Back | Fruits & Roots of Radical Resilience in South-West England - Resilience
  519. Life lessons from beekeepers – stop mowing the lawn, don’t pave the driveway and get used to bugs in your salad – Rivers Forum
  520. Collective Farming, Community and Connection - Resilience
  521. Collective Farming, Community and Connection - Resilience
  522. Life lessons from beekeepers – stop mowing the lawn, don’t pave the driveway and get used to bugs in your salad
  523. Arıcılardan hayat dersleri – çimleri biçmeyi bırakın, garaj yolunu asfaltlamayın | Habere Güven
  524. Life lessons from beekeepers – stop mowing the lawn, don’t pave the driveway and get used to bugs in your salad : Bude and Beyond – Magazine
  525. Life lessons from beekeepers – stop mowing the lawn, don’t pave the driveway and get used to bugs in your salad – Philippine Canadian Inquirer
  526. Collective Farming, Community and Connection – Olduvai.ca
  527. Bristol Bites Back | Fruits & Roots of Radical Resilience in South-West England – Olduvai.ca
  528. Life Lessons From Beekeepers – Stop Mowing The Lawn, Don’t Pave The Driveway And Get Used To Bugs In Your Salad - Humanosity
  529. Freedom, Forgotten Places And The Future Of Farming - Resilience
  530. Research for AGRI: News – July/August 2021 Issue 1 – Research4Committees
  531. Research for AGRI: News – July/August 2021 Issue 1 – Research4Committees
  532. The Myth of Climate Smart Agriculture – Why Less Bad Isn’t Good - Resilience
  533. The Myth of Climate Smart Agriculture – Why Less Bad Isn’t Good – Olduvai.ca
  534. Rewilding in the Media #4 - Rewilding
  535. Carbon Starvation – A Crisis Of Our Time? - Resilience
  536. Carbon Starvation – A Crisis Of Our Time? - Resilience
  537. Carbon Starvation – A Crisis Of Our Time? – Olduvai.ca
  538. Farming Bounded By Our Biological Boundaries – Part 1 - Resilience
  539. ARTICLE | Ireland’s Our Rural Future – a rural digitisation gold standard? – Desira
  540. Farming Bounded By Our Biological Boundaries – Part 1 - Resilience
  541. Farming Bounded By Our Biological Boundaries – Part 2 - Resilience
  542. Farming Bounded By Our Biological Boundaries – Part 2 – Olduvai.ca
  543. تأثیر ویروس کرونا بر کشاورزی - تراکتوری
  544. ARC: EU Agroforestry and CAP – all Talk, no Trees - Brave New Europe
  545. ARC: EU Agroforestry and CAP – all Talk, no Trees - Brave New Europe
  546. ARC: EU Agroforestry and CAP – all Talk, no Trees - Brave New Europe
  547. ARC: EU Agroforestry and CAP – all Talk, no Trees - Brave New Europe
  548. ARC: EU Agroforestry and CAP – all Talk, no Trees - Brave New Europe
  549. ARC: EU Agroforestry and CAP – all Talk, no Trees - Brave New Europe
  550. ARC: EU Agroforestry and CAP – all Talk, no Trees - Brave New Europe
  551. Farming Bounded By Our Biological Boundaries – Part 2 - Resilience
  552. Seeds For Hope On Pellworm Island - Resilience
  553. Seeds For Hope On Pellworm Island - Resilience
  554. Seeds For Hope On Pellworm Island - Resilience
  555. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - News Bit
  556. مزارعو المستقبل في فرنسا هم أذكياء في عالم التكنولوجيا ، ويريدون عطلة نهاية الأسبوع – film news
  557. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - nativenewspost
  558. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - RajNewsExpress
  559. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - Fichier Mail
  560. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - Verve times
  561. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off | tnewst.com
  562. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Need Weekends Off - World Newz Info
  563. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - News Concerns
  564. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Need Weekends Off | DisneyNews.in 2021
  565. France's future farmers are tech-savvy and want a weekend off - Ali2day-News Of America
  566. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - Entrepreneur Almanac
  567. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - PaleTV
  568. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - USA Newspaper
  569. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off | 1 Business
  570. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - News Feed Hub
  571. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off – Blog
  572. De Franske Fremtidige Landmænd Er Tekniske Kyndige, Og Ønsker Weekender Fra – Mr.Today
  573. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - Futurist Journal
  574. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off – LaGuardia Airport: (LGA), New York, NY
  575. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - News Innings
  576. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off – Marimar
  577. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - Daily Igniter
  578. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Need Weekends Off - Times US
  579. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off – Anastasios Pallis
  580. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - MOD SOLUTIONS
  581. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off – John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), New York, NY
  582. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - New On News
  583. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The Real Preneur
  584. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - News.
  585. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Need Weekends Off - Wonderful Portal
  586. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - TechiLive.in
  587. France’s future farmers are tech-savvy and want a weekend off – Trends News
  588. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - MFORM Club News
  589. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off | The Hindu First: Breaking News, US News, World News and Videos,Breaking News, India News, Sports News and Live ...
  590. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off – News 100
  591. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The New York Times - Hoot n Holler
  592. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off – Cupids Health
  593. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - USA
  594. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off
  595. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off – Head Of Technology
  596. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - Biography, Technology, New Informational knowledge Related Original News
  597. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The Climate Disaster
  598. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - JoeBidenCares.com
  599. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The Budgets Fix
  600. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends OffThe Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The Smart Money
  601. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - US CLUB NEWS
  602. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - Tarmtroubles
  603. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The Fashion Pose
  604. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The Finance Aid
  605. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The Economic Aid
  606. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The World Explore
  607. L’agriculture française de demain: high-tech avec des weekends ‘off’ - The College Save
  608. L’agriculture française de demain: high-tech avec des weekends ‘off’ - The Mortgage Right
  609. L’agriculture française de demain: high-tech avec des weekends ‘off’ - The Banking Tech
  610. L’agriculture francaise de demain: high-tech avec des weekends ‘off’ - The Safe Savings
  611. L’agriculture française de demain: high-tech avec des weekends ‘off’ - The Smart Money
  612. Xavier Niel et Hectar: le pari d’une agriculture d’un nouveau genre - The Finance Aid
  613. Xavier Niel et Hectar: le pari d’une agriculture d’un nouveau genre - The Remote Bank
  614. Xavier Niel et Hectar: le pari d’une agriculture d’un nouveau genre - Agriculturalextension
  615. Xavier Niel et Hectar: le pari d’une agriculture d’un nouveau genre - The Deal Worth
  616. Xavier Niel et Hectar: le pari d’une agriculture d’un nouveau genre - The Mortgage Right
  617. Xavier Niel et Hectar: le pari d’une agriculture d’un nouveau genre - The Smart Money
  618. Xavier Niel et Hectar: le pari d’une agriculture d’un nouveau genre - The Safe Savings
  619. Xavier Niel et Hectar: le pari d’une agriculture d’un nouveau genre - The Budgets Fix
  620. Les futurs agriculteurs de France sont férus de technologie et veulent des week-ends libres - Pro Référencement
  621. A spoonful of sugar – EURACTIV.com - Insight Online New
  622. Les futurs agriculteurs de France sont férus de technologie et veulent des week-ends libres - Blog Voyage
  623. The Future Farmers of France are Tech Savvy, and want Weekends Off – TextileFuture
  624. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off – Step Water Rentals
  625. En Francia, los futuros agricultores son expertos en tecnologia y quieren los fines de semana libres - The Finance Aid
  626. En Francia, los futuros agricultores son expertos en tecnologia y quieren los fines de semana libres - The Remote Bank
  627. En Francia, los futuros agricultores son expertos en tecnologia y quieren los fines de semana libres - Agriculturalextension
  628. En Francia, los futuros agricultores son expertos en tecnologia y quieren los fines de semana libres - The Deal Worth
  629. En Francia, los futuros agricultores son expertos en tecnologia y quieren los fines de semana libres - The Budgets Fix
  630. En Francia, los futuros agricultores son expertos en tecnologia y quieren los fines de semana libres - The Mortgage Right
  631. En Francia, los futuros agricultores son expertos en tecnologia y quieren los fines de semana libres - The Safe Savings
  632. En Francia, los futuros agricultores son expertos en tecnologia y quieren los fines de semana libres - The Smart Money
  633. Camille Perrin, Nick Jacobs, Nina Holland - The EU finally has the makings of a sustainable food policy – why is it under attack? - Brave New Europe
  634. Camille Perrin, Nick Jacobs, Nina Holland - The EU finally has the makings of a sustainable food policy – why is it under attack? - Brave New Europe
  635. En Francia, los futuros agricultores son expertos en tecnología y quieren los fines de semana libres - Ojalá
  636. Choosing good food shouldn't be that complicated | Lifetime Fitness
  637. Opinion: We need to transform our agriculture for the better. Here’s some ways we can make that change. - Atlanta Business Journal
  638. Opinion: We need to transform our agriculture for the better. Here’s some ways we can make that change. - Atlanta Business Journal
  639. parinThe Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - Agriculturalextension
  640. parinThe Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The Deal Worth
  641. parinThe Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The Mortgage Right
  642. parinThe Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The Safe Savings
  643. parinThe Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The Budgets Fix
  644. parinThe Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The Smart Money
  645. parinThe Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The Finance Aid
  646. parinThe Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off - The Remote Bank
  647. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off | Shoppingfair
  648. En Francia, los futuros agricultores son expertos en tecnología y quieren los fines de semana libres - Info Rural
  649. Rural Resilience – All In Good Time - Resilience
  650. Rural Resilience – All In Good Time - Resilience
  651. Rural Resilience – All In Good Time - Resilience
  652. Street Goat? Street Goat. - Deceleration
  653. Farming Bounded By Our Biological Boundaries – Part 3 - Resilience
  654. The role of carbon on the farm - Vision Group for Sidmouth
  655. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off – goodnews4youonline
  656. Xavier Niel et Hectar: le pari d’une agriculture d’un nouveau genre - The Mortgage Right
  657. Xavier Niel et Hectar: le pari d’une agriculture d’un nouveau genre - The Budgets Fix
  658. Xavier Niel et Hectar: le pari d’une agriculture d’un nouveau genre - The Deal Worth
  659. Xavier Niel et Hectar: le pari d’une agriculture d’un nouveau genre - The Finance Aid
  660. Xavier Niel et Hectar: le pari d’une agriculture d’un nouveau genre - The Remote Bank
  661. Xavier Niel et Hectar: le pari d’une agriculture d’un nouveau genre - Agriculturalextension
  662. Farming Bounded By Our Biological Boundaries – Part 3 - Resilience
  663. Farming Bounded By Our Biological Boundaries – Part Four - Resilience
  664. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off | businessvlogg
  665. Xavier Niel et Hectar: le pari d’une agriculture d’un nouveau genre | businessvlogg
  666. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off | Media One
  667. Virtual barriers: unpacking the sustainability implications of online food spaces and the Yellowknife Farmers Market’s response to COVID-19 – Nutrition @ GCI
  668. Food Sovereignty, Climate Action and Local Resilience - Resilience
  669. Food Sovereignty, Climate Action and Local Resilience - Resilience
  670. Ambitious English rewilding project aims to give 20% of land ‘back to nature’ – ConsumersAdvisory.com
  671. Your views on ‘Where to now?’ for Clare and Ireland | Clare PPN
  672. Food+Tech Connect Farming For Carbon Credits, On-Demand Grocery Heats Up + More | Food+Tech Connect
  673. Showcasing Farmers’ Climate-Smart Actions at COP26 – Global Farmer Network
  674. Research for AGRI: News – Last quarter 2021 Issue 1 – Research4Committees
  675. Research for AGRI: News – Last quarter 2021 Issue 1 – Research4Committees
  676. Supply Chains No Longer Fit For Purpose - Resilience
  677. Starting off with a (C)BAM – EURACTIV.com - Insight Online News
  678. Starting off with a (C)BAM – EURACTIV.com - Consumersadvisory
  679. Starting off with a (C)BAM – EURACTIV.com - Brain Booster News
  680. EU | Fertilizers, Permanent Grasslands and EFAs – Brussels Briefing – TheCircularEconomy.com
  681. Oxford Real Farming Conference 2022 | New Dawn For Solidarity - Resilience
  682. Oxford Real Farming Conference 2022 | New Dawn For Solidarity - Resilience
  683. Food Sovereignty, Climate Action and Local Resilience – TheCircularEconomy.com
  684. Letter From The Farm | A Swiss Shepherdess In Bohemia - Resilience
  685. ARC - Ministers Move to Make Pesticide Reduction Targets Meaningless, New Reports Reveal - Brave New Europe
  686. More Food less Feed – Agriculture and the War on Ukraine - Resilience
  687. Guerra in Ucraina e prezzo del cibo: cosa succede davvero?
  688. More Food less Feed – Agriculture and the War on Ukraine - Atlanta Business Journal
  689. The Future Farmers of France Are Tech Savvy, and Want Weekends Off – Viltechy
  690. War in Ukraine – Food Fight in the EU - Resilience
  691. Stuart Meikle - Food, Feed and Fertilizer Crises | Ukraine - Brave New Europe
  692. War in Ukraine – Food Fight in the EU - Resilience
  693. ARC: EU Institutions – Productivity Now, Environment Maybe Later - Brave New Europe
  694. EU Institutions – Productivity Now, Environment Maybe Later - Resilience
  695. Hemp – Overgrowing the Regime part 1 - Resilience
  696. Cooking Up Fairer Food & Farming Part 2 - Resilience
  697. Cooking Up Fairer Food & Farming Part 2 - Resilience
  698. Syntropy and natural Succession explained ~ Syntropic Abundance Farming - Positive Change EMPOWERMENT
  699. Growing Vegetables, Seeding Values – Part 1 - Resilience
  700. Growing Vegetables, Seeding Values – Part 1 - Resilience
  701. How can syntropic farming benefit coffee production? – Coffee Lover | Amazon Affiliate Store
  702. Future Shocks 2022: Safeguarding EU and global food security | Epthinktank | European Parliament
  703. Ukraine | the Green Road of Ecovillages – Communities that Protect - Resilience
  704. France | Growing Vegetables, Seeding Values – Part 2 - Resilience
  705. Ein Planet, eine Gesundheit – Verbunden durch Biodiversität von Vandana Shiva
  706. Ask the Nutritionist: What does organic mean? – Healthy Food
  707. Rural Europe Takes Action | For Resilience and Peace – Political Action Now! - Resilience
  708. If not by sword then by plowshare: the ecological impacts of a war-induced food crisis – Ukraine War Environmental Consequences Working Group
  709. Rural Europe Takes Action | Much More Than Our Daily Bread - Resilience
  710. Lettre de la Commission Européenne : le plan wallon pour la future PAC est insuffisant face aux crises du climat et de la biodiversité - impaACTe.be
  711. Carbon Farming Certificates | Are They Scam?
  712. If not by sword then by plowshare: the ecological impacts of a war-induced food crisis - Ukraine War Environmental Consequences Working Group
  713. Denmark | Re-Scaling the Rural - Resilience
  714. Denmark | Re-Scaling the Rural - Resilience
  715. Strengthening the Authoritarian Turn? The EU Common Agricultural Policy's Impact on Czech and Hungarian Politics - Lefteast
  716. Food Security versus Sustainability in Europe during the war in Ukraine - Resilience
  717. Food Security versus Sustainability in Europe during the war in Ukraine - Resilience
  718. Food Security versus Sustainability in Europe during the war in Ukraine - Resilience
  719. Letter From The Farm | Learning from a Campesino Family in Cuba - Resilience
  720. The Grassroots Groups Shifting Ground on Land Justice - Resilience
  721. The Grassroots Groups Shifting Ground on Land Justice - Resilience
  722. Rural Europe Takes Action | Seeds of Collaboration - Resilience
  723. Rural Europe Takes Action | Creating Alternatives, Creating Community - Resilience
  724. Rural Europe Takes Action | Creating Alternatives, Creating Community - Resilience
  725. The Future Farmers Of France Are Tech Savvy, And Want Weekends Off - The New York Times - DigitalGyn.com
  726. Rural Europe Takes Action | CSA and the Building of a Food Commons - Resilience
  727. Food Security Communication - some key aspects - Talamh Beo
  728. Regenerative Agriculture part 1, Resources must be Replenished - Talamh Beo
  729. Meet The Farmer-Bakers Proving Their Skills - Resilience
  730. Agroecology #Regeneration #auspol #qldpol #ClimateAction #SDG13 #SDGs – Climate Action Australia
  731. Microplastics are in our fertilisers and soils, yet we know next to nothing about their environmental and health impacts - The Environmental Health
  732. Rural Europe Takes Action | The Sámi Environmental Programme - Resilience
  733. Little is known about the health impacts of the microplastics in our fertilizers and soils - Wishesda
  734. Little is known about the health impacts of the microplastics in our fertilizers and soils - Yours Bulletin
  735. Little is known about the health impacts of the microplastics in our fertilizers and soils - ChroniclesLive
  736. Little is known about the health impacts of the microplastics in our fertilizers and soils - insideheadline
  737. Little is known about the health impacts of the microplastics in our fertilizers and soils - Amanology
  738. Little is known about the health impacts of the microplastics in our fertilizers and soils - planetcirculate
  739. Little is known about the health impacts of the microplastics in our fertilizers and soils - galaxyconcerns
  740. Little is known about the health impacts of the microplastics in our fertilizers and soils - FastHeadline
  741. Microplastics are in our fertilisers and soils, yet we know next to nothing about their environmental and health impacts - Modern Sciences
  742. Little is known about the health impacts of the microplastics in our fertilizers and soils – Uromi Voice
  743. Идентифицирани потребности за изготвяне на Стратегическия план на новата ОСП – Становище на „Институт за агростратегии и иновации“ | AGRO J
  744. Life lessons from beekeepers – stop mowing the lawn, don’t pave the driveway and get used to bugs in your salad - Blog Honey Price Book
  745. Green Road of Ecovillages, Six Months into War - Resilience
  746. Latin America | Agroecology and the Solidarity Economy - Resilience
  747. Four Takeaways From our Rural Resilience Gathering in North West France - Resilience
  748. Four Takeaways From our Rural Resilience Gathering in North West France - Resilience
  749. A Psychological Theory of the Culture War – Revelover – HeresWhatIthink
  750. A Psychological Theory of the Culture War – Attack the System
  751. Cultivating The Future Together – ARC’s Rural Resilience Gathering in France - Resilience
  752. Letter From The Farm | Looking Beyond The Farm Gate - Resilience
  753. Letter From The Farm | Looking Beyond The Farm Gate - Resilience
  754. Letter From The Farm | Looking Beyond The Farm Gate - Resilience
  755. Rural Realities | Succession – Passing It (All) On To The Next Generation - Resilience
  756. Rural Realities | Succession – Passing It (All) On To The Next Generation - Resilience
  757. Réalités rurales | Succession – pour (tout) transmettre à la génération suivante - Espace-emplois.com
  758. [Publication] Information package on the post 2020 CAP reform – Research4Committees
  759. What does War in Ukraine Mean for Smallholder Farming? - Resilience
  760. What does War in Ukraine Mean for Smallholder Farming? - Resilience
  761. Agroecology, Diversification and Digitalisation on Hashimoto Family Farm - Resilience
  762. an Exhausted Model or a Sustainable One? -
  763. an Exhausted Model or a Sustainable One? -
  764. an Exhausted Model or a Sustainable One? -
  765. an Exhausted Model or a Sustainable One? -
  766. The Dutch Government Is About to Steal Farms Across the Netherlands
  767. The Dutch Government Is About to Steal Farms Across the Netherlands - United Push Back
  768. The Dutch Authorities Is About to Steal Farms Throughout the Netherlands | Think a better life
  769. The Dutch Government Is About to Steal Dutch Farms - Survivalist Pros
  770. The Dutch Government Is About to Steal Dutch Farms - Survivalist Briefing
  771. The Scotfree | The Dutch Government Is About to Steal Farms Across the Netherlands
  772. The Dutch Government Is About to Steal Farms Across the Netherlands - All View News
  773. Netherlands’ Land Grab: If there’s one thing bureaucrats like to do it’s to push people around but Dutch farmers aren’t having it – The Expose
  774. Netherlands’ Land Grab: If there’s one thing bureaucrats like to do it’s to push people around but Dutch farmers aren’t having it - Database International
  775. Netherlands’ Land Grab: If there’s one thing bureaucrats like to do it’s to push people around but Dutch farmers aren’t having it | FREE the WORDS
  776. Meet The Farmer-Bakers Proving Their Skills – part 2 - Resilience
  777. Netherlands’ Land Grab: If there’s one thing bureaucrats like to do it’s to push people around but Dutch farmers aren’t having it - All View News
  778. If there’s one thing bureaucrats like to do it’s to push people around but Dutch farmers aren’t having it – David Icke – RealReset
  779. Netherlands’ Land Grab: If there’s one thing bureaucrats like to do it’s to push people around but Dutch farmers aren’t having it – altnews.org
  780. The Dutch Government Is About to Steal Farms Across the Netherlands – Survival Stockpile
  781. Oxford Real Farming Conference 2023 | Sixteen Must-See Sessions - Resilience
  782. Oxford Real Farming Conference 2023 | Sixteen Must-See Sessions – Resilience – SADC AGRIBUSINESS MAGAZINE
  783. Il video della presentazione di Luca Filippi al Convegno "Re-scaling the rural" - Life AgriCOlture
  784. A-ction, R-esilience, C-ritical Mass – Hannes Lorenzen’s Letter to 2023 - Resilience
  785. A-ction, R-esilience, C-ritical Mass – Hannes Lorenzen’s Letter to 2023 - Resilience
  786. Why The Great Lakes States Produce The Best Fruits And Vegetables – Twin Lights Light House
  787. Czech CAP Strategic Plan – Redistributive Payments and the Counter-Productive Tension Between Small and Big - Resilience
  788. New ARC Report | Carbon Farming – Stakes, Issues and Alternatives - Resilience
  789. Regenerative Food and Farming: The Way Forward - Health Trend
  790. Is it OK to feed dogs cooked ground beef? Find Out Here – KeepingDog
  792. Post-Brexit Farm Policy – Where Do England’s Smallholdings and Horticulture Sector Stand? - Resilience
  793. Война в Украине: угроза всемирного голода и сокращение биоразнообразия планеты - Экология и право
  794. Carbon Farming in the world: news from the world for February - Carbon Farming Certification System
  795. Post-Brexit Farm Policy – Outlook Across Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales - resilience
  796. Post-Brexit Farm Policy – Outlook Across Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales - resilience
  797. Ruralisation: Finding Frontiers for Rural Regeneration - ACORN
  798. CAP post-2027: An Integrated Rural and Agricultural Policy - resilience
  799. CAP post-2027: An Integrated Rural and Agricultural Policy - resilience
  800. Can puppies eat raw ground beef? Let’s Explore – KeepingDog
  801. Bring something new - to whose table? - S Y N A P S I S
  803. Feeding Ourselves 2023 | Fertile Ground for System Change - resilience
  804. Feeding Ourselves 2023 | Fertile Ground for System Change - resilience
  805. Feeding Ourselves 2023 | Fertile Ground for System Change - resilience
  806. Sjálfbærni ráðstefna á Írlandi 2023 | Landlíf
  807. Europe dragging its toes on CRISPR deregulation evaluation. Right here’s how the method has been politicized - HEALTH PAP
  808. The Corporate Push for Synthetic Foods: False solutions that endanger our health and damage the planet – Navdanya international
  809. The launch of the Michael Dower Award for European Rural Resilience – LDnet
  810. Can the CAP and Carbon Farming Coexist? - resilience
  811. Can the CAP and Carbon Farming Coexist? - resilience
  812. Reconnect With Beans – Take Our Food Power Back - resilience
  813. Reconnect With Beans – Take Our Food Power Back - Neatherland News Today
  814. Rural Realities | Testing Grounds for Wellbeing - resilience
  815. Rural Realities | Testing Grounds for Wellbeing - resilience
  816. Rural Realities | Testing Grounds for Wellbeing - resilience
  817. Çiftlikten Mektup / Herdade’ye Hoş Geldiniz! - Yeryüzü Derneği
  818. This Week in Climate Solutions: Participatory video, bioacoustics, and circular rebuilding – Sunflower News blog
  819. ARC - CAP Strategic Plan Denmark: The Art of Bypassing Fairness - Brave New Europe
  820. ARC - CAP Strategic Plan Denmark: The Art of Bypassing Fairness - Brave New Europe
  821. Seminar on EU seed policy legislation in Brussels - LIVESEEDING
  822. CAP Environmental Derogations: What is the Impact on Food Security? - resilience
  823. CAP Environmental Derogations: What is the Impact on Food Security? - resilience
  824. EU-Renaturierungsgesetz: Spitz auf Knopf vor wichtiger Abstimmung
  825. Estonia’s urban-rural divide: Cracks at home become a chasm abroad - New Eastern Europe
  826. A ‘berry’ clamorous summer – EURACTIV.com - NET INFO
  827. Agrifood Brief: A ‘berry’ clamorous summer | Paradise News
  828. Agrifood Brief: A 'berry' clamorous summer - The Trader Spain
  829. Russia’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan - China Environment Net
  830. Leak EU-Gesetzesvorschlag: Aus für Neue Gentechnik-Kennzeichnung bei Lebensmitteln? - bild-de
  831. Agrifood Brief: On top of the world | Paradise News
  832. The Current Policy Landscape - Carbonica Excellence Hub
  833. Russia’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan – CHINA EVIRONMENT NET
  834. Evropska komisija bi sprostila omejitve glede gensko spremenjene prehrane - Slovenec
  835. Plants: EU: Open doors for genetic engineering - World Wealth News
  836. Nuovi Ogm, la Ue prepara la deregulation - Visione TV
  837. Europa quiere permitir los cultivos genéticamente modificados. ¿Cómo puede eso cambiar el mundo? - Teknomers Noticias
  838. CAP Strategic Plans: More Money, Less Accountability - resilience
  839. CAP Strategic Plans: More Money, Less Accountability - resilience
  840. CAP Strategic Plans: More Money, Less Accountability – Diverse Outlook
  841. Uniknuté dokumenty: Európska komisia chce nové GMO v potravinách | www.slovenskobezgmo.org
  842. Letter From The Farm | Restoring Nature, Improving Productivity - resilience
  843. Velik korak naprej – Evropski parlament podprl obravnavo uredbe o obnovi narave EU [SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST] – Umanotera
  844. Velik korak naprej – Evropski parlament podprl obravnavo uredbe o obnovi narave EU (sporočilo za javnost) - Plan B
  845. From Shrinking to Resilience – Lessons Learned at the Latvian Rural … – ARC2020 – EUROP INFO
  846. Our daily bread: sustainable food for all - Jesuit European Social Centre
  847. Nach dramatischem Ringen: Sieg über Populismus
  848. Environmental-Caused Deaths: Who is Counting, and Who Counts | Marmalade
  849. From Shrinking to Resilience – Lessons Learned at the Latvian Rural Parliamen - resilience
  850. From Shrinking to Resilience – Lessons Learned at the Latvian Rural Parliament - resilience
  851. France | Democratising Food Policy – Tweaking The Financial Toolbox - resilience
  852. France | Democratising Food Policy – Tweaking The Financial Toolbox - resilience
  853. The Green Road – building sustainability during war | Hopebuilding
  854. Ernährungsrat: The democratic potential of Food Policy Councils in Germany - resilience
  855. Benny Haerlin; New Genetic Engineering – Small Cause, Big Effect - Brave New Europe
  856. Feeding Ourselves 2023 – Building Bridges for Rural Resilience - resilience
  857. Feeding Ourselves 2023 – Building Bridges for Rural Resilience - resilience
  858. Feeding Ourselves 2023 – Building Bridges for Rural Resilience - resilience
  859. Critical Decline of Minerals & Nutrients in Agrichemical vs. 100% Organic Foods – VermEcology
  860. May prosperity for the farmers | Glassview Farm
  861. Old Varieties and Short Production Circuits to Rebuild “Rural Solidarities” - resilience
  862. ARC - EU Commission Proposes 10 Year Glyphosate Renewal - Brave New Europe
  863. The Importance of Sustainable Farming - THRIVE blog
  864. Letter From The Farm | Wandering In Quest Of Balance - resilience
  865. Letter From The Farm | Wandering In Quest Of Balance - resilience
  866. Food Security, Food Sovereignty, and Collective Action During the War in Ukraine - resilience
  867. Access to Land: Looking to Europe to Secure Local Farmland? Part 1 - resilience
  868. Europe’s Efforts to 'Restore Nature' Hit a Snag - Impakter
  869. CAP Social Conditionality: A Game Changer for Farm Workers? - resilience
  870. Nowe badanie ujawnia silny sprzeciw opinii publicznej wobec stosowania pestycydów w UE
  871. Neue Umfrage zeigt starken öffentlichen Widerstand gegen den Einsatz von Pestiziden in der EU - sofies-welt.de
  872. EU Fails to Deliver on Food System Transformation in Face of Environmental Collapse - resilience
  873. Rural Resilience | Diary from the Ground – Autumn 2023 - resilience
  874. The Policy Paradoxes of Underutilised Crops - resilience
  875. EU Commission to Renew Glyphosate for 10 years after Member States Fail to Reach Qualified Majority - Brave New Europe
  876. EU Commission to Renew Glyphosate for 10 years after Member States Fail to Reach Qualified Majority - Brave New Europe
  877. Rural Resilience | Diary from the Ground – Autumn 2023 - resilience
  878. Sabotaging EU Pesticide Reduction Law (SUR)
  879. [Publication] Information package on the post 2020 CAP reform – Research4Committees
  880. Actions for rural development for the following two years – Resolution of the 6th Latvian Rural Communities’ Parliament – Latvian Rural Forum
  881. Marburg Gathering | Building Bridges for Future-Proof Food Systems - resilience
  882. Marburg Gathering | Building Bridges for Future-Proof Food Systems - resilience
  883. Who will deliver the science and research for a sustainable food system? – Green Reporter
  884. Seeds of Europe: a documentary that tells us a lot
  885. Solidarität mit den Landwirtenfür Ernährungssicherheit und gentechnikfreien Anbau - dieBasis LV Bayern e.V.
  886. Waarom boeren in heel Europa de straat op gaan
  887. Des colonnes de tracteurs traversent l’Europe. Pourquoi les agriculteurs du monde entier descendent dans la rue - Teknomers Nouvelles
  888. Columns of tractors drive through Europe. Why farmers everywhere are taking to the streets - World News | TakeToNews
  889. Columnas de tractores recorren Europa. Por qué los agricultores de todo el mundo están saliendo a las calles - Teknomers Noticias
  890. is ground beef good for dogs
  891. Future-Proof Food Systems in Europe – A Call for Action - resilience
  892. What do Regenerative Farmers need exactly? - reNature
  893. Sur- analisi di un regolamento mancato  -
  894. Αρπαγή γεωργικής γης - Agro Time
  895. Sustainable Food Systems | Feeding Ourselves Across Europe - resilience
  896. Sustainable Food Systems | Feeding Ourselves Across Europe - resilience
  897. El 9 de junio y la influencia de los que deciden en la UE sin figurar en ninguna papeleta. Por Belén Balanyá/Olivier Hoedeman/Tom Kucharz – Noticias Altona
  898. Noticias y Actualidad • El 9 de junio y la influencia de los que deciden en la UE sin figurar en ninguna papeleta. Por Belén Balanyá/Olivier Ho – Pruebas Opositores-AMA
  899. Lessons for the “Green” Transition: Learning from Cooperatives in Yugoslavia · BG · berlinergazette.de · EN|DE
  900. Lessons for the “Green” Transition: Learning from Cooperatives in Yugoslavia · BG · berlinergazette.de · EN|DE
  901. Nibbles: China seeds, Dixie apples, USDA genebanks, ASU dates, IPR, IFG grapes, Pick-a-mix, Coffee ESG, French heirlooms, Belgian brewing, Tanzanian sorghum, Horse-bread, Roots & tubers, Guyana cassava, SDG indicators – Agricultural Biodiversit
  902. Nibbles: Wild potato, Pottery & food, Maltese, Denisse, Feeding Ourselves, Species concept – Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog
  903. ARC - Re-CAP: Breaking down the breakdown of the EU’s green farming measures - Brave New Europe
  904. ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy: Striving for healthy and sustainable food | Epthinktank | European Parliament
  905. Coronavirus crisis support for EU farmers | Epthinktank | European Parliament

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